It's time to get the groove back by Adewale Adesoye - HTML preview

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lady that had been married for many years shared her problems with me. She told me that she had not had sex with her husband for months. The husband was always complaining of being too busy, too tired or was not around most times. He left for work very early in the morning during the weekdays and arrived back home very late when everyone would have been fast asleep. He always claimed to be having some left over work to do on Saturdays, and the family spent the ¾ of the day in church on Sundays. No time to connect together. She was so dejected and sad when she was sharing this story with me that she was already thinking of a divorce or an opportunity to cheat on him. Does this sound like your home or a home you know about?

Many marriages are in a state or decay, and many couples are just getting by. Marriages are just crumbling down due to lack of sex, lack of enough sex or lack of good sex. Someone once said, "I sometimes pray that I wake up in the morning and find my husband dead so that I can find myself another man. I don't get any affection or sex from this man anymore.” Why would someone think of death on her husband because of lack of affection and sex? Does this sound like you? Or someone you know? Honestly, you will be so surprised by how many people wish their spouses dead due to sexual dissatisfaction.

Statistics show that married men and women have sex on the average of 58 times a year, that’s a little more than once a week. Other statistics have also shown that 70% of married women are not having as much sex as they want and are not even satisfied even when they have it. If a man or woman is not having enough sex at home, he/she will be looking for it elsewhere. It is important for you to know that lack of sex, good sex, and enough sex in the home leads to frustration, which in turn leads to infidelity and then divorce. Pastors and highly respected men and women of God have found themselves in this ditch again and again. Anointing is not a substitute for sex, and it will never be. If you are not giving your partner good and enough sex, he or she will go elsewhere looking for it. Remember, I used the word, good and enough sex. Some people just do it like an obligation and don't even enjoy it anymore. The sex must be good, and it must be enough.

Some people don't even feel comfortable discussing sex with their spouses because they don't want him or her to think otherwise of them. I once heard of a woman who didn’t feel comfortable telling her husband to touch her on certain parts of her body when they are together or while having sex, with the fear of being tagged a nymphomaniac. Yet, she was never enjoying sex with him and was thinking of going back to the men she used to date before she got married. Some people think that it is a nymphomaniac or a promiscuous person that pays too much attention to sex and affection. That’s not true. No wonder we see many highly respected people end up in the wrong beds because many of them are not having it at home. By not talking about the problems a sexless or less sex couple might face, it will only destroy the marriage in the long run. It's time to take the bull by the horn and solve this silent killer.

Research estimates that at least 50% of married couples are having sexless marriages, one where there is little or no sexual intimacy or activity occurring between the two spouses. Most research has shown that couples who are reported to be having sex more frequently are indeed happier than those who don’t. Sex does great things for our souls and bodies. Our minds and emotions are excited and hence, we perform better.

Do you see a drift in your Marriage? Then you need to read this book and have things right back on track, the way God ordained it from the beginning. Over the years, statistics have confirmed again and again that couples that have sex every day or every other day are happier than those who don't, or those who have it once a week or lesser. Sex is a serious business, and it is a need, not want. I know what you might be thinking, "Is he asking us to have sex every single day? I can't stand that man/woman in me or on me every day, sex with him/her is boring, and I can't even be aroused." Many thoughts might be going through your mind but just relax and take your time to read this book, follow the steps and watch how things will take a new turn in your marriage.

A friend was in a large social gathering of couples and asked a very strange question to everyone in the room. He asked them how many times they had sex every week, to his surprise they felt so uncomfortable to give him an answer. I’m sure they would have been very comfortable if he had asked the question from the men separately and the women separately. He asked the question again and was so surprised that nobody felt comfortable to say a word. They just looked at themselves and kept sealed lips. Then he asked them how many of them have sex as much as four times a week and one vocal lady said, "That's too much, do you want to kill us?" I happen to know this woman’s husband, and I knew he was a super player, sleeping with lots of women. I am not necessarily saying that the husband was cheating because he and his wife were not having a daily sexual relationship; I am saying that there is a solution to having a better home and reduce the rate of adultery and divorce cases out there. Let's stop deceiving ourselves and start fixing things. Some of the solutions are right in this book. It's time to make our marriage work and get the groove back.

If you walk up to the streets and ask anyone what it takes to make a good marriage, everyone has something to say. Just ask a 16 or 18-year-old boy or girl what it takes to make a perfect marriage, and you will be surprised how much they claim they know about marriage and how to make a marriage work. I am not saying that an 18-year-old cannot make a better home than a 50-year-old, because age doesn't have anything to do with it. However, I am saying that everyone claims to know how to run a home and make a marriage work, yet many marriages are ending up in divorce, adultery, and pain. You need to be educated and equipped before you say, “I do,” and you need to be educated all through the marriage. The moment you get to the point where you say, “I know all about marriage, and I don’t need anybody to tell me anything,” that’s the beginning of your marital trouble. We must all learn and keep learning how to make our marriage work and become better. I am also learning more and more every day.

In most cases, everything has to be okay in the home before the couple can have sex. This book is going to address the common problems that have led to most divorce cases and help you have a happy home. Since I was a child, I had always been so angry when I heard about people going through divorce or people living in unhappy homes. It hurt me so much, and I was determined to find a cure for it. I have been doing surveys, extensive research and interviewing couples for over 10 years, and I have been able to discover some of the common problems and cures to this epidemic. I am not saying there are no other solutions aside those written in this book, but I can assure you that your home will surely get better if you just spend your quality time reading and following these pieces of advice. Just follow me patiently in this book and let’s get the groove back. Ride on with me and watch how things will gradually change in your marriage. Everyone I shared all the action steps in this book with, have come back to tell me that it worked.