Islamic Education for Youths by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Lesson Nine

Fortress of Palm Fiber

(Al-Masad Surah )

In the Name of God, the All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful

1- "Failing were the hands of Abu Lahab, and so was he" .

2- "His wealth has not availed him, nor his gains."

3- "He shall suffer a flaming fire (Hell)."

4- "And so shall his wife, carrier of firewood."

5- "In her neck, there was a rope of palm fiber."

The evils that we can be safe  from,  if we seek refuge  in our Provider and resort to our Creator  have been clarified  to us  in ‘An-Nas’ and ‘Al-Falaq’ Fortresses; we  have been acquainted with His Attributes  in ‘Al-Ikhlas’ Fortress, so that –  with such knowledge – we can attain an incentive which urges us to enter into His Presence, and a motive that drives us to resort to Him, now, in this noble Fortress, the Almighty God wanted to show us the necessity of resorting to Him and entering into His Presence. For this reason, He told  us the  results of shunning Him and described  the state of being  far  from God. He says:

Verse no. 1

28. "Failing were the hands of Abu Lahab, and so was he."

"Failing were the hands of one" so-and-so means that they were unable to achieve the deeds they intended to do.

"Abu Lahabis a man descended from Quraish. He was an uncle of the greatest Envoy (PBUH).

In pre-Islamic times, Abu Lahab was rich and  wealthy. He  used  to  lend people  money and to  get  interest and usury on this. When God sent His  messenger out with guidance and  the  right  religion,  Abu Lahab  felt  concerned  about  his  worldly  desires.  This  man stood  against  the  Messenger  (PBUH)  and  set  to  opposing  him,  thinking that  he  could repel what was right, or that he would be able to extinguish the Light of God. However, "Failing  were  the  hands  of Abu Lahab,  that  is,  he  fell short, and  was  unable to resist what was right, and his efforts came to nothing.

"…and so  was he: That is,  he was faced with full and perpetual defeat.  He could not refute  what  was right through his opposition, but on the contrary,  his attempts entailed shame and defeat for him in the worldly life. Indeed, his deeds also brought defeat upon him in the other abode. In this way, he became one of the people of fire who will abide therein forever.

So, the whole meaning of the statement "Failing were the hands of Abu Lahab…in short  is  that  Abu  Lahab  failed  to  drive  what  was  right  away  or  refute  it,  and  his opposition was useless and resulted nothing for him.

"…and so was he" , that is,  he has fully and eternally made himself perish.  He lost  his life here and the honour he would have got had if he became a Muslim, and he also lost his life in the Hereafter and the bliss he would have enjoyed therein.

Verse no. 2

29. "His wealth has not availed him, nor his gains."

that is, when Abu Lahab amassed whatever money he was able to amass, and once he had opposed what  he  wanted  to oppose,  his reason was  to protect  his  life  and  to continue enjoying the pursuit  of his desires.  However,  when God’s  Judgment came and  he  was found  to deserve  perdition,  his wealth did  not  save  him  or  help  him at all.  The  deeds which he did in his life and which were to be gains out of it, could not protect him from God’s Judgment. So it was that torment afflicted him and misery befell him forever and ever.

Verse no. 3

30. "He shall suffer a flaming fire."

"Suffer" : experience pain or difficulty.

"Fire" refers to a substance shining and burning. The meaning intended here by the word "Fire" is the evil that was mixed with the spirit of Abu Lahab, and the burning lusts and wickedness that grew therein.

"Flaming fire" means a great burning and blazing fire.

What we understand of the verse "He shall suffer a flaming fireis that the bad deeds which Abu Lahab did will be a flaming fire inside him at his death. The mean desires that arose in his spirit will burn him, and for him they will be an immaterial fire.

In such a case, his evil deeds will then become his fire and his torment. The vicious spirit of the opposer turns into their own immaterial fire which inflames and burns them.

Because of God’s Compassion, in order to treat his disease and his misery– which caused his spirit to experience such fire and painful torture –  He gives orders to throw him into the  Fire.  The  pain of  this  Fire  would  act  as  treatment  for  the  spiritual  fire  that  he  is feeling, and its burning would serve to reduce the spiritual burning he is suffering.

We seek refuge in God from the state of people of Fire, as they suffer two kinds of fire. God  says: "This  is  Jahannam  (the  fire  of  loss  and  evil  deeds)  which  the  criminals deny.  They  move  between  it  and  a  temporal  Fire  in  rotation.The  Holy  Qur‟an, Fortress 55, Ar-Rahman (The Mercy Giving), verse 43-44

Verse no. 4

31. "And so shall his wife, carrier of Firewood."

In this noble verse, there is a demonstration of the torment that will arise in the spirit of Abu-Lahab’s wife as well as what caused her such suffering.

God says: "And so shall his wife,…" that is, her spirit shall also be in hell at the hour of her death, and  like  her  husband’s state, the  malicious deeds  that she perpetrated during her life will turn into a fire burning inside her.

Then the  Almighty revealed  what  caused  that  to  happen to  her,  saying  "…carrier of Firewood" ; ―Firewood" is what comes from trees to be fuel for the fire, but ‘wood’ here is meant to refer to the deeds which this woman was carrying out. This specifically refers to  her  efforts to  turn people away from  God, and  her  instigation of efforts  to  inflame sedition against the Envoy (PBUH).

It  was  these  deeds,  this  instigation  and  this  sedition  which  were  the  wood  she  was carrying. This was what would ultimately draw those pains down upon her and put her in the same position as  her  husband, suffering what he suffered. Therefore, her spirit will completely become a flaming fire, causing her bitter torment and leading her to undergo everlasting Fire on Doomsday.

Verse no. 5

32. "In her neck, there was a cable of palm fiber."

The words "her neck" refer to the speech which passes through her neck, issuing from her spirit and chest and running down by her tongue.

The phrase "cable of palm fiber" aims to describe this connected and continuous speech as  well as  the  spiritual state  that  existed  inside  her,  specifically  her  intention and  her determination to cause harm, her full resolution to oppose the Envoy (PBUH).

Therefore, what we understand of the verse: "In her neck, there  was  a cable  of palm fiberis that evil words were emanating from her spirit, running along her tongue and continuing  like the  continuity of a  rope, and  that  these  words  were arising  from a  full intention and a firm determination inside her. They were like a well-knit rope which can hardly be cut.

If you,  human, do not get close to your Provider or truly seek refuge  in Him,  you will certainly and undoubtedly do what Abu Lahab and his wife did, you will fall into what they fell into.

God says: "Whoever does good, does it for himself..." The Holy Qur’an, Fortress 41, Fussilat (Explained), verse 46

He also says:"And whoever strives hard, strives for the good of his own spirit only. Surely Allah is Self-Sufficient, in absolute independence of all the worlds." The Holy Qur‟an, Fortress 29, Al-‟Ankabut (The Spider), verse