Jesus Christ's Salvation – Biblical Teachings for Abundant Life by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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How God works in us

Most elect children of God have not yet awakened to consciously realize, in their minds of flesh, that their own spirits exist, much less that Gods’ Spirit exists and created all that is real around them.

Most of the elect seem to know almost nothing about God-like love, who God really is, who Jesus really is, and what His Word teaches about a just, honest, pure and loving life. Yes, some elect hear a preacher claiming that Christ provides forgiveness, and that their sins died with Him on the cross.

Then some of their elect spirits see the real truth in this. It stirs their spirits. Some also may see this because even God's physical creation reveals it, because they see how plants and animals must die for us to live. But, ultimately, it is Christ's Spirit that confirms these truths to their spirits. In their hearts, He affirms that these are God's promises for the salvation of His beloved, chosen children.

Still, most preachers also mix many false teachings of men together with these truths. And Jesus' Holy Spirit never confirms those false teachings to the spirits of the elect. On the contrary, He warns their hearts that those parts of those teachings are wrong or deceptive. As a result, some of the more honest elect reject the whole message being preached, because they recognize the lies in the false preacher’s message. But other elect souls accept the whole message, lies and all, simply because they recognize and desire the few elements of truth within that message, while they suppress Christ’s warnings in their hearts about the lies in that message. But the elect seldom take the time to actually study God’s Word through honest prayers, to listen to what Jesus is telling their spirits in their hearts, and to seek the right application of His truth. So most elect either heed false teachers or reject all preaching about Jesus. They either live by a false faith or no faith. Those who detect hypocrisy and reject the mostly false messages of fake preachers may even end up hating all churches, and think Jesus is not real. This is especially true when they are personally harmed in some way by a false preacher or false church. On the other hand, other elect souls end up following a false preacher and swallowing every foolish lie he or she utters. Then they end up saying and doing evil, or just plain stupid things, in the name of Jesus and God the Father. So their evil and foolishness will effectively slander God’s good name. Either way, these lies destroy faith or simply waste the lives of the elect.

Most churches teach their people to accept their false words through the weak intellects and/or the strong emotions in their minds of flesh. They cause the elect to live according to the flesh alone, and not according to the spirit. The elect learn to trust in physical acts and spoken words, in mind games and intellectual baffle-gab. Sacraments or the “worship team” keep them thinking, in their minds of flesh, that they are good and acceptable to God. So this flesh-appealing preaching actually nullifies whatever truths a preacher may mix in with his lies. Then some non-elect, with spirits born of Satan, those who cannot receive love or truth confirmed by God in their hearts, also follow this false preaching too. But these are always more attracted to the false preaching, never to the elements of real truth mixed in with them. And the spirit of Satan “confirms” in their hearts that these lies are “true.” In the end, every church becomes a mix of elect and non-elect, with the non-elect rising to the highest and most prominent positions, because they can swallow any lies without a conscience.

Still, a greater percentage of elect are found in churches that proclaim more truth than lies. The number of true elect in a church is usually in direct proportion the amount of truth being preached, even if the preachers use the pagan Roman method of lecturing in their churches. For all elect hearts are inherently attracted to God's real truths. The Spirit of Jesus stirs their spirits whenever they hear real truths from God's Word. And all elect spirits have already gained some truths from Jesus before they enter a church, since He has been teaching and training their spirits throughout their lives. All elect begin to receive Christ’s salvation at birth. Since Jesus has already begun His principal saving work of teaching their spirits, and has made some progress, their spirits are drawn to words about His real truth and forgiveness. Unfortunately, most preachers are too busy creating their personally owned little kingdoms, and doing all things in their own names. Most refuse to work in the name of Jesus, or to build up the Kingdom of God on earth. They want their names everywhere; on church programs, business cards, books, lists of people who are esteemed and acclaimed by Satan’s world order, and so on. Thus, very little of Jesus' power or righteous is found in their man-made kingdoms.

Unless Jesus intervenes and changes many circumstances in our lives—to causes our spirits to heed His Spirit—our ignorant, infantile spirits will always be taken captive by our own self-serving, worldly minds of flesh, bound by deception, remaining unfaithful. Then, as Jesus begins to teach our spirits about God and His ways, our flesh will jealously guard against the desires of our spirits, to push out God and His ways. Yet Jesus cannot be deterred from teaching the spirits of the Father's elect children, and will do so from birth, often silently, often without our minds of flesh being aware of it until later in life, if ever. And Jesus is merciful. So He will discipline and awaken our elect spirits, to free us from the delusions of the world order and false churches. He will cause trouble for our flesh, which shall turn our spirits against the desires of our minds of flesh and steer us back into His truth. Then, if our spirits begin to awaken, our minds of flesh will become consciously aware of Jesus. Our minds of flesh will start to fear Him, knowing how Jesus can severely discipline or utterly destroy the flesh, if He so chooses. So our flesh more often submits to our spirits, while our spirits submit to Jesus. In this way, Jesus sanctifies the spirit, soul and flesh, the whole person—if that person does not resist the Holy Spirit for the sake of foolish, destructive affections for worldly liars. For all must learn to love Jesus and our Father more than anyone else, so we can truly love all others.

Still, the devil is also a diligent and hard worker, even obsessed with his work. Satan is a slave master that works like a slave, continuously, without a break, to maintain his kingdom of the world order through destruction, pain, futility, injustice and death. And his most faithful minions are the same, never needing much sleep or rest to clear their minds and focus, since the irrational folly the strive to achieve needs no clear thinking or insight. Since Satan and his minions desire to be gods, it does not really matter to them how rational, just or real the kingdoms they create and rule might be. They want to create their own delusional kingdoms, and do so without any help from any true and godly wisdom, even at all cost to others and to themselves—even though they are never able to make their irrational, self-contradictory and self-destructive delusions into any kind of effective reality.

Nothing that Satan and his minions of the world order will ever make can function justly or well for any length of time, even though they use and abuse God’s real creations to build these unrealistic kingdoms. Now, since all of God’s ways are wise, effective and beneficial for all, they are too much for Satan to compete with. So Satan must destroy God’s truth and wisdom before he even begins to steal God’s people and creations for himself, to use in building his delusional kingdoms. Thus, Satan usually starts building his institutions and governments of his world order by working against God and His elect. Satan and his minions offer the immature elect many things of the flesh, in the same way he first tempted Adam and Eve through the cravings of the body's appetites or lusts, through the desires of the body's eyes, and through the pride or status of earthly life in the body of flesh. Then Satan must silence or kill the mature elect, who reject such offers, before he can continue building his delusional kingdoms. Next, Satan deludes his minions with repetitive false reasoning to inundate their minds of flesh, and makes many empty promises for the gratification of their fleshy desires. As these delusions take many captive, true churches are silenced, while Satan establishes some false churches, owned by his world order, to prevent the immature elect from finding the whole of God's real truth. Satan quite effectively causes their minds of flesh to suppress their spirits' longing for God and His truth. Then the world order gradually destroys itself, as the light of God diminishes within it.

Even if elect spirits hear and respond with joy to elements of truth found in the words of a preacher, the preacher's false doctrines, invented by men, will also be heard by their eager minds of flesh. So those false doctrines will help their minds of flesh suppress their spirits. And this drives away all the initial inner joy their spirits realized when they first heard some of God's real truth. Their minds of flesh lead them ever deeper into false religion's darkness, into a delusional, fleshy “churchian” life.

The churches, through their minds of flesh, continually teach their people to follow man's diluted or outright false teachings, and to worship men. So the spirits of the people cannot worship or follow Jesus. For the teachings of men contradict Jesus' teaching, making it impossible to follow both Jesus and those men at the same time. And the immature elect are not able to exert spiritual self-control, the rule of their spirits over their minds of flesh. Under a church's constant bombardment of fleshy doctrines with false logic that appeals to the lusts, pride or emotions of the flesh, they have no time to let their spirits listen for the words of Jesus’ Holy Spirit. For church messages are promoted by music, eye candy, enticing programs and other things for the flesh every day, all day. So none have the time for private prayers to Jesus, straight from the spirit, to privately wait upon Him “in the prayer closet,” with the door shut to all the loud distractions of the world order (Mat. 6:6). None have the time to think about what they should ask Jesus about His Word and about life, nor the time to wait upon His answers. Nor can they heed Jesus Christ's Spirit when He convicts and stirs one's spirit to do His will, since that would interfere with their ambitions in the world order. Only direct communion with Jesus can help one's spirit grow in God-like love and joy, as Jesus teaches one right knowledge and wisdom. But the world teaches the elect to reject all of this. The way churches now operate through false faith in man and man's words, they suppress all faith in Jesus and His words.

We must remember the words of our God: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from [Yahweh]” (Jer. 17:5, ESV). This curse is directed against the religion of humanism more than any other religion, since the core doctrines of humanism teach men to worship man. Humanism instructs people to place their faith and trust in man alone, and to make man's flesh their strength. Now, since most churches preach a form of theistic humanism, this curse of God is against them. Faith in man's doctrines and man's power is the essence of false religion, and the religion of humanism is the purest form of faith in man and in man's strength. And surely almost all churches are now merely sects of theistic humanism. For they worship man as their principle god.

Yes, churches also claim to worship the God of the Bible, but a false version of God, a god invented in their own minds. And this heavenly god of a humanistic church is only their secondary god, since men are their primary gods. They never wait for Jesus' Holy Spirit to move their hearts towards the truth and into His right ways. Nor do they heed His words in fear, seeking God's own interpretation. Rather, each one trusts in oneself above all, and in other human beings, much more than the invented heavenly god of one’s own humanistic church. A human being creates all biblical interpretations, the traditions of men, which are merely lies designed to uphold the church’s man-made doctrines and laws, to keep the pastors well-fed and the worldly organizational structures intact. And this trust in man's strength, fleshy intellect, money, political power and numbers for all things of life and faith is a form of humanism, a religion that places all faith in man’s ability to determine his own destiny.

These humanistic churches gather masses of people as a show of strength, in protests or rallies to manipulate and coerce others, which is just a variation of the old Roman kind of rule by terror and the sword. What Jesus actually and truly wants does not matter to them at all. They take all matters into their own hands, and strive to gain all they desire through their stubborn strength of their flesh.

For our salvation, Jesus is teaching us to place all our faith, trust and confidence in Him and His words, to admit we have absolutely no power to affect our own beliefs, laws or destinies in any good way. First, we trust the Holy Spirit of Jesus to do His preliminary and preparatory works in our hearts, causing our infantile spirits to grow enough to be able to understand some of the value of His truths regarding life and love, so our hearts will begin to desire the real things of God. Until Christ's Spirit teaches us some basic truths and ways of God, we are not even able to discern between acts of loveless sin and true acts of loving righteousness. Without Jesus, we cannot know enough to choose the real truth from God, or to reject man's destructive delusions and lies. In fact, until our Lord Jesus decides to begin His work of teaching and training our spirits for salvation, we cannot even choose the real God as our God, but will choose false gods instead. So, if Jesus begins to awaken our spirits, we must place our faith in Jesus right from the start. For, if we go to humanistic churches and learn to resist Jesus’ Spirit, so we can place our faith in man, we will be led into a dark, futile, destruction.

Jesus is our God who leads us “in paths of righteousness for His name's sake,” to glorify all that He is, to glorify God-like love built on a foundation of pure truth, justice, honesty, compassion and joy.

And there is absolutely nothing to replace Jesus, nothing that can actually do this kind of work in us. Now the outer conscience, worked through the mind of flesh, may keep us from some sins. But this kind of conscience is built by the people around us, usually by people from the world order. And it uses “honour” and pride to coerce us into conforming to general demands and expectations of family and society. So the outer conscience, worked through the mind of flesh, follows the counsel, laws and ways of other human beings, and bows to social pressures. Therefore, the outer conscience is often wrong. Actually, it is usually mere superstition, an ignorant fear of things not real. For much of what the world calls sin is not what God calls sin, and much of what the world calls righteousness is not what God calls genuine righteousness. In fact, worldly cultures and worldly churches delude people into thinking some of the worst sinners are the best and most respectable people, and make us think they are the elite who deserve privilege, honour and obedience. So even psychopaths and the worst of Satan's children are able to rise to the highest positions in a society that is ruled by only by an outer conscience, based on man's laws, man's ways and man's threats. Consequently, God's elect children must never trust the outer conscience to guide them. Even when a culture, God willing, does actually uphold some wisdom that truly fulfils what God truly teaches, the right application of those principles cannot be made without the guidance of Jesus Christ's Holy Spirit for our spirits in our hearts. So what we really need is to walk according to God's truth granted to our spirits' minds, and act according to the inner consciences formed by Jesus, as He shapes our spirits' wills and minds.

When Jesus' Holy Spirit teaches and trains our spirits in our hearts, we begin to gain a true, deep understanding of the principles that He teaches to our spirits, and we begin to know how to rightly apply them. Then the voices of our spirits can send this knowledge of this truth down to our minds of flesh. And, after Jesus disciplines our flesh, our minds of flesh will learn to heed our spirits. This is how the inner conscience functions. Now, since Jesus builds up our inner consciences, functioning through the minds of our spirits, only elect spirits possess inner consciences, as the result of Jesus beginning His works of salvation in them, the works He shall complete on the final day. Jesus only works His salvation, and thus develops inner consciences, in His chosen ones, in the elect. The inner conscience is His conviction, through the minds of our spirits, to inwardly warn us about what is false or wrong, to cause us to seek His real truth, to cause us to meditate on His words as we turn our faith towards Him. Eventually, through this faith, we can piece together much real truth about loving righteousness, and our very hearts begin to hate sin, as we begin to see the ugly hidden roots and subtle causes of sin. Then, if we grow more mature in Christ, our inner consciences also prompt us to do what is good and pleasing to God, in real wisdom. We begin to do Jesus' works on earth, as His body. Our right words are spoken as Jesus' mouth on earth. Jesus’ power makes our deeds truly effective as we work them through real love. Thus, we become the salt and light of the dark world.

Without this inner conscience—created by the primary saving works of Christ, through His inner teachings—we could never see how God's forgiveness is actually necessary for the restoration of our broken relationship with Him. If Jesus did not teach our hearts, we would not understand that our forgiveness and atonement can only come through repentance. Without Jesus, our hearts could not even know what real repentance is, how it turns our spirits away from sin into a knowledge of God's real truth. For repentance must be granted by God (e.g., II Tim. 2:25). How could our ignorant and infantile spirits even know what is false and what is true, or what is sin and what is righteousness, so we can turn away from sin and lies, towards truth and righteousness, if Jesus did not first teach us such things? We could never begin to truly repent in the spirit, and receive genuine forgiveness with atonement, if Jesus had not already begun to save us through His primary saving work of teaching and training our spirits about God's truth. Yet we see elect spirits, throughout the world, instantly recognize some real truths when they hear them, even if they have never heard about the existence of the Bible or Jesus or the God of Israel. Therefore, we must conclude that Jesus has already begun to save all those spirits, even without the help of the churches existing throughout the world. And, since Jesus is God who cannot fail, Jesus will also complete their salvation, without man's help, in the end.

Our absolute faith in Jesus to save and complete the salvation of all His elect, all whom He chooses to save, annoys the fleshy pride of many so-called “Christians,” since they prefer to see themselves as “saviours” and “gods” ruling both the earthly and eternal destinies of other people. These false preachers want to be esteemed as though they remained in charge of the destinies of other human beings. They love the delusion that Jesus, the almighty God, depends on them to save souls. But most of these so-called “Christians” are not Christians, and they actually impede Jesus' works of true salvation. They are humanists, enemies of Jesus. They corrupt every elect one who enters their door. They teach the elect to silence the spirit, to utterly ignore the voice of the inner conscience worked by Jesus in the spirit. Instead, they teach all men to live by the mind of flesh and through the outer conscience. They teach “churchianity,” a form of theistic humanism practised by the mind of flesh. So the elect who attend their churches can no longer heed what Jesus tells their spirits. Instead, they learn to live by the lies and superstitions which the church teaches to their outer consciences. Thus, these elect need to be awakened in their spirits, to turn their faith away from man and towards Jesus.

Repentance involves the awakening of an elect spirit. It requires an opening of the spirit's eyes to God, to Jesus and His truth. It causes a change of intentions in our spirits, in response to the words of Jesus' Spirit to our spirits. Once the intentions of our spirits turn against lies, delusions and sins, through a knowledge of God's true will and in a new desire to do it, God forgives our sins. Then our relationship with Him is restored in a full and active way. When this happens, we walk away from the churches belonging to the world order. We begin to rely on Jesus for truth and all things in life.

So we turn away from relying on man. We gather together with people of real faith in Jesus, to seek His truth, with Him among us as our only Head Teacher. We study His Word and pray for His truth.

Clearly, Jesus Himself must teach us the deep knowledge of His ways, as well as how to rightly apply the principles He alone can teach us. Man has utterly failed us in his attempt to do so, and man will always fail. In finding right solutions, none but Jesus can teach us which principles apply and which principles do not apply, or which principles hold a higher priority in every decision. If we do not rightly apply His teachings in each particular situation, the unjust results can be very bad, even deadly. But how is He going to teach, train and guide us in all these things if we have no faith in Him? Can the infantile spirits of men teach us? No! We need to go directly to Jesus, for all of this.

The superstitions of the outer conscience, created by false churches, will make men afraid to do things like eat certain foods, or drink alcoholic beverages, or smoke tobacco. So they call what enters the mouth a sin, and oppose the teachings of our God Jesus (Mat. 15:11). Then some churches also demand that people partake in “sacraments,” or wear certain kinds of clothing, or do a host of other little things through the flesh. They invent rule upon rule, where all rules require acts of the flesh, or else forbid acts of the flesh. Then they call this a “spiritual” life, though it is entirely about the flesh and does absolutely nothing for the spirit. By placing their whole focus on things of the flesh, they destroy the works of God upon the spirits of the elect. When they place all their faith in their flesh to do fleshy things, they are being superstitious. So they are turning faith away from God. But anything not done from a spirit's real faith in God is actually a sin (e.g., Rom. 14:19-23). All those who walk according to the flesh, according to the outer conscience—by placing their faith in acts of the flesh and in works of man—are not placing faith in Jesus and His salvation. If they do all they do through faith in man, this is not faith in God. It is a sin that severs a relationship with Jesus.

Only false teachings focus on deeds of the flesh, which cannot affect the spirit. Some focus on the so-called “sin” of consuming certain substances, or they require fasting on certain days. And, yes, God's Old Covenant law also made commands and prohibitions like this. But all these, from God's old law, were symbols to remind us of God's spiritual works, and all these symbols are now replaced and fulfilled by Jesus and His Holy Spirit. For instance, God's old law required Israel to eat “clean” or kosher (“fit”) foods, but only as constant reminders that we are inwardly consecrated or set apart by God for His purposes (e.g., Lev. 11:44-45). Kosher food was a sign that God's people were not like other people. The foods taken into the body reminded us that we are inwardly sanctified by God, that is, in the spirit. But now His people are sanctified, in a truly inward way, each day by Jesus' Holy Spirit. Now we are granted a more holy food than the manna from heaven. Now Jesus is our bread of life. So we have no need for the symbolic kosher foods. Deeds of the flesh, commanded by God's old law, were never meant to be magic works to appease a Him and magically gain salvation. Worse yet, strictly man-made traditions, worked through the mind and body of flesh, through the outer conscience of flesh, for “magic” religious purposes, promote an evil faith in man and man's flesh, and destroy faith in God. No actions of their flesh, even those according to God's old law, are ever done spontaneously, straight from the heart, according to Christ's counsel granted directly to their spirits. So no acts of their flesh, except those resulting from true faith in Christ, are profitable.

If anyone begins to follow men and rely on acts of the flesh for salvation, any actions done primarily through the intellect and emotions originating from mind of flesh, then one is actually casting aside faith in Christ Jesus. Real faith can only originate from the spirit. So trusting one's own thoughts and actions of the flesh is a form of worshipping self and other human beings as gods. In the Bible, true worship is defined as esteeming, believing, emulating and serving the real God alone. And Jesus Himself told us that real worship can only be done in the human spirit and in real truth. So those who esteem oneself or other human beings more than the real God, or believe the words of men more than the words of the real God, or emulate other human beings more than Jesus, or serve the desires and purposes of men more than the desires and purposes of the real God, worship man, not God.

Anytime one does anything “religious” through the body and mind of flesh, to gain a reward from a god, practises a lie and false worship. Only our acts prompted by the commands of our spirits to our minds and bodies of flesh, in response to what Jesus is calling our hearts to do for our training, will be recognized by God as true righteousness done in genuine love. Only our spirits can do works through true faith in Jesus. For trying to save oneself is worshipping oneself. And trusting in others to save you is worshipping them. Only Jesus, our one and only God, can save us. So now let us all genuinely worship God “in spirit and in truth,” where God's truth declares that all truly good works result from true worship, as spontaneous acts initiated directly by one's spirit, as one's spirit is taught and stirred by Jesus to do those works. God causes all good works and all else to occur. God not only gives life, but makes the rain to fall and the sun to shine, keeps all living things alive, makes them to grow or causes them to shrivel, chooses to reveal or hide His truth, and takes away life. God does all things. There is absolutely nothing in life, death or after death that one can control. So worship God.

One can never worship the real God through the mind of flesh, nor through the delusions of vain men. One can only worship the real God through one's spirit and through God's real truth taught to one's spirit by the Holy Spirit of Jesus. Only Jesus Himself can work in us to fulfil the authoritative principle that we “shall have no other god before God.” And Jesus fulfils this command by causing us to make all our major decisions according to the teachings that He grants to our spirits in our hearts. First Jesus causes us to see reality for what it truly is. Then Jesus causes us to understand how it functions. Lastly, Jesus causes us to make decisions and judgements through our spirits according to whatever His Spirit has taught us, according to His Holy Spirit's counsel to our spirits. But, if we make final decisions according to what our minds of flesh think, or according to what other people think through their minds of flesh, we have abandoned Christ to serve sinful delusions. We have cast aside faith in Jesus. We have begun to make ourselves, and others, into gods ruling over God. And this is a sin of the first order, the worst of all sins—since it is the cause of all the other sins: idolatry, false religion, selfish ambition, defiance, murder, sexual immorality, theft, lies and covetousness.

One thing is certain. Throughout each day, you must make decisions and take actions. At times, you can afford the luxury of taking the time to pray, think and plan before you act, to seek Christ's counsel. You may even have time to ask for the input of other people who have been taught by Jesus Christ, to help you sort out and understand what Jesus is counselling your heart to do, or to help you overcome whatever is blocking your spirit from receiving the counsel of Jesus. At other times, you must act immediately through whatever Jesus puts upon your heart right then. So you must be ready for those times, prepared in the heart by the teaching and training of Jesus. Either way, the time comes when you must decide to do something, even if it means deciding to discuss the problem with Jesus. For it is a sin to do nothing at all, if you have the ability and means to act (e.g., James 4:17; John 3:14-18). And neglecting the works of Christ can end up being a greater sin than murder. For God gives all His elect at least some knowledge, means and opportunity to do some of His works.

So, if you do not express the love God puts in you, by doing the good Jesus calls your heart to do for others, according to His commands and the counsel He gives to your heart, no matter how small those works might be, it may allow great harm or death to occur, and may also slander God's name. For example, when Christians in Germa