Jesus, a novel by M. C. Ingraham - HTML preview

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G a l i l e e       I I

New   Covenant   Offered

Jesus had been on mission for two and a half years.  It was becoming increasingly apparent that he would not become Messiah of the Jerusalem temple.  He would likely have to make the New Covenant apart from Judaism and the temple.  He had the foundations, a following of the faithful and a core priesthood if necessary.  Jesus was reluctant to bypass the temple.  He was called to fulfill, not circumvent the existing faith.  Either way however, the Messiah must continue to build the new kingdom. 

Just three weeks ago, he had told the people to obey the orders of the priests because they sat on the ruling throne of Moses, then immediately insisted that their hypocritical actions be rejected.  Jesus suspected that many Pharisees, priests and scribes were favorably disposed toward him and the New Covenant.  However, until the High Priest confirmed Jesus as Messiah, all had to tow the official line.  Dissent in the all important matter of the Messiah would not be tolerated.  

In the absence of a Jewish king, the temple high priest was the deposit of power.  Pilate taxed the Jews, but the High Priest Caiaphas ruled the Jews.  Caiaphas had been chosen and appointed by the previous Roman Prefect.  He was also leader of the Great Sanhedrin.  It was Caiaphas who was priest, prophet and king. 

The Sanhedrin was hinting that they would like to have Jesus in their assembly — a fine way to silence him, and seize the New Covenant for their own purposes.  No, he alone had to be High Priest of the New Covenant; if not from the temple, then from the roads and villages of Israel. 

The Covenant of Moses was this: the God of Israel would be the God of all who kept the Law.  The New Covenant bound God to all who offered God their failings.  God — the Son of God — would join his children in humanity, take on their sin, and make it his own virtue, and in the process adopt them into his very person.  The humanity of the Son would allow him to enter into the drowning pool of sin, and rescue the victims.  The divinity of the Son would allow the divine adoption of those rescued, and entrance into the only possible refuge free of sin — God himself.


The split between the Mosaic and Messianic covenants was growing wider, and Jesus could not see any reconciliation forthcoming.  Temple priests and workers becoming his disciples were removed, and sometimes excommunicated; merchants and craftsmen were likewise shunned, people were losing business, jobs, homes and friends.  The best he could hope for from the Sanhedrin was tolerance from undercover supporters, who might delay the inevitable.  His influence was growing, and this would force a decision by the Sanhedrin, whatever it might be.

Most of the population was north of Jerusalem, and this area was also the most receptive to his invitation.  Jerusalem was ruled by the Sanhedrin and the temple, and most of the citizens were allied with these groups.  Jesus preferred to preach in Galilee.  In and around Jerusalem he met continual opposition, and not just of an academic sort.  Children of the priests and Pharisees had on occasion thrown dirt and stones.  They were delayed, denied and taxed for trivial reasons.  Pious persons would even follow the group reciting prayers of exorcism. 

Galilee was ruled by Herod Antipas, who had a latent religious bent.  He had enjoyed listening to the prophet John, and very much wanted to meet Jesus.  Herod gave the Messiah free access to all of Galilee, perhaps to restore himself to good standing with the people, after killing their prophet John.

The Romans had been observing Jesus nearly as long as the Sanhedrin.  Anyone able to draw crowds and influence them was of great interest to Pilate.  Judaea was the most troublesome province in the empire.  The 600 talent weights of gold levied each year, did not pay for the legion required to control it.  The entire province of Gaul required only three cohorts to maintain order. 

Three legions controlled the Roman providence of Syria.  Usually half a legion was located in Judaea, with the other half in reserve elsewhere in Syria.  The half in reserve might do double duty as an augmentation force for the eastern Parthian border.  Pilate answered to the Syrian governor in Antioch.

Every generation the Zealots attempted to oust the Roman occupiers.  It would usually happen that some semi-Messianic leader would experience a divine revelation, indicating that the time to strike was propitious.  They could usually assemble a local superiority and take a city.  The expected divine assistance never materialized however and the Zealots could not hold their gains against one or two Roman legions, who eventually showed. 

The conclusion was all too predictable.  The Romans besieging the city would break through and eliminate the now exposed Zealot sleeper cells.  They would be executed along with accessory, sympathetic, or innocent males aged fifteen to forty years.  As an act of clemency, the legion commander might release some prisoners.  Those paying a tribute to the commander were likely candidates for such reprieve.  Relative peace was then had for another generation.

Jesus had much to do.  He was increasingly committed to developing the apostles as the leaders of the New Covenant, but they were still far from being such leaders.  They had good hearts...but small hearts.  They needed to be crushed, stripped, purged, tried, weaned, and reconstituted.  They had to live the life that Jesus had lived in the caravans.  The prophet felt that there were not years remaining to train them. 

The disciples were often hesitant to ask questions, especially concerning spiritual matters.  It was the New Covenant, and the life of the spirit that they were being instructed in, so Jesus usually took the lead in proposing a question and explaining the answer.  One subject he spoke of with reluctance was the fall of humanity.  He did speak of the consequences and often, but not in a personal manner.  He did on one occasion tell the Pharisees that he had been present at the creation of man.

On this day the master had finished a discourse on good and evil.  Thomas approached Jesus and asked,  “Master, would you have the fallen angels back if it were possible?”  

Jesus was silent in thought, remembrance perhaps.  He then answered, “With all my heart, I do not seek the condemnation of anyone, neither humans nor angels.  My first creation was the “bearer of light”...he was beautiful, the image of the Father who is the light.  What depravity he has become.  I tell you solemnly Thomas, to this day it is not I who keeps him in Hell, but his own free will.  If only he would disown his sin, but he cannot.” 

Jesus was silent, but looked again at Thomas and continued the explanation.  “Thomas, all the angels were made in the image of the Father; like man they shared in all of God’s virtues, except his divinity.  They were independent free beings, and not God.  Nevertheless, their virtue was equal to God, it was the very image of God, and not less so.” 

“Because of the angels’ unobstructed knowledge, those who cast themselves off from God and his perfection, did so totally.  It was a decision of will only, and not tainted with temporary emotion.  They could not recover or even feel regret, because every virtue that had been dedicated to God, now served only themselves.  It was if the fallen angels were thieves who suffered their hands cut off, and now could not even lay hold of their hands to reattach them.  No one in their company could, or would help either.  Yes Thomas, they felt a certain sorrow, but only for themselves and their new predicament.  They could feel no sorrow for offending God.  I wish they had.”

“I pleaded with my child the Light Bearer, not to reject the sustaining virtue of humility, but he would not have it.  More than half of the angels were then aligned against the Father.  I told them of my own choice to submit to God as a man.  I told them of the fall which had not yet occurred, and which was not preordained.  Many returned because of my pleadings, but a full third were lost.”

“The sin of the angels was self will.  They wanted more, but they already had everything.  They wanted to be as God — I tell you that was planned.  They were given the highest perfection, any change could only be less than perfect.”

“To bring creation into being, the Father had to create from the only thing that was not him, and that was nothing.  In seeking life outside of perfection, the angels contacted their own essence, which was nothing.  Their sin started as they explored their nothingness, as if it were something additional they lacked.  The diminution of perfection they pondered did indeed create a new world of sorts, but as their judgment lacked, they made wrong and then evil choices.  If this was not enough horror, the Light Bearer then corrupted man and woman.” 

Jesus was breathing heavily but said, “Thomas, I have told you much, so now hear the rest.”

“Thomas, the Hell of the Devils is their own creation, neither I nor my Father, nor the most Holy Spirit created their world of corruption.  At the final judgment the Father will gather all goodness unto himself, and the demons will be left to their own corruption with no trace of any goodness — no law, no compassion, no cooperation, no pleasure or joy.”

“Thomas, do you realize that all of humanity likewise is condemned because of the sin of Adam.  Neither good persons, nor bad persons will escape.  Only those who live as me, as the body of the Messiah will escape; both the good and the sinners who come to me will find salvation.  I spoke before, saying that it was not a law of creation that the good attain Heaven, and the evil are consigned to Hell.  Hell will be the residue which evil doers cling to”{49}

 “Your salvation is I myself, my gift of accepting you into my own person.   Know this Thomas, I will spare no effort or suffering, I will storm Hell itself to find a repentant sinner if such a one exists.  I told you Thomas, if those condemned would cry in remorse, I would swim through the sea of fire to reach them.  I will pay the ransom demanded with my own blood and return with any of my children who call to me.  But those devoid of goodness cannot call out their repentance.  This repentance I speak of is correct action after the fact, yet even this is not within the will of those lost.”  

Jesus was flustered, he realized he was crying tears, and wiped them.  Before, even in anger the master had always been deliberate and in control.  Now he was distraught, his emotions seemed to be in control.  All of the disciples had gathered at once to hear the question of Thomas to the master, and they now awaited any further words the master wished to give. 

Jesus composed himself and said, “Children, I shall tell you of the story of the fall and of the redemption as it took place in the court of Heaven.  I want you to know it, and I want to say it to you now.” 

“The Father admired and loved the angels, they were his children.  The angels frolicked and sang, and second only to the light of God was Lucifer, the angel of light.  Then his name was honored.” 

“The Father assembled the entire court of Heaven, and told them of his magnificent plan.  He would make more angels, and these angels would make even more, and these new angels would be made of the dust of the earth.  The Father said, ‘We will call the new angels man and woman, and their souls will be fine like your own.’” 

“All in Heaven voiced their approval, and all wanted a part in the creation of the new earth angels.  To the first man and woman, was given Lucifer as their helper, and he served them well for many years.  He was their guardian and he loved the man and the woman.”

Jesus stopped, his face became deadpan as he recalled the advice that Lucifer gave to the woman.  All the disciples knew the thoughts of Jesus, and Peter finally said, “Master, why did he tell the woman to sin.”

Jesus recomposed himself and said, “I have little understanding of why he did it.”  Jesus paused to consider how to continue then said, “Here among men, an evil work may be described in detail, and all will understand what is being said, and why the evil was intended.  In Heaven it is not a matter of words spoken but the will of one heart being known to another’s heart, and one mind being known to another mind.  In Heaven also, there is no knowledge of both good and evil as there is on earth.”

Again, Jesus paused looking inward, then continued, “Lucifer kept his heart and mind secret, both before and after his deed simply because no other could read his heart or his mind, because evil is not understood.  Even if someone were to know his heart and mind, it would make no sense.  It would be as if a foreigner was speaking his tongue in another country.” 

“The Son of Man is burdened with observing the evil of the unrighteous here on earth.  He can estimate the means, and knows the outcome, and he observes the immediate motivation, but he has little understanding of the motive behind the motivation.” 

“The Light Bearer was a most excellent teacher and example to the man and the woman, and both had become the children of God’s heart.  Perhaps they had become too fine for Lucifer’s liking.  Perhaps he did not like the idea of the dirt man and the dirt woman, both drawn from the dung of the earth...that is what he screams now.” {50}

“Friends, I do not know.  To this day he will not speak the truth of it.  I fear that the Father’s plan for a man Messiah was not to his liking.  Perhaps he desired to be Messiah himself...he could have been Messiah equal to the Son of Man.  The Son of Man does not claim exclusive rights as Messiah, indeed he wants all to be so.”

“The Father had plans for his family.  Once they were raised to maturity, your God wanted to invite all his children to live in the secret court of his heart.  The Father wanted to make communion with his children for their joy, and for his joy.  I told you that the fallen angels wanted more than God’s virtues, I tell you this was planned by the Father.  Friends, the life of the world that you see now, was not so much produced by the fall of man, rather it proceeds in spite of the fall of man.  God’s most precious design for communion with man proceeds still.”

“The end for which God produced humanity, was nothing less than that man should share in the very divine life of his God.  Your Father watched with the joy of a child as he saw his own children being raised to maturity by their guardians.  Just as he once nurtured these guardian angels himself.  How his heart was shattered at the downfall of man and woman.  How he is still anguished.” 

“Yet your God has hope.  I tell you that God’s plan for divine union with man and woman will go forward as planned from all eternity.  But how will sinful humanity attain communion with God?  Such a task would require a Messiah, unlike any imagined.” 

“Let us continue.  Before the fall, Lucifer had virtues equal to the Son of Man, the only thing he lacked was divine status.  You know him only as a demon.  But in his maturity, I loved him as a brother.  In the communion that was to be offered, he would have shared in the Divine nature.  It was for this destiny that all God’s children were created.”{51}

“Perhaps the evil that Lucifer dwelled upon corrupted his logic.  If Lucifer could snare the man and woman, and the other angels by evil, he would be cast out of the kingdom — but also take creation with him.  Perhaps he was willing to do this.” 

“He did not foresee the redemption, in which what he stole would be taken from him.  He did not foresee that all goodness, which he had abandoned, would be reclaimed by the Father, leaving behind only Hell.  The goodness that he thought he thieved was held in his hand, but not his heart, and in the end all goodness would find its home in Heaven, leaving him with nothing.{52}   Whatever his plan was, it was unworkable.”

“Friends, let us speak no more of evil, but of love.  Help me in the redemption, make acts of selflessness.  In doing so, you will draw closer to the Father and his providence.  You are in better safety when you act selflessly within the Father, than if you were surrounded by a legion of soldiers.  Therefore have no fear of the evil of each day, and do not worry of what tomorrow may bring.  If your pilgrimage on earth ends unexpectedly, why be saddened.  If you live your days as Messiah, redeeming souls by acts of faith and virtue you shall not even lose your life, but effortlessly continue it in paradise.”

Everyone was exhausted in spirit after the discussion of the fall.  Jesus, and all the disciples needed some time alone, and the prophet lead the pilgrims to the next village.  Everybody sorted out the lesson as they walked.

Travelers could stay in unused fields near the road in many villages.  These public fields were marked by fire pits and other such utilities built by those using them.  The land might belong to the king, the village, the synagogue, or an individual.  These public fields were not taxed, so it was attractive for an owner to allow a marginally profitable field to be used in this way.  Public fields were often located a few miles outside of villages, or between villages, this kept nighttime strangers to a minimum in the villages sponsoring the fields.  The ownership arrangement also allowed the owner, or more usually the village elders to evict any unwanted field guests.  The police force enforcing such a decision were the villagers themselves if it came to that.  

The village of Baca, where the pilgrims were to spend the night, had two wells and two night corrals, one walled of stone for sheep and goats, and a second taller one made of wood slats for larger cattle and camels.  The fenced corral also had stakes to tie down the aggressive bulls, or the cows in estrus, both of whom would try to wander away.  The sheep and goat corral held the one or two that were owned by each family for wool, milk and meat.  Larger herds had a full time shepherd who used his own corral, and not the village corral.

If a family did not want to keep their animals inside their home, they could use the community corral.  Each family using the corral took the night shift on a rotating basis.  A family took the watch for the entire night.  The family was free to arrange the watch in any way, but they were responsible for a corral during hours of darkness.  Men, women, and older children would stand watch and a light sitting sleep was permitted according to circumstances and the judgment of the watch man. 

Feeding arrangements for the sheep varied by village.  In some villages the watchman would lead the herd out at first light to graze until noon, then return them to the corral for pick up, and go about his own trade.  Water for sheep and villagers came from one of the two wells.  The two wells were used not because there was an abundance of water, but because there was not.  The wells would alternate in use, the other being charged while the first was in use.  During a drought, the villagers sometimes had to go on a sort of rolling rationing, whereby the day was divided into time slots for a certain portion of the village to use the well.  This prevented the well from being exhausted by a large morning draw of all the villagers. 

There was always more to do than time to do it all.  Sunset was a blessing, in that most work had to cease.  Many men worked both a trade and a field, and the women saw to the children and their schooling.  Most Jewish women could read and write, and they used clay tablets to teach the letters and numbers to their children.  More advanced learning was available, but not in every village and it did cost.

The glory of a woman was her children.  Children of virtue were a crown of virtue for the mother herself.  Happiness was also found in being a dutiful wife to a caring husband.  Just as a man found joy in constructing a house, or a table, or in making a successful purchase or harvest; a woman found satisfaction in constructing happiness in her home, in building a family of love and bonded functioning.  She was responsible for the highest task, that of forming children of decency, respect, and reverence, and in forming a husband of virtue by her example and gentle admonition.  A woman of moral authority was incontestable by any person.

Jesus often spoke of such women having a standing before God equal to the prophets who spoke of the virtues that these women made real.  He also spoke to the situation of children who rejected the faith.  When this was brought to him as a problem or a question, he would question the parent, who was usually a mother and counsel her accordingly.  It was usually the case that a parent speaking of a child straying in faith or morals, had a sound sense of faith and morals himself or herself.  In these cases, little reform of the house or family was needed, and Jesus would counsel hope, prayer and perseverance.  He was of the opinion that if a person attained Heaven in the end, it was a successful life whatever else occurred. 

For those needing to put their house in order, his response always required the elimination of harmful associations and activities, and a return to a structured life centered around the Law of Moses, and daily moral and vocational duties.  In the case of adult children he would recommend perseverance in prayer, hope, and works of charity and mediation done for the purpose of the child, noting that God was very much aware the complexities of various family situations. 

All in all, they had a good life.  It was paced and familiar, but with variations of events, some welcome, some not.  The villagers were all relatives by blood, with several interconnected family lines in each village.  Wives were usually taken from one’s own village or a nearby village.  The sons and daughters of Israel even formed villages within non-Jewish cities.

The people of Israel made due without many of the future privileges: rights of man and woman, legal protection and redress, a vote in government, social assistance.  Yet in a life measured by happiness attained, they were as successful as many who would have these future innovations.  The happiest among them were those who cultivated the life of the spirit, and did not give undue concern to the passing things of their pilgrimage in this life. 

In the village of Baca, a woman approached Jesus and bowed to him.  Keeping her head low, she began to speak of her son who had died, she was crying but told her story saying, “Lord, my son has died, and the God of Jacob did not allow him to live.  The rabbis speak of health and prosperity to those who follow the Law of Moses.  I have always adhered to the Law, and gone beyond in works of charity and compassion, yet my son was not given health.  Will you restore him to me Lord?” 

Jesus was moved by her request, and said to her, “Woman, I know of your good faith, now believe me that your son is already restored.  He lives with the Father in glory, and awaits you to join him.  It is you who will be restored to him.”

“Woman, it would almost be an evil if I were to remove him from paradise and return him to the earth.  I am sorry, but it will not be.”

“I will give you something much better however, an assignment.  Follow me as my disciple.  Do it here and now in Baca’s village.  Work by faith in perfecting yourself, and bring many with you, and pray always for your son, and all others.  The most perfect prayer is peace of soul, brought on by lifting it from the worry and sin of the world and resting in God.  This perfection is not denied anyone because of accidents of birth or circumstances.  Soon you will hear of the New Covenant of the Messiah, it will be brought again to your village by disciples much like yourself.”

“Be assured that your son is helping you and waiting for you to join him in paradise, but you must first complete your life here as ordained by the Father.  Now go in peace.”


Later that day a similar situation occurred.  A woman asked Jesus to heal her daughter who was near death.

  Jesus looked inward, then spoke, “Woman your daughter will be cured of her affliction. For your part you must not believe any illusions , rather believe in the Son of Heaven.”  Jesus then walked away.

The pilgrims left the village and Jesus called John that they might speak.  Jesus spoke saying, “Return to the village, and to the woman who asked that her daughter be healed. You will know their home because of the mourners outside.  Explain to the mother that her daughter is in paradise, healed of every affliction and never to suffer again.  Tell her to put her own affairs in order because she will soon join her daughter in the glory of paradise.” 

“If she accuses God or Messiah of false hope in healing, remain with her until she accepts it in understanding and in faith.  No person really dies, and her faith will be rewarded forever.”

John returned as instructed and stayed with the woman until her own peaceful entry into paradise.

The pilgrims were in central Galilee, home ground for Jesus.  Jesus and the disciples had spent weeks on mission, but now the training was directed towards the disciples themselves.  The group was there for instruction and practice in discipline and prayer; of centering on the Father, and stripping of noise and concerns.  Jesus had ordered all the food be given away, they had only a small amount of water, which was now consumed. 

The group numbered fourteen; Jesus, ten apostles, Suzanna, Mary of Magdala, and Dismas.  Their night march through the hill country of Galilee had shaken off pursuers.  He had also put the word out that his next appearance would be in Sepphoris, a week hence, and had sent all the others to that city. 

They arrived on the west base of Mt. Tabor an hour after sunrise.  Jesus made no camp, but dispersed the disciples to the hills for fasting and prayer, with instructions to reassemble at the base of Mt. Tabor at sunrise on the fifth day.  He further instructed them saying, “Go out among the hills for prayer and fasting.  Do not concern yourself with anything but the Father, he knows what you need even before you ask, he will supply you with all you require.  King David was more united by desire and will to his mother as a dependent infant, than as a self supporting warrior.  So too must you rely on your God.  Know that your greatest requirement is not food or water at your convenience, but to advance in spirit.”

“In your thoughts, consider the purpose of your life, and how you may attain fullness of this purpose.  Do not spend long hours in sleep.  Do not think of the future or the past.  This is not the time to speak to others.  Seek solitude that you may be only with the Father.”   

Jesus stopped speaking and surveyed the disciples to gauge their understanding.  He then completed their orders, “Return here at sunrise on the fifth day.  Go now.”

Jesus retained Peter, James, John and the two women.  He instructed Peter and James to make their retreat, but return at noon on the fourth day.  Peter and James left, and the remaining four; Jesus, John, and the two women made their way up Tabor.

Jesus knew Mt. Tabor well, it was five miles east of Nazareth and he had climbed if often.  He found the summit inspiring, the height and the expanse on all sides was conducive to thoughts of Heaven.  It helped to put this life in proper perspective. 

The four climbed half way and stopped.  Jesus spoke to Suzanna and Mary telling them that in the kingdom of God, there was no disadvantage in being a daughter of Abraham.  In this life, women counted for little — for that matter, most men also.  But this made their faith and perseverance all the more valuable.  The women smiled when Jesus told them that the Father had saved his finest creation for last.

The four were always within earshot of one another, but solitude was the arrangement.  Suzanna and Mary found it better to remain as one, but engaged in no chit-chat.  The fasting retreat could not be forced.  The purpose was not to read a commentary, or to make plans for a mission, or even to fast — that was the means.

Jesus was a master of the fasting retreat.  He would do nothing at first thought.  If he wanted to pray, he would not.  He would let prayer find him, and then pray as it found him.  No self contaminated his will, the Father would see to everything, and not necessarily as he might have planned it.  The fasting could not be a matter of strength of self will — of pushing ahead, of being stronger than thirst or hunger.  Such a mindset would indeed cultivate a stronger self will...and defeat the purpose of the fast. 

The fasting heightened the senses and the spirit.  It lifted one out of a local satisfaction, a self satisfaction.  If one was able to forego thought of food, other worldly concerns were more easily subdued.  With such fertile ground, free of weeds and ready for planting, thoughts pertaining to the life of the spirit came almost on their own. 

Fasting was not difficult for most people, after two missed meals the stomach stopped complaining and strength was regained from reserves.  Few in Israel had never missed a day of meals. 

There was no report from the other disciples, and none was expected.  It rained on the second and fourth days.  Everybody in Israel had at one time or another collected rain water by spreading their cleanest garment over scrub brush, then wringing the water out. 

At noon on the fourth day Peter and James returned as instructed. Jesus ascended the mountain with the five disciples.  Half way up, Mary grew faint.  Jesus asked Suzanna to stay with her, and continue their ascent later if able.  At the summit, the three men found suitable are