Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Nineteen:  The More Satanic Celebration of Holidays


Jesus might be about a lot of holidays, but Satan makes them better!

The Ritual of Halloween

 Halloween is a time when the Netheral is more open upon Earth for us to use as witches and warlocks. So there are spirits to contact and Hell’s door to open for us. Halloween should never be taken for granted in our pursuit of greater power.. a lasting power recharged each year. It The Satanic New Years Day. It is a time for pacts.  So let us absorb its power and make contact through these things and forge that heart of iniquity filled with black.

Choose a Satanic song. A song from your favorites only listening to it at Halloween. Meditate with that. Over the years I formed my ritual adding to it a little each time. I recommend that you start so yourself. To do one thing and add to that each year until your ritual is the best it can be. But here is mine:

Shred a Holy Bible and proclaim blasphemies. Enter into a coffin full of black bedding for your meditation to a Satanic song or songs.

Eat meat devouring it like a taunting animal would. Drink from a chalice slowly all day. Have prepared a Satanic invocation or prayer and recite it on that day. Lead the spirits into your life sending them into where you want them. That, in instruction form. Anoint your head with unholy water (your own urine) and ask for the serpent to speak to you.

Make a Satanic symbol to hang on your wall: preferably of cloth or parchment. Wool is a good idea. And have Satanic imagery all around. Black candles, black cats, spider web, glow sticks, whatever you want, Halloween has it. That which you can solely dance around in a witches’ joy. Without inhibition, with great freedom. The witching hour (12 AM) should be reserved for just that.

And your costume is an important choice to make. Personally I prefer to be The Devil Himself. Then peer into a mirror until you begin to see that evil person reflected, twisting and contorting its face.


While Halloween is stimulating in it’s own right, Easter is a time for pleasure. Easter is a time for feast and revelry. If you are a part of a large group then the set up includes a special area, a camp fire, live music, tents, and a lot of good food. The idea is you do what you want when you want to. Rest when you want, listen to music or eat when you want. It could be a three day thing perhaps. It can be given a good cue from the nature loving wiccans whose spring celebration are basically the same as ours. It is a day for bright sided thinking. For optimism and to gather the life energy that has reawakened for us to claim.


Worldliness and worldly pleasure such as desire for material things is our Christmas Spirit. It is a time in which one can build up desire, to freely feel greed. It is a time for us to love the things of life. The cold winter outside keeping us indoors while the setting is a very peaceful one. It is a time of tranquility. Let Santa be seen for who he is (Satan.) Who is really the star of the show. And when you tack his image on the wall, bring to it a Satanic touch. Hell the guy even has a whip!

Eggnog is for some a once a year drink.

While many Christmas movies are based on Jesus not all are. In fact there are many not, such as based instead on Jack Frost and things. May it be a time of celebration and giving. All it is when it comes down to it is a worship of material things.