Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Five: Hell and The Principality.


I’ve been in both softer and harsher places of hell. In both normal and strange places of it, and have a lot to say about it.

Some have said before that Hell rested in a black hole. And they are right. That is where that dimension was created.

Hell is also able to blend in with the regular world. Like mixing two different powders. It exists before you sometimes, yet you are still in Earth. Usually it comes with a strange feeling, from a little to a lot. The human mind isn’t able to grasp what is going on in the full of hell and communication with those in it is about as effective as an animal talking to or understanding a human.

Other alien races with far superior intellect can. After all the older names for these were angelic beings. Angels are aliens.

Fantasy is able to be reality. That isn’t so on Earth. To supplement that humans have made fantasy a “reality" through the creation of books and movies.

Those of hell and those just of “heaven" (outer space) hear music much more differently than we do. For them it is more euphoric. For them it has much deeper meaning and much deeper feeling. I have heard it as such, experienced it similarly, and I would fail at exaggerating it.

It is very well so that these higher and lower beings have made music with us and through us for themselves. You’d think a much higher intelligence would find out music too simple minded but not so, as they are given to deeper meaning. They understand it more than we do, not less.

It is that deeper meaning that lets them understand fantasy.

As well in hell things are not made so much with hands but with mind. And they are good at it. And they have a lot of control over it. If a human were to make of mind with the same power then disaster would certainly result.

Again, hell can blend with Earth, with the place you are it can come to you and be there with you. And if the one doesn’t want you to notice, you will not.

Narrow minded scientists have long considered the universe just a collection of matter with the same physics. They are regularly challenged by that proposal though. Finding strange things they thought were impossible. Cast away those ideas. Hell and many places of heaven are more spiritually placed. Their physical forms if they can be called that rapidly change shape and place, down to the size of a molecule. To in effect practically be anyway and have an ability the same.

But imagine a place with different physics. If you took a CD player there and tried playing music, what would happen?

And what if minds were partly shared? Most of your consciousness your own, but a piece of you shared?

I don’t think in the very far future we will be running around in metal boats..

Once I was walking around and would enter into hell. That can happen: like slipping into another dimension. The scientists say that is only possible with a scientific device. Not so. One time I found myself on a bench and there were people sitting there to a musician playing strange music. I began to hear light moans. I opened my mouth and someone sitting at a bench in front of me put their finger to their mouth shooshing me. Then I realized that they were trying to hear the tormented in/of hell.

I used to meditate long hours walking through the Arizona desert. One time I skipped ahead far longer than I could walk. Suddenly to see the county line and its sign. A more remarkable time I had been exhausted and lost in the desert. Then I came upon these bloody signs. One pointing East, another West. I was too lost and probably about to die. I took the Eastern sign's path and found myself not on the dirt road any more but in a restaurant my aunt worked at. And she gave me some ice cream and iced tea.

I have other experiences like these that I have already shared in other books, more than once. Better examples even but these are just for a quick understanding.

We have a few tools to open your mind to a more Angelic mind set. To enable us to think like them there are things such as Tarot cards and crystal balls. And magic practices such as astral projection and visualization to see what they see and be where they are. There is meditation as I have just mentioned. There are séances and praying to speak to them as well as rituals. There are Ouija Boards. A lot of things for these things. The list goes on and on.

 And with all these things I said you should be able to bring the lines together and start to see a kind of cohesiveness. Will begin to see things you haven’t noticed before.

My thoughts have sometimes seen things. Demons that live in strange hidden places, other worlds, The Planet Ler, and things of visions.

A black cloud like a black angel falling below the morning star. It moving to the East toward the first light of our sun.  It turns into a serpent, that black cloud. And it goes over the sun like an arch, disappearing to the east somewhere. Then a beautiful cloud like of a white angel appears right below the morning star looking upward. In the upper west sky a black rainbow cloud appears. One perfectly shaped. Suddenly a murder of crows call out and scatter. And finally the Church bell rings.

An experience of mine while homeless on Mission Street in a San Francisco Park.

Hell is being brought forth. It has materialized in media form. Through music and movies and much else. You could say accurately that these things are hell-sourced. Hell is brought forth, Hell is not just one place but many. And sometimes many places within one and sooner or later the doors will be busted down.

We can draw from that power of hell, and from the power above. We can suck it in like osmosis in an RPG. We can become like magnets as magicians that brings in the bits and pieces. We can plead our case to higher powers. We can do great things with magic if we are adept sorcerers.

I was once locked up in jail in the isolation room for a month. Place didn’t even had a toilet. I became a powerful magician after that. It caused these things to happen in my life that I sometime speak of. Sometimes it takes going into hell to bring up the runes. It was there that I came up with The Principality List:

To know them like no other has known them. To connect media to the identity of the rulers of hell:

The First: Red, Bird, Hand, Staff.

The Second: Brown, Bear, Bee, Cane.

The Third: Green, Rabbit, Seed, Stage.

The Fourth: Goat, Ring, Thief, White.

The Fifth: Red, Whip, Cat, Fairy.

The Sixth: Lord, Yellow, Rodent, Wind.

The Eighth: Bomb/Blast/Wand, Black, Beast, Fox.

The Ninth: Horse, Toad, Yellow, Dust.

The Tenth: Assassin, Lion, Creature, Word.

The Eleventh: Blue, Elephant, Stone, Spirit.

The Twelfth: Purple, Dragon, Mask, Dog/Wolf.

She chased the rabbit. His whip did not prevail against his staff. He stole his identity, He took his ring. The cup of life, the spirit, which one would steal and turn to dust. The hand in the game takes you to an earlier stage. The hand cut off by the red light sword, by one who was masked. Dracula (Dracul.. The Dragon) was overtaken by the whip wielding Simon. It took him stages to get to. They used flying horses to get to the Beast, the Beast who stole his wife. Before that they encountered a spider (a creature) and escaped with just the dust of an hour glass. The ring of a special stone gave power, one blue, but a greater one red.  In the Toad Kingdom a plumber who can become a cat, who strives to defeat the dragon. The book of magic words, the green coins, the red and blue ones, green paper money, black coffee, brown tea, red blood, a lost hand, to buy a mask. The horse takes him to the princess (The Lord) whose kingdom has been stolen by Beast. And the dragon that stole the gold had it taken back with the power of a ring.

In other words..

S/he who is the rabbit was chased. He with the staff won against him with the whip. But the thief can be anyone. The one with the ring has it because it was stolen from the one who is a creature. The one of the spirit rightly drank from the cup while the one of dust could not. The hand didn’t want you in a certain place. So the one of hand was lost or taken, defeated by the one with the mask. It took the other one of red to defeat the blood sucking vampire as the story reveals. With the help of The One of the Horse, his love was reclaimed.