Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Six: They are not Demon names but the name of alien races.


Cultures of the past thought about these things constantly and deeply. They had but the Earth itself to look at to understand its mysteries. They came to acknowledge gods. They created ceremonies and offerings toward them. They knew very well these deities, collectively and personally.

But what they didn’t know was that the deities they worshipped were beings of other dimensions, not just singular beings of many kinds from one place.

They knew somewhat that each had their own dwelling place. Hence they’d separate them into places like hell, heaven, Mount Olympus, etc., so they were still very close to the facts.

They are beings of different races dwelling in different worlds and dimensions. So it isn't Shiva but the Shivites, it isn’t Set but the Setians, etc.

Other than that it is easy to figure out what the race was like. They are just like that which they’ve been known as individually.

It all is expressed exactly as different types of angels, intelligent beasts and monsters, the sons of men, etc. Satan is his own type, Lilith another, Shiva and Agnes are of the same.

They would say that if it isn’t in the Bible it isn't true. So when something like the Koran adds to these types of beings like Jinn, and intelligent occultist know that succubus exist, they are labeled as falsehoods. Yet the Bible speaks of a large number of different intelligent beings apart from humans.

For most part aliens are restricted from Earth, at least to greater extent of their presence. There is compelling evidence of their appearances though. To think only in terms of demons and angels is narrow minded.

Schizophrenic people hear and talk to spirits all the time, or whatever they are from person to person. Some can easily communicate but not appear in physical form. Some can do both, but the latter is more difficult. Scientists (Psychiatrists in specific) discount them as nothing but hallucinations. Yet whole conversations are held with them by these people, and I am one of them.

Magic works on laws we are unfamiliar with. The day will certainly come when the rift is open.