Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Seventeen: The Creation of 5 Magical / Satanic Things


The first is metal music, the second is an idol, the third is a drink for rituals, the fourth is a video game, and the fifth is a magical alphabet.

Metal Music

Fast and repetitive drum beats, contrasting chords of dissonance and consonance, a more freely flowing melody for atmosphere, and the eerie changing of key signatures are the elements that make up black metal. Some have put pizzicato to good use. Some have used violins for a gothic effect. Some attribute their success to the melodic nature of an album.

Many different genres exist within metal, even “dungeon synth,” which sounds like an 80s RPG. Riffs are very important. But let’s look at music theory in general because the person that just picks up a guitar without knowing it makes an awful sound. What they strum is “atonal,” without a key signature, doing flats and sharps like crazy. Modulation is fine and expected in heavy metal. However too much of it sounds like senseless banging and flickering.

Repetition is important and for the same reason. You really can have “too many notes.” One major thing I learned was to emphasize the triad of the scale (in C Major that's C, E, G. In A Minor that’s A, C, E) with repetition, duration, and frequency. I guarantee that after that nothing you write will be atonal.

Even though it can be much more difficult you should write the music before you write the lyrics in.

Then there is the factor of consonance and dissonance. Some sounds together sound awful. Such as a 2nd. That is a with b, or b with c, etc.

Themes and variations are to repeat the same melody just a little differently each time.

One great help could be to take a classical (or baroque, whatever) era chord progression but make it sound more wicked than its original form. Look for the more pleasant sounding chord progressions and impart on them that more evil characteristic. As such a magical effect is achieved. The same can be done with melody. Think Holst's “Venus,” and Pachelbel’s “Cannon.” And creatively speaking they can be mixed and transformed into harsher pieces.

Software can forego talent altogether. Making your riffs, writing it out on notation software. That just leaves you with the singing which someday software itself may be possible of.

Unless you are composing for a symphony then all of this advice is all that you need to know in creating good sounding music.

Making an Idol

Wood carved idols are the most powerful. In magic effort counts for a lot (an important lesson.) There’s an easier way to start however. To create from clay, resin, using 3D printers if you like (money you put in also counts for a lot.) To paint these. To make at least one of each your favorite deities among them. You can even take a doll or action figure and demonize it. For example giving it horns and a red cape. Materials you may need are glue, clay, glue guns, clear marbles, pitch fork pieces found online, carving tools for wood or clay, maybe little horns for a troll doll, are some.

It isn’t as easy as it sounds however. It may take practice. It doesn’t have to take form however. It could be as simple as an image on a cup or paper. Then paint is used, or just markers or pens. The key word is “image,” one that you find appealing. One that attracts you. When I was 19 years old I created such idols not knowing that they were. Then I realized I was and began to pray to them.

Idols are all around us. They are trademark signs. On coffee cups. As dolls and action figures. Represented as tattoos sometimes. They are our medals of honor. The carefully shot images of Earth or monolithic structures for gods.. Or these days, us. And memes. I had the idea for memes years before they were called memes. Only mine were used for magic and something called “Texturals.” As the text relayed a Satanic or occult message beside an appropriate image.

The biggest reason for making your idol is that you put yourself into it. It is homage. It is recognition. It is also just a thing that a child of darkness does. Every religion has them. Mostly of their leaders, like a crucifix or Mother Mary. A founder of their cause. All religions have idols. All companies do too, on the form of trademarks that rise high above their places. Or of Steve Jobz for one company.

Making Your Ritualistic Drink

With all the fruit of the earth, all of the drinks from leaves or from beans, the herbs that bring flavor, herb-ology is real and robust. Magic drink potions have a lot to draw from. Scientists are yet to know the power of what does what to whom. Just little trinkets of information have been revealed to them about it. Why does a plant produce caffeine? Or release sugar? People take their special pills all of the time. Some can be life saving. Others can make you hallucinate. Some mushrooms have incredibly strange effects while another seems to do absolutely nothing. The right mix reveals a lot, but singular intake is more subtle, it gives a mouse cancer, but doesn’t seem to effect us at all as humans. The effect may seem to be there sometimes. In some but not others. And for awhile they begin to think they were wrong all along just as scientists often do. So they come to basically say “this causes everything.” And that cause is magic, unbeknownst to them. Natural magic, chemical magic, whatever you want to call it.

What exactly happens in the mind when it senses taste? For those that really do taste food the effect is stronger. The mind knows that specific taste and likes it. The task of the magician is to find the best taste possible through experimentation. Sometimes it isn't only taste however but helpful potions as well. All you have to do is simply see what goes best together in your conviction. A little bit of orange juice, added sugar, sweet and sour mix, with rosemary, for example. Happy taste, happy mind. It does wonders on stress. It elevates mood.

However there is an important thing that can't be left out. And that is not one drink but many, used from ritual to ritual. Depending on the type of ritual a new drink is used just for that. So a destructive ritual has a different drink then a cure ritual. Or a love ritual and a wishing ritual, they must all have their own drink. A drink that is carefully calculated, too. Its magical effect will then be enormous.

It doesn’t have to be ritualized however. Taste magic works simply by associating thoughts with flavors. It tells your mind what flavor your thoughts are. It is an incredibly powerful form of magic. The key to it is in association.

How to Create a Satanic Video Game

Satanic aesthetics are very important. Whatever sets a diabolical tone. That can be as simple as a sound effect and as great as an ominous enemy. A true devil, one whose power matters to it more than anything else. A deceiver perhaps, whose power is drawn from Satanic forces. Daimajin is among the best of old Japanese movies. Inspiration is so abundant. Piecing together the Satanic just depends on one's personal tastes. Just as long as he or she sees through the eyes of a Satanist. Some people just wanted to make something more wicked than the rest of what people are doing. They didn’t like the softness of others so they took a pre existing thing and made it Satanic, whether they meant to or not. Usually too they became more successful or at least equal to the ones that influenced them to do so!

The right music is essential. That music that sets a dark tone- in a tribal way, in a dire way, whatever fits into the effect you wish to make. Sound effects of just the right coupling of notes or as a gong over a gleeful sound found in more light hearted games.

Being more openly Satanic is a thing not often found in video games. You have wizards and stuff but nothing of Satan in a literal sense.

Going over examples like a lot of Satanic things the 80s is a good 0lace to start. Whether side scrollers or RPGs, pin ball games even. The imagery was powerful and the tone ominous, mysterious in its ways. It created quite a stir for awhile. Having you summon demons basically, having within it beings from hell. They used words like “monsters" for them but it was the same thing.

Newer Satanic games reside under the guise of the gothic. Metroidvania games paint the landscape with cathedrals taken over by demons under a blood red sky. With numerous spells possible, they stretch out everything thanks to new hardware. But you can go back to the 8 bit days and find games that just left an impressive feeling in regards to their nature as such.

So when making a game ask yourself if it is Satanic enough. Does its effect stand out? Does it impart the right feeling? Does it portray the Satanic the best it can?

So work on the best resemblance of the Satanic that you can. Go over the designs of its demons. Make the landscape a Hellscape. Put upon it your sigils and symbols. Have it implement some sorcery. Make the music as some kind of Gothic Baroque or Devil's Trill. Set it at the table of Satan in its presentation.

The Magic Alphabet

As I've written it before: letters can be taken from ancient languages. Especially ones that formed the symbols and sounds deemed Satanic. Such as the word for them of a demon's name. Two or more of these the same, blended together.

There should be multiple symbols per letter though. Four symbols for each letter. That is, a fire symbol, one of water, of earth, and one of air. When you use your magic alphabet then you choose the appropriate symbol. If a harsher meaning is conveyed, mostly fire letters are then used.

The four elements of magic:

Fire is power, progress, strength, vigor, destruction, dedication, radical change, temperance, the sword, competition, refinement, victory, rule.

Air is intelligence, mind, spirit, magic, the Netheral, heavenly realms, expansion, vitality, systems, life, the unknown, wand, time, the light, joy, happiness, worship,

Earth is nature, emotion, the material, defense, consecration, the grave, foundation, creation, the known, pentacle, the animal, the staff, striving/ yearning.

Water is purification, progress, adaptation, renewal, stamina, healing, pacification, acceptance, returning, change, paths, destiny, the end result which cannot change. The finding of a way.

Again, in your magical alphabet create four symbols per letter accordingly. They will allow you to express precisely what you want to.

As for sounds: they too each have four per letter. They are also based on the four elements. The fire sound is to be harsher, water the softest sound, air the more freely spoken, and earth to be a quick but strong utter.

It’s all you need to know in making a magical alphabet.

Chapter Eighteen: Numerology and Other Things

Numerology was one of the earliest interests for me in magic. In fact I thought about the nature of numbers all of my life. God Himself places importance on numbers. And so life is designed for us around them by both Him and Higher Beings.

We'll start with 16. 16 is the number of good and evil. Is a 6 that turns into a one. It is double the number 8 which is the number of balance. So it is the number that acts on balance. As double any number means “that has been acted on,” Such as the number 14. That is 7 acted on. And 14 becomes 5 (1 plus 4.) 7 is Holy. 5 is grace.

5 can be a grace period. To allow anyone to be 5 minutes early or late. To allow yourself to be only 5 minutes early or late.

One thing about 12 is that 12 is “the witching hour,” It is double the number 6. And 6 is The Devil's number (though some would fool you into thinking otherwise.) 6 is Satan's number and 12 is the hour of freedom, the Witching Hour.

The number 2 is life  plain and simple. It is empirically so. We have two eyes, two hands, two everything nearly. Even two nostrils. And we walk one step then another. We breath in and then out.

Three is the number of creation. 6 is also the number of creations perfect creation, Lucifer.

8 is a number of design. It is the number of truth in how things are. It is side ways an infinity symbol, upright a time symbol. It is of the 8 octaves in music which get repeated. They say there is either 8 planets or 9. That Pluto.. is he a character either? 8 pushes backward as some sort of processing number. 8 times 2 is 16. That's 7 (1 plus 6.) 8 times 3 is 24. That’s the number 6. So it takes from things and sends them to us. It is like a gateway that it allows in.

8 must be an attractive number with the 8 ball (including the magic one), crazy 8’s, and a slew of other things.

Then there's the number 9. Number 9 is a certainty. It is a thing solidified. A thing unchangeable. A singular thing. The number of God. 7 is not God. 7 is Holy. But God Himself is 9. Any number you multiply it with it doesn’t change. Such as 18, 27, 36, they all become 9. They do not change. It is “the source,” the singularity.

And the number 0 is mysterious. It is The Unknown. The nothingness. The void and emptiness. The thing that is yet to be. It is tomorrow, which does not yet exist. Yesterday, which is no more. That which is yet to be. That which never was. The beginning before it began. The ending  after the end. Can be considered a number of resurrection.

Four is the number of movement. Things go forth on fours. You could say we walk on two legs but our arms serve a purpose for us to walk, keeping balanced. Covens often appear in fours. Councils too. My witch friend taught me that it was a number of stability. She also taught me that 5 was the number of adventure. With 4 I’ve come to know it as a number that holds things together. That bonds things. That unite. That keep things together.

How about some dice then? What a cheap form of magic to use! I wonder if they make dice out of crystals? Glass dice are nice. 12 sided dice are neat. Poker cards can also be used. They are found in Tarot as well. More elaborately so they are found in the Tarot. Believe it or not some have won the lottery by using numerology.

I used to play a dice based game with a friend. Satanic Forces would manipulate the dice. The reason for my consecutive ones while playing came to light. Nobody rolls 10 rolls of the number 1. So I set out to make a game that rolled the dice down a trapezoid. I tried tossing it a certain way. Nothing I did though changed the Roll into anything but 1. So based on experience I can say that spirits are very able to manipulate what number appears. All that’s left for you to do then is to successfully call on a spirit before you do your dice based numerology.. as it goes with Tarot too and many other things.

A Magical Calculator

If you are apt at creating software or electronics then my idea may benefit you. Like everything I create it free for anyone to use. My idea for a calculator is to calculate things for a magically useful determination. So then an input for an element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) an input for a number interpreted by it in terms of numerology, the date inputted for similar reasons but also for horoscope kinds of reasons, and in more advanced cases scanning your hand for palm readings.

Could just as well be an app.

Random numbers generated, random Tarot, moon phases known by it and used in the application are among other things.. many other things. And good luck to you!

Animalistic Pleasures

There is a regular and mundane way of doing things, then there is the way that is more fun and pleasurable. To take a shower laying down and drinking the falling water. Being strange in there really can be a lot of fun. To be more creative with the set up of your room instead of that common approach of “one thing goes here, another there.” I never see anyone with curtains around their beds. I never see a bed made to rest high which isn’t a bunk bed. Nor stain glass windows or a kitty cat clock with its eyes rolling from left to right. No, just a regular bed with perhaps posters on the wall and things stored away. But there is magic to plasma form TVs. There are a lot of modern options at least such as remote controlled light bulbs. A lava lamp whose times never should have ended. More color is pleasant to the eyes. To take the wood brown and make it purple adds a lot to your regular residence.

With eating food there is the tasteless or at least mostly tasteless way and there is the times you just chew forever and ever. There is the range of slow sip to the quick glug.

Some enjoy getting underneath their thick warm blanket happy that the day is done, eager to be at rest awhile until the next day. Others are like ‘f ---" I’ll never get my eight hours in!’

Unfortunately childhood joy is lost as an adult. Video games fascinated us, theater movies, characters from them, toys and candy. You just can’t get it back except through nostalgia, which is limited. Amusement parks can still be a lot of fun. Swimming too, and very tall swing sets. If I was rich I’d make the tallest swing set I could. I’d use it to imagine myself invading heaven above like I used to.