Jesus, a novel by M. C. Ingraham - HTML preview

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D i s c i p l e s       II

Jesus   Instructs

Rarely were all twelve apostles with Jesus; several might be on assignment elsewhere.  To cities and villages, Jesus would send apostles and other disciples.  They would reconnoiter and arrange for speaking venues at synagogues.  The city elders and would be contacted and any Roman authorities would be notified of the prophet’s peaceful intentions, and they would announce to the people that the new prophet would soon be visiting them. 

At the decision of the prophet, apostles would remain behind in a village to provide baptism or instruction.  The women were not admiring wall flowers, but work horses.  Whatever occurred in the ministry applied equally to the women of Israel, and it was often effected by the women who traveled in the pilgrim band. 

Jesus was not immune to human limitations, he made mistakes and could be deceived.  One mistake he sometimes admitted to was in taking only twelve apostles, as the work load demanded twelve times twelve apostles. 

Jesus was teaching in the market in Hebron, and a poor young man had found Jesus in relatively available circumstances and waited patiently to speak with him.  Jesus turned to acknowledge the young man who spoke, “Good Master, I have done as you have asked.”

Jesus remembered the poor young man very well, but said nothing, allowing the young man to continue his story.

“Master, do you recall more than a year ago, you told me to sell all I owned, and then follow you.”  Jesus replied that he remembered, and the young man continued, “I have sold or given away everything, and my father has disowned me.  I even gave him the garments from my back as I walked away.  I seek now to be your disciple, will you instruct me?”  The poor young man was welcomed and quickly grew in holiness.  He informed Jesus of his name, which was Adah.{45}

Continuing north from Hebron to Bethany, Simon said to the master, “Master you are not the only one who knows the future.  When we enter Bethany, my relatives will be told of it by busy bodies, who will then approach me demanding that I repay a debt, or recount to me my failings, or tell me of their hardships as being my fault.”

Jesus looked quizzically at Simon and said, “Simon, why not ask your advocate to intercede on your behalf in these matters?”

Simon returned the quizzical look and said, “Master, I have no such advocate.”

Jesus said, “If that is true, then I do not wonder that you have such troubles.  But it is not true, do you not know that you were assigned a guardian-advocate at your birth and he helps you daily, and even more if asked.”

Simon’s expression indicated that he did not fully understand who this guardian was.  Jesus continued, “Simon, I speak of your angel who assists you.{46}  He beholds the Father continually, and is ready to make your case before the God of the universe, who is not too busy to generously attend to your smallest needs.  I will see that he resolves your family matters in Bethel.”

Simon could only say,  “...Thank you master.”

The pilgrims made slow progress traveling the roads.  Wherever a group of people was encountered Jesus stopped to teach of the New Covenant.  The disciples would scour the area, announcing that the new prophet was now speaking and desired their attendance.  The mission was to tell of the good news, that the Messiah was now in Israel and was seeking members for the new kingdom. 

The pilgrims would usually make camp outside of a village.  Jesus had continual offers of food and lodging.  He would often accept food for later consumption at camp, but he would not often accept lodging. 

It was in one such camp that Nahor awakened, sat up and looked for Jesus.  Dawn was perhaps three hours away and Jesus was on his knees in prayer.  Nahor observed him for some time, as were some of the others.  Jesus was sitting on his lower legs, with spine erect and arms bent and outstretched at about the level of his lower chest.  It looked comfortable enough.  His eyes were closed and his head tilted back slightly.  This was not the first time Nahor had seen Jesus pray in this fashion, it happened almost every night, although usually some distance away. 

With twenty or more people continually in his presence, everyone had a chance to see the prophet at prayer.  His mode of prayer was nothing new, but the disciples scrutinized it still, attempting to understand the difference between his prayer and theirs, which looked very similar. 

The noise level was low enough…but it could not last.  Someone knocked over a clay flask.  Jesus opened his eyes briefly, closed them again, but within a minute was on his feet.  He walked over to the small pile of sticks, took enough to rekindle the glowing coals and placed them on the fire.   

He spoke the blessing, “Blessed be God who gives us all goodness, blessed be this morning.”  There were no logs, rocks or stools to sit upon, and the ground was hard; speaking around the campfire involved standing around the campfire.  Jesus motioned to those awake to gather for instruction, and soon everyone was awake and assembled, standing around the fire.  

“Nahor, do you pray before rising?” Jesus asked.

“Yes master, but I am not sure that I know how.” replied Nahor.

“Proficiency in prayer is arrived at not by practice of prayer, but by practice of humility, patience, denial, and obedience.  Strive for the prayer of union by your acts during the day, by avoiding rudeness, rashness, hoarding, unchaste eyes.  Cultivate the virtues: praise of God, charity of thought, frugality at table.”  

“As for the prayer, devote all your faculties to God.  Your eyes closed so as to see God alone.  Your inner voice is usually chattering nonsense about the events and worries of the day, make your inner voice speak the name of God only.  Attend your ears to your inner voice, not the noise of the world.  You must direct all the instruments of your spirit to your Father in Heaven.  Your God will respond with an increase in peace and virtue for yourself, and for all you affect.  During the day, attend courageously to the trials of the day, and each night claim your victory in peace.”  

“Recall now what I have said before.  You will advance in prayer as you advance in soul.  To advance in prayer, do not so much study prayer, but study humility, reverence, joy and hope; patience, moderation and perfect chastity of mind and body.  All your efforts to raise your soul to God are in fact prayer.”

“During prayer when you direct your entire being to God, you will share in God by the degree you share in each of God’s virtues.  But be content to give and not take, the Father will assign you graces as he desires, to some prophecy and miracles, to others a burden of suffering to be conquered.  It is not your place to question God during your brief pilgrimage.  During your exile you are to make use of suffering to perfect your virtue.”

“I tell you truly, that the angels envy — if it were possible — the opportunity to grow by conquering trials of the body and of the soul.  The angels of Heaven retain their pristine virtue, but they have no knowledge of the highest love, sacrificial love.  Their former brothers have no knowledge of virtue at all.”

Jesus continued, “As to the prayer we speak of, make such prayer now, and do not be distressed if you find effort required and that you imperfectly arrive at peace.  Perfection of prayer requires first perfection of soul and spirit.  And remember that all forms of prayer are possible, if you discover that you are most proficient at praising God, then make this your prayer while you work toward perfecting the other.”

The group made their prayer as they could, but all felt relief to be on the road walking an hour later.  Walking north, the pilgrims circled Jerusalem and taught in the surrounding villages.  Bethlehem, Emmaus and Bethany were such outlying villages.  In Bethany Jesus visited his friend Lazarus.  Several days later they arrived in Jericho.  


In Jericho on this occasion, Andrew was on the receiving end of an order, comment, or teaching that made no immediate sense, as it was with so many of the master’s teachings.  Jesus said to him, “Andrew, go and instruct your citizen in proper conduct.”

Andrew replied, “Master, what citizen do you refer to.”

Jesus pointed to a man who was cursing to a shop keeper, about the Roman taxes and occupation, his in-laws, and a variety of other concerns.  He had been doing so for some time, and with a rather loud voice. 

Andrew continued, “Master I will do as you wish, but I do not know how he is ‘my citizen’, or how my advice will correct his behavior.”

Jesus was unmoved, which forced Andrew to finally move.  Andrew approached the man.  He stopped, made eye contact and said, “Good morning sir.  Your criticism of the Romans, your family, and most everything else is improper.  I respectfully ask you to stop such talk, and in such a loud voice.  The God of Israel is aware of all your complaints, and they are legitimate, but it is not our place to question his wisdom in giving such burdens to us.”

Andrew paused before saying more, but was not given the opportunity; the man rose, cursed Andrew, pushed him away and stared him down while adding “holy idiots” to his ongoing litany of complaints.

Andrew said, “Good day, good sir,” as he backed away, rejoining Jesus who rose and lead the men down the street.  Andrew asked if he should try again, but Jesus assured him that he had acted well, and that his “citizen” would in the end attain to proper conduct.  Andrew inquired again as to how the rude man was his citizen.

Jesus replied, “The children of light shall rule kingdoms of people in the age to come, and that man will be under your governorship, because you will save him with your prayers and your trails of faith.”

Jesus continued speaking, but louder and to all the disciples, “Friends, you have seen today, that words alone are not sufficient to instill faith.  Words are seeds that fall in the field of the soul, the field of good soil will produce an abundant harvest, but most are not prepared to receive the seed of faith.  Your prayer, sufferings, faith, hope, charity and perseverance will prepare many souls to receive faith and the conduct proper to it.”

“Many before you have done this work of preparation, and you will reap the harvest.  Do not think that it is from your words, or even your acts of remediation alone, that souls will be saved; give credit also to the many unseen persons of faith who will make your success possible.”

Jesus continued teaching in Jericho.  During this time, Jesus pointed down the street, and said to the disciples Anna and Mary, “Go into the home that has a jar in the window and assist me, for I am near death.”

The women left at once, walking quickly, and even running because of the urgency.  They found the house and entered.  A woman was alone, unconscious and burning with fever.  Mary asked aloud, “What can we do?”

Anna moistened a cloth with water and placed it on the woman’s face and said, “We must pray…in the way the master taught.”

The two began to pray, “Father in Heaven, hallowed is your name.  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as in Heaven.  Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and do not subject us to the final test, but deliver us from the Evil One.” 

The woman moaned and Anna lifted the cloth.  The face was not the woman’s, but that of the master! 

“Lord!” exclaimed Anna.  Mary said nothing.  The face became that of the woman again, her fever left her and she opened her eyes and looked briefly at the women before drifting off into a much needed sleep.  Nathaniel was outside calling to the women to return, as the group was leaving.

The women were not sure what to say, if anything about the event.  Later that day, Jesus thanked them for healing him saying, “You have my gratitude for healing my fever this morning.  It was indeed my body that you healed, we though many, are one body of the Messiah, and individually parts of one another.  Your prayers are powerful because of your participation in me, you offer no resistance to a deep indwelling of the most Holy Spirit.{47} Well done daughters of Abraham.”

Few days, or nights for that matter were free of unusual events, and of a great variety.  The pilgrims made camp outside of Jericho and purchased what was needed for an evening meal. 

After midnight a girl crept into camp and took inventory.  Next to the man sleeping face down was a large crust of little eaten bread.  The girl calculated her approach; she was in danger just being out at night, more so in the camp of men, and if they caught her in the act of stealing they would…she did not know…a scolding…a beating…worse.  The face down man breathed deeply, was he awakening?  She was now within arm’s length of the bread, and reached…Wham!  The man swung his arms in a semi circle and caught her legs.  Within seconds, she was on her rump, the man was on his feet with a foot on her wrist, and the rest of the camp was awake and forming around her, while a woman stoked the smoldering campfire into flame to better see the captive. 

No one spoke, but the man with the bread seemed to be in charge.  When all were assembled he said, “To my followers, I advise they offer two loaves of bread to the one who would steal a single loaf…but you girl, are a different matter.” 

The man took his time examining the girl and the situation, then finally pronounced her sentence.  “You will stay with us, and I will instruct you in the plunder of souls.”  With a glance, the man summoned some of the band, all of whom seemed to be at his call.  Two woman responded as the man spoke the words, “Suzanna...Mary, please see to our guest.” 

The girl was drafted into the corps…and had her bread.  She told her name, Junia and her story to the pair of women in camp and slept securely, wedged between the two.

Jesus had sent seventy-two disciples to all areas of Israel, and even beyond, six of these went to Alexandria in Egypt.  The seventy-two returned four weeks after the feast of booths as planned, and Jesus had arranged a festive meal and evening in celebration.  Overall the mission was an enormous success.  However there were some matters to discuss and better to do it now, and get them settled.  One man had died of fever over a day and a night, and another had made a bad decision that cost a man his life. 

Jesus called the group together and had each debrief the entire group, that all may benefit from their experience. Jesus then took Moriah aside and asked him to recount the fatal event near Bethsaida. 

Moriah told the master that they were experiencing great success in the Bethsaida area, and they were following their instructions to teach in the outlying area, while two others operated inside Bethsaida.  They were essentially circling the city going from village to village, some very small and no more than a few homes around a weak well.

It happened that a demon possessed woman had followed them for some time trying alternately to harm them, disrupt mission efforts, and seduce them.  Their prayer and goodwill had no apparent effect on her. When demanded that she tell her name the woman said, “We are called Legion, because there are a great many of us.” 

Moriah told the master that he then commanded the legion of demons to leave the woman.  Jesus had Moriah recount his words which were, “In the name of Jesus the prophet and Son of God, I command you to leave this woman and never return.”

The woman howled, fell to the ground and threw dirt on herself in pretended contrition and pleaded, “Please royal one, if we must leave, let us enter into that herd of swine near the lake.”

Moriah continued saying, “I allowed it, and at once the swine went into frenzy, attacking each other and their herders.  They ran in all directions, without purpose except to destroy whatever they encountered.  The males would assault the females, and the females would trample their own offspring.  Many ran to the lake ravenous with thirst, but they all drowned in their unthinking frenzy.” 

“Of the several swine herders, most were bitten, and one was trampled to death.  The people of the village came out with clubs and blades and killed many.  We were chased away by both the swine and the villagers.”

Jesus said, “You were tricked by Satan.  Do not allow him anything, whatever he asks for cannot be for good.  Never allow him the least compromise.”  Jesus continued to tell them that they were not blameworthy for the unforeseen acts of the Devil.

The two understood and told Jesus that they would be more careful in the future.


In Hebron, Jesus told the disciple Ram Noah to go door to door, blessing the occupants and begging for food.{48}   Ram told the master that Hebron was his hometown and everyone knew him, and their memory of him was one of a cynical man giving no attention to the superstition of faith or the Law; furthermore he was of high status before and could not bring himself to beg. 

Jesus answered in his usual cryptic manner, “Ram Noah if you do not do this you will retain your former stature, if you go blessing and begging you will lose it.  This is indeed a blow that will break your former stature and humiliate you, and it is necessary.  If you remain yourself, you may not become as I AM.  Think it over, you are free to do as you wish.  We will remain in Hebron until you have completed your task.”

Jesus was the master of holy coercion.

Like swallowing bitter water, it was best done as fast as possible.  Ram Noah put on his best face, and was committed to making it a productive exercise, he held his head straight and mustered new dignity for the task.  He had told Jesus that he proposed to beg at the first twelve houses on the street, and said that he knew them all to some degree.

Jesus approved the plan and told Ram to first devise an explanation for his new philosophy and mode of living, as they were sure to ask.  Between the two, they hammered out a short monologue to be delivered in the event of questioning.  Jesus said, “Who knows Ram, you may one day be required to speak your reasons to a thousand people…best that you begin practice now.”

The blessing and begging was a bit broken at the first two homes, but Ram was a quick study, and it went much better as he got into the spirit of things.  He was now at the door of a former drinking partner and his wife, as the door opened and before his neighbor could say anything, Ram started speaking, “Blessings of the God of Israel upon this house.  Good evening friend, may I ask a favor of your generosity.  I need a small bit to eat, anything you have will do.”

Keturah the wife said, “…It’s now follow the Nazarene.”

“Yes, it is true, this is not a joke; in fact this is an exercise to feed my stomach and break my self will.  I would be grateful for any scrap of food that you might spare.”

Husband and wife were now at the door to see their visitor and Keturah said, “Yes, of course, I will get something…or would you like to come in?”

“No, thank you.  I am expected back soon.”

Jotham asked, “Why have you done this?”

Ram Noah began to deliver his explanation, curtly and with purposeful sincerity, “I now follow the prophet because I seek to cultivate the life of my soul.  Israel, as you know is blessed with the laws of God, and is now given the Messiah, promised for centuries.”

Jotham observed Ram and said, “Is this your windfall from the Messiah — begging?” 

Ram Noah invited Jotham to speak to the Messiah himself, but the visit was concluded when the wife Keturah brought bread and olives.

Ram Noah thought that he would like to develop his small speech into a larger and more articulate theology.  That was the fifth home, and Ram had several items of food, more than he could carry and he had bundled them in his over tunic, which he carried.

He was feeling at ease, the burden of status to be maintained was gone.  He liked the feeling and was eager to finish off the row of homes.  At the moment however, his arms and tunic were full of food, and he at least had to unload everything before continuing.  

Jesus saw all this, waved and yelled, “We are leaving Ram, come quickly.”  The food was consumed in transit, and shared with another beggar.

In the days following, Simon approached Jesus and asked him, “Master, is the resurrection for all peoples or only for the Jews?”

Jesus said, “Simon, ask Mary of Magdala this question, she will speak the truth of it.”

Simon objected saying, “Master, would you have a woman teach me religion?”

“Simon, it is more important that you learn humility, gratitude, and detachment, and in asking Mary you will be learning all these things and have the answer to your question.  Do not fool yourself that she is an unschooled woman, she has learned much by first practicing humility, gratitude and detachment.  She is further advanced in holiness than you are Simon, so give her the respect that is due her, and in doing so you too will advance in soul.”

Simon fell back in the marching order and came alongside Mary of Magdala, made contact and spoke to her, “The master sends me to honor you, and to ask you a question.”

Mary said, “I am honored by your presence, what is your question sir?”

“Is the resurrection for the Jews only, or for all people?”

Mary replied, “The master spoke of this a few weeks ago you recall, when he was speaking to the Pharisee who believed in the resurrection.  The master said the resurrection foretold by the prophets would only be accomplished by the Messiah.  The master said that it would not be a matter of the Messiah commanding the resurrection of others, but of the Messiah himself being the resurrection.  I understand this to mean that all people who become Messiah will share in the resurrection.  The resurrection is now more a matter of Messiah, than the Law of the Jews.”

Simon said simply, “Thank you good woman.”

The prophet created many similar situations to both break and cultivate the wills of the disciples.  A life of seventy years would not be enough time to perfect the disciples, and visit all the children of Abraham.  Damascus, Alexandria, Antioch, even Rome had large populations of Jews.  Jesus thought it increasingly unlikely that he would be the Messiah of the temple.  He had known since the beginning that his own death was a possibility.  Some prophets met their ends in a stoning pit.  It all made training of the disciples that much more vital.

 Jesus taught and healed in the area of Sepphoris.  On the third day of the week, Jesus stood in front of the Synagogue and spoke to the people.  Among the people were two men and a woman.  The men looked to be officials, magistrates or lawyers perhaps.  All three were listening intently, but the woman appeared to be the most favorably impressed.  Jesus approached her and said, “Would you like to start over…this time differently?”

The woman was forming her answer.  It was upon her lips, but her companion put his hand to the chest of Jesus and said loudly, “You cannot take back what was given to me, as the gifts of God are irrevocable.” 

Jesus said, “This soul was not given to you, you stole it.”

“She gave me her soul of her own free will, in exchange for my favors.  This constitutes a covenant,” the lawyer proposed.

Jesus replied, “The covenant is not binding because she did not fully understand the terms of the covenant, you tricked her.”

“If that is so, then she is mine because I stole her...let her speak for herself.”

Jesus said, “Woman who is this man?”

The woman said, “A friend.”

Jesus grabbed the woman by her tunic and began to pull her away saying, “He is a false friend, he does not love you, he loves himself only.  I love you and I will see to your happiness.”

The lawyer seized the woman’s other shoulder and stopped her movement.

Jesus and the lawyer had equal shares of the woman, and were in stalemate.  The lawyer was seething.  Jesus was equally committed.

The lawyer sought the physical advantage and grabbed the woman’s hair and was making some headway in pulling her to him.  Jesus was now effectively pulling against her hair via her shoulder and arm, and changed tactics saying, “If you had the wisdom of Solomon, you would still not have her.”

The lawyer shouted for his aide, who pulled a short sword from under his outer coat and handed it to his master.  The aide now took hold of the woman and the lawyer raised the sword to strike through her middle. 

Jesus held firm.

The woman screamed, “NO!  NO!  STOP!” 

The lawyer checked, looked at Jesus and growled, “Do you give her to me whole, or do you take half.”

The woman resumed screaming.

Jesus clamped her mouth and said loudly, “This man is willing to give half of you to me.  He cannot fully love you.  But I love you.  I am Love, and I want you desperately.  Come now my love.  I will speak my Love to you.  Leave this man, and be mine.”

The woman scowled at the lawyer and said sternly, “Let me go!” 

The lawyer released his grip.  Jesus and the woman walked away together.

