1. What makes the man (Magician) request for a permission from M. A. Sheikho’s students to participate in their lectures?
2. It is mentioned in this story that, the Magician looks were so strange and surprised coupled with fear, as if he were afraid of something…! How did his appearance change from greatness and superiority to lowness and laxity?! After his long silence, his Face becomes darkened with enmity looks toward Mr. M. A. Sheikho with no success. Why was the Magician in that state of fear, tress and pains in the house of M A Sheikho…?
3. What advice did M. A. Sheikho give to his holy wife - Umu Fathee, when going to hide the needle?
4. Briefly explain the behaviour of the Holy Prophet’s Companion to the people in the countries where they went to open Islam there? Why did people enter into Islam in groups?
5. What did Mr. M. A. Sheikho, advice a man to do in order to become a pure believer?