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T e a c h i n g s       I

The  Mind  of  God

Teachings  on  God

Jesus observed some people entering a synagogue for evening services and others remaining outside to attend to their business.  He taught those around him saying, “Those persons entering to worship do not benefit God, rather they benefit themselves.  The Father has no need for worship, it is man who benefits from it.  By worshiping the God of Israel, a man unites himself more surely to God.” 

“To approve of a person is to reveal one’s own will, we approve of what we would will of ourselves, and every willful act reinforces one’s will.  Praise and desire for God is worship that benefits one’s own soul.”

“In the New Covenant, the deeper one shares in the very life of God, the greater he shares in all of God’s virtues: providence, peace, abilities of all sorts, even to the point of prophecy.  And in the next life, such people will be rich in the glory of God.”


In a Phoenician city of the coast, Jesus called attention to some people at worship, and asked the apostles, “Do you see those people worshiping their goddess.  There is one thing only that attains Heaven, and that is union with the Messiah.  Their religion ends in itself.  Make certain your religion does not end in itself, do not make the Law of Moses into your end, it must be your means to the Messiah.”  {61}



A Greek thinker said to Jesus, “God is all”. 

Jesus said, “My friend, you are incorrect, God is not all.”  Those around Jesus were surprised at his statement and waited upon him.  Jesus said to the Greek, “Sir, you exist, yet you are not God.  Some of the philosophers say that God and the world are one, that good and evil both originate in God, such theories are in error. 

But know that pantheism was not enough for your God.  Omnipotence was insufficient.  God became your creator, and your God was no longer the only power…observe the results, but know that the Messiah turns failure into victory.  Once every possible redemption has been made by the Son of Redemption, he will hand over everything to the Father.  Then God will be All, in all.  Today it is heresy to say that God is all, in all things; but in the final fulfillment at the end of this age, it will be an error — if that were possible — to say that God is not All, in All.” {62}




Jesus taught the disciples concerning the Messiah saying, “Do not think that your God contains a heart of stone, like those worshipped by the Romans and Greeks.  Your God is like a love smitten woman who foolishly submits to the abuse of her lover, in hopes of a small return on her love.”

“Her heart surpasses her reason, and she is at fault in giving away her heart to every claimed lover.  She learns not, but repeats her failed attempts at love.  Her daily bread is rejection and jeering, yet her love compels her to love.”

“I tell you truly that love is the greatest commandment.  It commands your God even beyond his good judgment, and even unto death.”


Teachings  on  Prayer

Jesus said, “If a man recites a language without knowing what he says, the words are of no value.  So too the words of prayer are of no value in themselves.  The Devil could pray and it would not rise to Heaven.” 

“The meaning of your prayer is not length of words, but the will of the words.  When you pray, do not use only your words.  Use the eyes of your mind to see the peace between neighbors, or your hands uplifted to the Almighty.  Use your will to bring joy or tears to your soul as you pray for your intentions.”

“Indeed, the very act of making prayer in your busy day is an act of virtue possibly more valuable than the words you speak.  The teaching of this is not to denounce the words of prayer, but to make them powerful by the addition of will to word.” 


A man told Jesus that he felt prayer to be more a labor than a joy, and wondered if he was at fault in his soul.

Jesus answered, “My good man, your attempts at prayer do much good for yourself and others.  Consider that mans’ fallen nature does not easily conform to the virtues of God.  Even a person who attains to virtue will suffer from impatience and frivolous thoughts.  Prayer is likewise a virtue, and it also has been damaged by the sin of Adam.  Therefore do not be amazed that you achieve only partial success in prayer.” 

“It is not your God who hides from you, but your illness of soul which obscures God.  Your God speaks continually to you, but his voice is overwhelmed by the many other things you attune your ears to.  You will advance in hearing as you clean the rubbish that encrusts your soul.”

“But know that attempts to love God, are never failures, and the least part of such an effort is your own satisfaction.  The greatest part is your will directed toward God.  Consider that the sin of Adam which plagues our world, was brought about by failure to direct one’s will to God.  When your prayer is more labor than joy, see your prayer as a work to be done, and not a pleasure to be accepted.  Then complete your work of prayer and be satisfied with the unseen results.”


Jesus taught the people concerning prayer saying, “All that you do is prayer, or it is a curse.  You have no separate life of religion, because your whole life molds your soul and is counted in its entirety by God.  So too, you have no separate life of prayer.  Every act that advances your soul, or your spirit, or the kingdom of God is your prayer.  All that corrupts these things is a curse and it affects both the world and your soul.”


Again Jesus taught about prayer saying, “To advance in prayer involves nothing more or less than advancing in soul.  The prayer of the prophets was great because they deeply shared in the Father’s virtue, hope, and faith; hence they deeply shared in all his attributes and abilities, including those that are called miracles.” 

“To advance in prayer one must advance in humility, modesty, faith, reverence, patience, fear and love of the Father; moderation and even fasting.” 

“The desert solitaries often achieve such a union with the God of Israel, because all that is lesser is given no allowance for.  Their mind is upon God, and not even upon someone prodding them; their breathing and beat of heart may even be discarded as of less importance, and they are assumed into union with the Father.” 

“A man or a woman living with family may also attain to such union.  Such people are not called to the extremes of life of the solitaries, but they are called to the same perfection of virtue in their own particular lives and duties.  The solitaries have no trials of work or family, they must bring trial upon themselves by fasting and solitude.  The accidental form of these trials are of no real importance.  Their importance is in their fundamental conquest.”

“One may advance grade by grade in prayer, but not by the study of prayer, rather by the study of the Messiah.  Make this study an imitation of the Messiah, who is of the same spirit as the prophets of Israel.  One may start this study at any time, and in any circumstance, and pursue it in all parts of the day.”


In Jerusalem, some of the apostles attempted to cast out a demon.  The demon would not be removed and instead chased the apostles, who ran to Jesus.  Upon encountering Jesus the demon fell silent and immobile, and then released the woman at the command of Jesus.

The apostles desired to know why they could not cast out the demon, and Jesus told them in reply, “This type requires a great participation in the Father, which is attained by prayer and fasting.” {63}

“Fast from every self interest.  Now, your life must be a pilgrimage to the Father, have no interest in the accidents of life.  Now, eat and sleep not because you wish to, but because it is the will of your Father.  Now, all that you do unthinkingly, you must do in its best form.  Think yourself to be the Messiah and act as he would.”

“The Messiah casts out demons because he is the life of God and all is at his command, even the demons.  Do not think this cannot be done, you will work greater wonders than this, and when fully trained the student may be as the master.” 

“Thank the master that such good fortune is extended to you, and take full advantage of it.”


Jesus taught the disciples on prayer, “As you enter a house, wish it peace.  If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; if not, let your peace return to you.”

Jesus taught further saying, “So it is with every prayer and every grace, and every holy act of baptism.  God’s gifts are offered, and will build a person if that person is able to accept the gift in his well formed will.  At your entry into the kingdom by means of such grace, every gift is offered to you.  Few are able to accept them at that time.  Most often they are accepted over years as the soul is purged of self.”

“Therefore, do not tire of prayer and acts of selfless virtue, even if you see little result.  Learn from the wicked judge who feared neither God, nor man, nor woman.  One such woman approached the corrupt judge asking for good judgment.  Being a woman — weak and of no influence — she had recourse only to prayer, and she approached the wicked judge in prayer.” 

“The wicked judge took evil joy in denying everyone good judgment, even to those of nobility and influence.  But after continued acts of prayer by the woman, the wicked judge grew weak from her assault of virtue.  He said to himself, ‘This woman causes me more pain than any man, and I can no longer bear it.  I will relieve myself of this burden and grant her wish.  I will abandon my claim and be happy with my remaining plunder.’”

“Thus the mild woman obtained in prayer what no great man had been able to obtain.  Therefore pray always in great humility.” 

Teachings  on  Salvation

Jesus said, “You see a man not adhering to the Law of Moses, and you consider him a sinner, and you are correct.  And as such he is excluded from Heaven.  Consider also that every scribe and Pharisee that will not release the Law from his grasp will not enter Heaven until he does so.”


Jesus taught the crowds concerning the Messiah and his work saying, “The Messiah redeems humanity for love, and not out of obligation.  Consider that redemption was not offered to the rebellious angels.  Judgment was swift, but those angels not rebelling now participate in the divine nature, while those who did rebel have willfully abandoned all goodness.  I tell you this goodness will be gathered by the Father and given to any who seek it.” {64}


Jesus taught on the necessity of belief saying, “You have read the proverb of Solomon, ‘As a man thinks, so he becomes.’  The Messiah can give no better instruction for salvation.  To think favorably of an act or a person is to become in spirit that act or person.  If a man thinks favorably of evil, he will do evil, then he becomes evil, and in doing so may not attain to salvation.” 

“A man who thinks in accordance with the mind of God, becomes like God in will, and attains salvation.  But a man should think not only of the virtues of God, but of God himself, that he may become Messiah.  If you become Messiah now in spirit, you will become Messiah in body at the resurrection.  Believe in me and you will become Messiah and attain your salvation, and this is the necessity of belief.”

On another occasion, Jesus again taught of the necessity of belief saying, “Belief is the way in which any of your works and virtues have meaning before God.  If a man refuses to believe, then his works and virtues end in themselves, and cannot find their end in God, or as a Messiah.”

“Belief may be likened to the efforts of a scholar-king, who wished to educate his people, that they might better themselves.  The scholar-king taught on a wide range of topics, and his students learned the lessons to greater or lesser degrees.  Some students left the kingdom-school altogether.  In time, all of the students were called to become courtiers in the kings own kingly court.”   “The king was most pleased, yet he had not forgotten the many students who had left, or had never applied as students.  He told his messengers to go through out the kingdom and bring in all who had even the most basic knowledge required to be citizens of his kingdom.  Many even had such knowledge without realizing it, and since the knowledge required was of a practical, rather than an academic sort, many otherwise unlearned people rose to great prominence in the kingdom.”

“Some were unable to enter because they remained loyal to opposing teachers, who sought only to ruin the kingdom of the good scholar-king.  These people could only watch from beyond the gates and they were tormented by seeing the joy shared in the kingdom.” {65}



Jesus taught the apostles saying, “Rejoice in your sufferings.  In doing so you fill up what is lacking in the afflictions of the Messiah on behalf of his body, who are the faithful.” {66}

That time was before the Holy Spirit had been sent, and the apostles were without understanding.  Jesus instructed them further saying, “Many who seek to be Messiah, desire healing and comfort, others want status or influence.  The Messiah on earth is a scapegoat for sin.  He suffers in body and soul, all the sin of those wishing to be Messiah.  But how many of these good people make effort to suffer their imperfections of body and soul into virtue.  Therefore I say that the few must make up for the many who will become Messiah.”



A woman asked Jesus if there was hope for her son who had died.  Jesus replied, “Woman, your son has the hope that you give him.”

Jesus called for all around him to listen and said, “When a carpenter makes a table, it exists first in the mind of the carpenter.  This thought is real, the table is complete except for the wood.  Indeed without this spirit of the table, the table could not exist later as wood.  Woman, your hope for your son, is as a plan for your son to attain to salvation.”

“And what will you now ask, that since your son has died your hope is now of no use to your son?  Should you not rather be heroic in faith.  Consider all of you, when Herod who called himself great, called for the death of many that he might have mourners, was this not noticed by his God?  These murders occurred after his life, yet were accounted as part of his life at his judgment because they were part of his will.  You see, man is limited by time, but your God is not.”{67}

Again, when those of wealth write out their last will, concerning arrangements for their wealth and land, for servants and interment, all this is noticed by God.  These events that occurred after their lives, are accounted for in this life, because the act of will was made during this life.

Now, if God cares for things of little value, how much more does he care for things of great value.  If God takes notice of wealth and land, how much more will he take notice of a plea for a soul.  Do not let your good will be bound by time, let it be unbounded by hope.”

“Woman you do well to hope, pray and make acts of charity and reverence on behalf of your son.  Make such acts for others also, and your kingdom in Heaven will have many such citizens who are indebted to you.  Your prayers made now for your deceased family, are accounted for at their judgment earlier.  Therefore make such prayer often.”


Jesus and his disciples had found work in an orchard of fig trees.  The owner of the orchard showed them the trees and told them of what work was required.  All of the trees were in need of ongoing pruning, so as to produce the finest fruit.  Some trees were in need of dung for fertilizer, other trees needed water rings dug around them to retain the rain that otherwise would run off.  Yet some others needed their bark repaired and sealed with pitch.  Jesus and the disciples attended to all these things, and the orchard owner asked that they return next year to evaluate the results and work again.

The next year Jesus returned and inspected  the orchard.  He saw that some of the trees that had received fertilizer were much improved, so too the trees that now drew more water from the moat rings they had dug.  The orchard was located in an area of many hazards; men, animals and nature all threatened the trees and some had grown worse or died as a result.  To those trees that had shown no improvement, Jesus ordered efforts diverted to those trees that were improving or those that were producing fruit.

He instructed the disciples saying, “You see how additional effort was directed at those trees needing it.  You see also those trees that showed no improvement were left to their own resources rather than exhaust the soil and consume the efforts of the workers.”{68}

“The world of man is not unlike an orchard.  In the cultivation of souls before harvest, the work master might direct that more assistance be given to those needing it.  But a return is expected, and if a return is not given the master might then divert efforts to those making better use of these efforts.  Let those with ears hear this.”




Jesus taught the people concerning belief saying, “Belief may be likened to a world in which both a true king and a false king live.  The true king was humble and soft spoken and offered his people peace.  The false king made much noise and display and offered excitement to all who would listen.  The false king knew that he would one day be removed from the presence of the true king, and would be unable to fulfill his false promises, yet some were deceived anyway.” 

“In the kingdom of the false king were people of every sort, just as there were in the kingdom of the true king.  Both kingdoms had people who were more or less virtuous, and many had skills that they used in the service of their respective king.” 

“In time the false king was revealed as a fraud, and his subjects sought to emigrate into the true kingdom.  Many of those who worked their skills for the false king were accepted into the true kingdom, but their work could not be credited to them, since it was all done for the false king.” 

“Their desire to live in the kingdom of the true king was fulfilled, yet their lives would have been that much more productive if their work had been done for the true king rather than the false king.”

Jesus ended the teaching saying, “Therefore I tell you, retain nothing for yourself.  Self is the false kingdom based on nothing.  Emigrate to the true kingdom and become instruments and courtiers of the true king.”



A mother approached Jesus full of distress.  Her son had killed himself out of despair and she now worried greatly about his fate. 

Jesus gave her hope saying, “Woman, there is no need to believe your son is without hope.  To take one’s own life is never within the will of the God of our people; but hope, faith, and love are stronger than any sin or failing.” 

“It would not seem that your son was suitably disposed to accept the graces of God, but be of good hope, this may happen through your efforts.  Woman, why do we pray for our families?”

Jesus continued, “When you pray for others, you are not attempting to soften the hard heart of a God, but the heart of whom you pray for.  And how did this heart become hardened in the first place?  Was it by design of your Father in Heaven?  Certainly not.” 

“Rather hearts are hardened by sin, the sin of Adam and all sin since Adam, one’s own sin and the sin of all the world.  In this way our decisions have the mark of others also.  Just as disease of one’s body may be brought about by another’s sin, so too can diseases of the mind or soul be caused by another’s sin.  The despair your son was afflicted with may have been a disorder of mind rather than soul.  Do you understand this?”

The woman said, “I understand a little master, how may my son be saved?” 

Jesus continued, “Now, to speak of good hope.  Just as a man is necessarily corrupted by all sin, so too does he unavoidably benefit from the good virtue and prayers of others.  As his mother, your prayers are not less effective than the distant evil of those unknown.”

“Indeed you would be wrong not to pray and hope.  You would be allowing evil to have the final act.  If at the tribunal of Heaven, only evidence against your son is presented, he might be in difficult circumstances.  But if you wish, he may have many advocates to speak on his behalf.  Assign your prayers, hope and increasing virtue to him.  Yes, now from earth, and now after his death.{69}  Ask your friends at synagogue to do likewise, and do so for their causes.  And most importantly, do all this in certainty not doubt.”

“Do not doubt the power of the Almighty in regards to time.  Past or future is no obstacle to he who created time future and time past.  Pray not in desperation but in confidence, hope and joy, and be certain that God hears your prayers for your son.  The final meaning of a life is entry into the kingdom of the Heaven, and nothing else.  If this is achieved, then what else is of consequence.  Likewise if this is not attained then what during that life had true meaning.  Go mother and be at peace in prayer for your son.” 

All who heard this were amazed and filled with hope for their own families and relatives.




Jesus taught the apostles on salvation saying, “In the attainment of the kingdom of Heaven, all those who are not against us, are with us. {70}  The Messiah will joyfully enter any home into which he is invited.  Into those homes he is not extended an invitation, he will enter as a cunning thief and plunder souls.  Only if the evil master of the house is present will the Messiah-thief be unable to thieve a soul.  Where ever the Messiah is not opposed he will attempt to make his own home.  The Messiah will do so by rights or by theft.  It is the right of the Father to keep his children, but he will reclaim by theft, what was stolen from him. Yet no theft is done, as the Father did not renounce title.  Only freely willed opposition will keep the Son from claiming what belongs to the Father.”

“You baptize entire families, and their infants.  This may be so, because the small ones have no reasoned will at their young age.  They have only the unwilled sin of Adam, which the Messiah redeems.  Once such children attain an age by which their reason directs their will, they must then offer no willful opposition to the Messiah.”

“I have told you in the past that it is the will and not the intellect that is the entry into the kingdom of Heaven.  Even those who have an imperfect understanding of the Messiah, and do not offer a willed opposition may become Messiah.”

“Indeed perfection of knowledge and faith of the Messiah cannot come about in this life.  Consider the Evil One.  His knowledge of the Messiah is greater than any on earth, but it is of no value to him.  Rather, his evil will offers opposition to the Messiah.”

“Among men, those who deny God make all their actions serve only their self.  Not even a virtuous act may then have a Godly component.  Neither can any overtly sinful act which violates one’s God given conscience, be held in union with God.  In making such sinful acts one casts off the voice of conscious and instead serves only self interest.  You see without God, there remains only self, which is separation from God.  In the battle against self, make frequent acts of denial and humility.  Such acts will permeate your entire soul, and draw you closer to the Messiah.”




Jesus said, “In the days of Moses, when those afflicted looked upon the serpent mounted on a pole, they were cured.  Soon the Son of Love will likewise be mounted on a pole, and all who look upon him with the eyes of faith will be healed.” {71}


Teachings  on  Heaven,  Hell  and  Purgatory

On one occasion an apostle asked, “Master, what of those who die imperfect?” 

Jesus answered, “Those who die imperfect, but free of deadly sin must continue their purgation of sin, and then of self.  I, and I alone am their Heaven, their resurrection and their life, there may exist no others with me, self must be torn from anyone seeking me as Heaven.  All who would have eternal life must become as I AM, and share in my very being.” 

“Those who are like me in virtue at death may be incorporated into me without delay.  Those who are like me in desire only, but not yet in practice will remain in my kingdom, but not the royal palace, until ready to join their master.” 

“If one lays a foundation, then another builds upon it, he must be careful of how he builds upon it.  There can be no foundation other than myself, and if upon this foundation of stone, one builds with wood, hay or straw, its weakness will be revealed by fire.  But if one builds upon this foundation with gold, silver or precious stones, then it will stand a trial by fire.”

“If the work stands that someone built upon the foundation, that person will receive a wage.  But if someone’s work is burned up, that one will suffer loss.  The person will be saved, but only as through fire.” {72}

After Jesus had taught, Peter asked, “Master, what is the meaning of this teaching?” 

Jesus responded, “Are my priests too without understanding?  Here is the meaning.  The foundation is the Messiah, who is salvation.  The structures of wood, hay, or straw are impure in that they cannot stand the testing and refining flames of the Holy Spirit.  All such impurity must be purged by this flame, before a person may be fully united to the Son of Truth.  These impurities are falsehood and may be either false or imperfect act or teaching.”

“The structures of gold, silver and precious stones are fine structures with no impurities.  The living flame of the Holy Spirit finds no impurities to burn away, just as fine gold has no slag to burn away.  Observe also how heated gold may be cast into a variety of useful and beautiful objects, and the underlying value remains the pure gold, and not the form of the object.”

“In this instance, if one acts, he acts well; if one teaches, he teaches the truth.  All however must pass through the truth to enter the gates of Heaven.  Truth passes easily, but falsity and imperfections cannot.  Imperfect Messiahs must have their impurities burned away before entering the paradise of truth.  Perfect devils will not be admitted at all.”

“All this is necessary.  You will not live alongside me in Heaven, but as me.  I AM your Resurrection.{73}  I AM your Heaven.  You see why only truth may be joined to Truth.  Those who are truth may bring with them more truth or less truth, but none may bring falsehood.”


A disciple asked Jesus regarding Heaven, and what it was to be like.  Jesus answered him in word and in spirit, and the disciple was given a vision of Heaven, while hearing the voice of the master.

Jesus told the disciple, “Look up to Heaven where you belong.  On earth you are a stranger, and a homeless pilgrim.  And just as a pilgrim quickly returns to his homeland, where his dear friends are waiting in longing, so should you also hurry to return to your homeland where people intensely long for your presence.  They will greet you lovingly, and unite you to their happy company forever.  And if you knew how they want you to struggle bravely in suffering and conduct yourself with valor in all the adversity that they have overcome, all your suffering would be more endurable.”

“The more bitterly you have suffered, the more worthily you will be received.  How wonderful the honor feels, how joy races through heart and spirit when a soul receives honor, praise and glory from me in the sight of my Father and all the Heavenly hosts because it suffered so much on earth in its time of struggle.”

“Look there, above the ninth heaven, there is another heaven.  This is the glorious court where the Heavenly host dwells.  There, surrounded by ineffable splendor stand the eternal thrones from which the evil spirits were cast down and which now belong to the elect.  Look how it glitters with hammered gold, how it glows wi