Jesus Christ's Salvation – Biblical Teachings for Abundant Life by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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The urgency of this message

Since the extreme tribulation of the last days is drawing near, it is time to acknowledge our God, Jesus, as our only Teacher, Head and Lord of our spirits, as our only Saviour. We do not need any esteemed men or women to organize and teach us. We simply communicate with Jesus in prayers directly from our spirits, and with each other in Him. We will be organized and taught His Word by His works of compelling, instructing, training, counselling and disciplining our spirits. The elect need to become disciples of Jesus, and can no longer be disciples of men. Only if our human spirits go to the Spirit of Jesus in humbled honesty, will He purge all the church’s contradicting corruptions from our understanding of His Word, granting us the light of His wise, true, necessary teachings.

Then the Light of the World will live inside us (John 8:12), making us a light in this dark world, and no longer useless, cast out things, trampled under the feet of Satan’s unjust servants (Mat. 5:13-16).

Only Jesus can make us ready to endure the onslaught of prophesied tribulations coming in these last days. For only He can work His effective love through us, even by granting us His supernatural, spiritual gifts. Know that men have been striving to hide Jesus' teaching under darkness since the earth began. But we desperately need these genuine, pure, bright, living, loving teachings of the real God, which we can only learn from the real God, from the real Jesus. So this is the goal of this book, to be an instrument used in a way that prompts the spirits of God’s elect to return to Jesus in prayer, as His disciples, for the direct acquisition and confirmation of His real truth, all directly from Him.30

The Bible defines our religion, true Christianity, as faith in the real Jesus, the prophesied Christ or Messiah. Real Christians trust Jesus for all things. They do not place their faith in men who are all, without one exception, lying, cheating sinners. Nor do they place their faith in institutions created and ruled by men, who are all lying, cheating sinners. Ours is a belief that Jesus alone can save us. And God's Word declares that this Jesus the Christ is the one and only God incarnate. Since God is a Spirit, Jesus' Spirit is the whole God. Jesus is the one and only Creator God, whose name is Yahweh, dwelling in a body of human flesh among men. God, a Spirit, dwelt in Jesus' human body on earth, in the same way our created spirits (made in God's image) now dwell in our bodies of flesh. So we put our trust and confidence in Jesus as our one and only God, the Creator of literally all that exists.

As God, we believe Jesus now lives and has both the desire and power to reveal truths to men. We believe He does indeed reveal wisdom for life to His elect in our day, and will forever do so for all the elect who shall ever live. And our Lord will also teach, train and send some weak, mortal sinners to proclaim His truths to God's people. But Jesus never needs the help of these foolish, impure men He sends. For even the conviction in the human spirits of all who believe this real truth must come directly from Jesus before they can believe it. Then all must trust Jesus to be their only Head, their only and final authority in all matters of life and faith, before they can be trained to apply that truth. Even if Jesus does choose and send certain disciples to preach His real truth, Jesus Himself must work in the spirits of all the elect who hear these sent-out ones before those elect can possibly begin to believe that real truth. But Jesus truly wants all His people to know His truths, because He loves them and wills to save them from the destruction that sin causes. So Jesus freely gave us all the valuable truths in the Bible, all that His sent-out prophets and apostles wrote down in that book.

Then Jesus preserved all these words for us, keeping them intact throughout millenniums. And, throughout all time, Jesus lives to personally reveal the meaning of all these words to His people. Now the only thing we need is faith. Salvation is worked by faith, by trusting Him and His words.

The resurrection of Jesus, more than anything else, fulfils God's promise to save us. Because the flesh of Jesus died, our lifetime of sins in our flesh died in His flesh, together with His body. By this, the elect are made clean through their repentance into a knowledge of His truth. And, if we are made clean, then the Holy One may now enter inside. Because Jesus rose from the dead, in a body of flesh, God can dwell in our own bodies of flesh, which are now counted clean. For we now receive His Spirit in our bodies which have also risen with His body, just as our bodies vicariously died with His body. Now God can fulfil His New Covenant promise and guarantee to teach and cleanse our spirits.

Because Jesus ascended into heaven—where His body is still a human body, although transfigured into a heavenly human body made of a spiritual substance, just like the new bodies we shall receive after death—He can come to us in His Holy Spirit, which now justly enters our forgiven flesh, to be with our human spirits. Jesus' Spirit comes to us to do His work of teaching and training our spirits. So, through His resurrection, He is now fully accessible to each and every elect individual, and to all at once, all over the world, even while they still live in these unruly bodies of flesh. His counsel, comfort, healing and guidance reach inside us. All this is freely fully granted to us. First the death of Jesus' body opened the way for God our Father to justly draw near to His children, and enter their forgiven hearts, in a way where He cannot be accused of aiding and abetting their sins, since Jesus' death fully paid the justifying price for all their sins done through their flesh during all of their lives. Then His resurrection in His flesh made it possible for Him to personally and directly prepare each elect spirit for one’s home in heaven, and to personally be with each spirit throughout life on earth in flesh, and forever after the flesh dies. We were all sinners, prevented from seeing our hearts desires, because Satan’s world order stole them from us. So, if you desire to love in a just, pure way, you are an elect child of God and you must not dismiss Jesus' resurrection as a trivial matter, as so many do. Now you must grasp the promise fulfilled through that resurrection, so you might be taught by Jesus.

Every elect one who knows Jesus and is called to be a member of His church on earth, every elect one in whom the Holy Spirit of Jesus now dwells, knows these things in the spirit, “intuitively” and “instinctively.” They know Jesus can enter the heart, to teach and convict one's spirit. And they know Jesus can only do this because all their sins have indeed been forgiven. Many do not consciously know why or how their sins are forgiven, since the Gospel has not been preached to them. But their hearts know that somehow, in spite of themselves, they are “set apart” and “special,” though they can find nothing good in themselves to make them so. For, in reality, they are “set apart” because their spirits are born of God, and also because their spirits know that the price of their atonement, to restore their relationship with God, has been fully paid. And it is only because it was paid that God is now working inside them to teach and train their spirits. For their spirits clearly see that, whenever they sin, God’s Spirit withdraws from them, until they repent into the truth He has taught to their hearts. Even if they sin through the apathy of their flesh, by not doing what God calls their hearts to do, His Spirit withdraws from them. Many elect may not consciously, in their minds of flesh, know their inward feelings of guilt and emptiness are because God’s Spirit, which is really the Spirit of Jesus, has withdrawn. But the minds of all elect spirits definitely realize that sin separates them from their Creator God, and that the real God cannot possibly allow Himself to aid and abet any sin by remaining with a sinner while the sinner continues to sin. First a sin must be dealt with by the repentance of the elect spirit, by a turning away from sin into the truth God has taught to one’s heart. Only this eventually brings atonement, a restoration of the elect spirit’s right relationship with God. But, even so, every elect spirit knows it did not earn this atonement. All elect inwardly know that the full ransom price which makes atonement possible has already been paid. Those who do not know the Gospel may not know exactly who paid it, but they know it was indeed paid, somehow. For they realize they could never have their relationship restored otherwise. They all inwardly know that the only reason God’s Spirit draws close to their spirits again, after they sin, is because someone paid a great price. And their spirits also realize that this sacrifice somehow lives again, since it causes life to live in them again. All this inwardly confirms Jesus' death and resurrection, over and over again.

Yes, Jesus also sends some of His elect out into this world to do His works as His body on earth. He sends some older, spiritually mature and well-taught male disciples to proclaim the teachings of His kingdom. And He grants some of these men, as well as many other elect ones, a very real “authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction” (Mat. 10:1). For His power to do loving miracles for His people has never ceased, waned or become limited.31 But, to grant such gifts, His people must do them all “in Jesus' name” only, by His commands, through His power which He applies according to His will alone. No person is ever granted personal authority to teach, prophesy or perform miraculous works according to one's own will or in one's own name. One cannot cause miracles whenever one chooses to do so. No miracle can be done unless Jesus first commands it to be done, and unless Jesus actually does it with His own power. Salvation itself is supernatural, spiritual miracle, where Jesus redeems spirits elected by His own choice, by teaching and training those spirits through His own power and wisdom according to His own will. And, clearly, no human being has this kind of ability to save another human being. The same holds true with all spiritual gifts. Only God has the power to work them. Both spiritual gifts and salvation must be worked by Jesus, our God, all according to His will, and cannot be done anyone or anything else.

Everything comes from God, including the Word of God, the Bible. It was created as God moved the spirits of the prophets and apostles to write those words, although each one had to write the actual words through his own imperfect mind and body of flesh. And the most mature of God’s elect also were moved to recognize those words as originating from God. So they preserved them. Those words did not originate from the wills or thoughts in the minds of men. We can also give good reasons for believing that the words of the Bible were granted to men directly from God. And our reasons are far more rational and scientific than secular humanists can give for believing all their religious myths—their self-contradicting philosophies and so-called “scientific theories” of origins, which are entirely derived through blind faith alone, through irrational, unscientific speculations. But our Bible is committed to truth. Many of the prophets and apostles risked their lives to proclaim both physical and spiritual realities, and many were killed for this. This is why all archaeological evidence confirms and never opposes the historical information in the Bible. On the other hand, most secular humanists suppress truth and systematically lie to preserve pride, while calling themselves scientific.

For instance, a massive quantity of archaeological evidence has been found to confirm the biblical account of the arrival, acceptance and multiplication of Abraham’s descendants in Egypt, as well as their Exodus from Egypt, which destroyed the Egyptian economy, military and government in about 1450 BC (which is the 17th century BC, according to the errant timeline of secular Egyptology). Yet most archaeologists are secular humanists. So they insist on blocking this evidence with all kinds of self-contradicting nonsense, while silencing, ostracizing, ridiculing and suppressing all who attempt to reason with them. How “scientific” of them! Then secular humanists do the same regarding all the scientifically sound explanations of God's physical creation. Secular and theistic humanists invent myths and delusions through an emotional bias against God, and by irrational impulses of their flesh. They lie to guard their pride and lusts, and so they can denounce biblical teachings which prick their consciences, if they have any. But God's truth is verity, and its wisdom is able to work real good. It always proves to be sound and useful, including God’s words about His physical creation. Yet all we ever hear, in the media and in schools, are the ever-changing myths of humanists, or the doctrines of humanistic preachers. We keep an open mind. We censor nothing and allow a full, unbiased, honest exploration of His creation and the hearts of men. But when have secular humanist organizations and governments ever done that in all history? So “the [humanist] who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him” (Prov. 18:17, ESV). For secular humanists always loose debates when the fresh winds of God's real truth break through from the Bible, scientific facts and historical realities, when real truths are allowed to blow away the polluted fog of all their delusions.

Humanist try to nullify almost everything in the Bible through their irrational biases. They denounce all the historical passages and even say there was no real Israel or Exodus from Egypt.32 Yet the real archaeological evidence proves the Bible true. Then they say there was no creation by God. And, in our day, even the churches adopt their belligerent biases against God. But let me assure you that God created everything that exists, and His power now maintains all reality. Nothing exists apart from what He chose to create and nothing exists outside the control of His power. Man is small, dishonest, myopic, ignorant, arrogant, cruel and unable to war against the truth of God, not without destroying himself and those around him. So let man stand humbly before his God and all real truth from God.

Because God created all, God alone defined all that is true and real. He alone designated the most effective ways for all things to function, the ways that produce the greatest, long-term good. God alone is wise. So God alone is able to teach our hearts any effective wisdom. Therefore, if any claim to speak the truth and wisdom, but it is not God's truth and wisdom, or if anyone's way is not God's way, that pretence of truth and wisdom will invariably produce either very inferior results or outright destruction. All history proves man's ways are foolish, over and over again. In particular, the man- invented ways of secular humanists and humanistic churches have caused the greatest injustice and most horrifying evils in history, especially in recent history. Look at what pure humanists—Nazis, Communists and Capitalists—have done during the last century alone. So let our hearts look again to the real God of Israel, the God of the Bible, for real truth and wisdom necessary for life, not to man.

In our day, Jesus would say the same things to our Bible scholars, teachers and pastors that He said to the scribes (who were the Bible scholars and teachers of that day, and also functioned as judges, prosecutors and lawyers): “You have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter yourselves, and you hindered those who were entering” (Luke 11:52, ESV). For the Bible scholars, teachers and pastors of churches in our day are theistic humanists who actively promote the false doctrines and teachings of biased secular humanists more than the secular humanists do themselves. They work night and day in the churches to destroy the faith of the people, to nullify all God's truth.

Only one opinion is actually worth considering for all the choices we make in life. In the final analysis, only the opinion of Jesus, our God, possesses any real value. And Jesus still makes known His views regarding all critical matters of life and faith. In times past, He taught His truths and His wisdom to the spirits of certain men among the people of Israel. Then He moved their hearts to express those teachings through the faculties of their flesh, in writings, in the best ways their flesh could express those concepts received directly from God, in the Hebrew and Greek languages used by His people. God created the nation of Israel for this purpose, so they might hear His truths and proclaim them to the whole world, as His priesthood which He created to serve the world in His name. Then God caused these words to be preserved for all men, which is why they remain intact among us to this day. And now God's Spirit still reveals this very wisdom and these teachings to the spirits of His children. God's Spirit still teaches His ways to the hearts of men, a right understanding of His words which are also found in the Bible. His Spirit directly teaches our spirits all we need for a full, fruitful life. And, to the honest elect who have a Bible, He teaches more. Although the church has been utterly unfaithful, Jesus has always remained faithful to the humble ones among His true children everywhere on earth. And Jesus will still raise up some elect men to preach His Word in our day, even some elect souls to express His love through genuine prophecy and other miraculous gifts.