Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty Four: Prayers to The Churches of Satan


Prayer To Satan

Or the basic prayer for all clans:

Give to me the life of a Satanist and a bright Luciferian mind. Invite me into your kingdom of infernal design. Give me victory of those not your own. May the Christian stumble while strong steps we leave behind. Whose soles are never damaged. Whose wings take flight. Admit me into the life of a sinner. The realm my pleasure. The world our own. My guilt be damned and my passion be as fire. Not a flickering candle but a blazing inferno. To burn as the fires of hell so greatly. To he the one where the forces of hell come from and return. As I whose eyes shine an evil. Whose mouth pierces with his sword. Not of Christ whose rapture I ignore. But the great inner demon be a scorching fire against their hoard. And life itself become shining and glittering. Like gold I adore. In eternity I will find perfection, and, then, yet, more.

Satan Our Father who art in hell, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will he done, on Earth as it is in hell. Give us this day our daily pleasures and scorn those who would trespass against us. For thine is the power and glory forever and ever.

Hales- Nema, So Noted in Memory.

Prayer to the Clan of Shiva

May our world be robust with pleasure. May our rule be everlasting. Lead us into the dancing mad indulgences of Earth. Freeze still our enemies who would detain us from them. Capture our hearts with desire. Build upon our rock the strongest of stones. Let us triumph in our ways. Restore us to power if it is lost. Return us to tranquility. Blast down our walls of abstinence and transfigure us in your image. Let our lives in the Earth be forever and its properties fall into our hands. For we are observant of your ways and serve you. Make of us a strong people who live and fight for the joy of life. Give freedom to the deserving but not to those who slander and and harm the innocent. Protect us oh Lord Shiva from such people. Let not the things we love and desire be taken from us and bring us into the joy of your kingdom. Keep us there and protect us blotting out any transgressor. For of you life is joy, and so we worship you.

Hales- Nema, So Noted in Memory.

Prayer to the Clan of Lilith

It is you whose hand leads into Darkness. It is you whose path leads into that way. And by you we are united into Darkness and by you we shall find our purpose therein. You take us as a Mother who is a friend, a Goddess of Iniquity beautiful in your ways. You teach us an appreciation of The Dark opening our eyes to its beauty. The Dark way is known well by you and so we pray to you to teach us and welcome us into Darkness. In your cup is the blood we dare to drink. From you comes The Communion. From your worship we find the realm of iniquity and enter into it. And you were the one of his fantasies from so long ago where witches took flight to meet their lord. The Darkness is vast and its freedom broad. There is place enough for us to dance and revel in the iniquitous magic it spawns. Through you Lord Lilith we represent The Dark. We bring others unto you for all of these purposes spoken of. As you gave us sight, so we have them be given sight by you. As you have taught us, so we teach them.

Hales-Nema, So Noted In Memory.

Prayer to the Clan of Samael

Oh Samael bring us into balance. Let us be moderate in our ways and remove from us both excess and lacking of. For you are the God of Good and Evil. True God of this Earth The Center, speaker to both heaven and hell, unite us. You are the angel of the middle ground known in the sphere of worldly being. From you comes life eternal in these places. Let us create a philosophy of both good and evil and share its knowledge creating its best possible teachings  Resurrect us upon this world into a new bed. Awaken us there. Remind us of all we were. Forsake us not in these things. Yours is the greatest of Earthly wisdom Samael. Please teach us all we need to know about this life, of this existence. When we can find pleasuee no more then please guide us into something new, something we will. Make our plate not be too bitter or too sweet. You are our Gray Shepherd and we your gray flock. From you come Gray-Sided ways. Please transfigure us into them and make us a model everlasting on earth, without mortality.

Hales-Nema, So Noted In Memory.

Prayer to the Clan of Abaddon

Your knowledge is of the greatest depth. Your wisdom, profoundly deep. You know of things long forgotten, yet greatly important. You know of things yet to come, as you have a great understanding of what was from before. We learn great things from you Lord Abaddon, and that knowledge is our pursuit in life, our service for you. For you have not a simple mind to talk to but one great. And without us you haven’t such a person. We are your creations and gladly offer you our time. That is time spent learning. That is time to build upon understanding and perspective. Then to share our knowledge with the other Churches. Our pact with you us that we shall learn all we can. Details are you spirit. Your spirit dwells in the details of all things. We shall enter into that spirit understanding ourselves, knowing ourselves in full. As knowledge is power Lord Abaddon, so we ask our power comes from you.

Hales-Nema, So Noted in Memory.

Prayer to the Clan of Azrael

Like lightning may we strike. Quick and powerfully, without discrimination. As soldiers in The Devil’s Army, under your command, Lord Azrael. We are warrior minded people created by you The Satanic God of War.

May our principles be based on bravery and power. Power of strength, dominating our surrounding, not lightly taking from things. Built as tough as nails. Able to endure. Able to conquer. Able to implement The Devil's Wishes.

Not to cower down. Not to be full of worry. To fight for ourselves and each other. To die that day we have to. But to be rewarded in hell greatly, as leaders then, not soldiers.

Teach us the best ways to fight and to enforce rule. Simply instruct us of Satan's wishes and they shall he done. Let no one restrict the religious rights of a Satanist. Less they face us and be undone.

Prayer to the Clan of Leviathan

Leviathan lead us into that protected place of magic. A Satanically Spiritual Black Hole, through your Netheral Waves. Teach us the ways of magic and sorcery. Make of us Witches and Warlocks. Bring us into a Communion with Satan when our time comes. Appoint us to the best teachers of magic and sorcery building greatly upon our craft. Let no witch hunter harm us. Gather us together to cast spells that change the world. Bring to our hearts the design of Satan's Kingdom. Then with magic let it so be by our hands. Let us protect and bless our own kind through magic. Let us lead the Satanists into ruling the world. Come to us from the seas upon the shore where we are waiting for you. Make of us The Devil's Beastly. Show to us visions. Open up the Netheral Realm for our use. Empower our hands with magic for they will  be the Devil's tool. Let us live and act alone, privately, away from others. Give to us your greatest blessing: solace. Yet alone work great magic that transforms the entire Earth.

Hales-Nema, So Noted in Memory.

Prayer to the Clan of Beelzebub

Darken our hearts blacker than coal. Give to us the refuse of the sinner. Make sin our pleasure. Make our hearts our treasure, full of evil, full of iniquity. Give to us the true Satanic Ritual. Put our hearts and sights on the end of human kind. Let us revel in their demise. Let us dance on the graves of a dead race of people. Make our magic that of destruction. Bring to our minds the darkest of imagery. Give us the power of iniquity as we pursue our grand enemy. Let that be our energy. Let us rest beside the rulers of hell as like their cherished. Remove from us the lesser evils. Those that cannot prescribe to complete immorality. However we shall not be lead into our own harm acting foolishly. Will live to fight that greatest day, that day of our end, of our completion. We shall gather into the Black Sabbath. Will meet the truest and darkest of forms there. Beelzebub be beside us. May your serpents wrap around us.

Hales-Nema, So Noted in Memory.

Prayer to the Clan of Mammon

From you comes wealth and our desire for it. Mammon lead us into wealth, and bring into our hearts the desire for it. Even our soul sold unto it, with or without Christianly Salvation, as we have come to love the world too much to deny it. Bring to us good education, inventiveness, innovation needed to become rich from. Make us determined to earn wealth. Lord Mammon bless us with riches, enough for a good home, for its power and freedom resulting from it. Refine our tastes as well Lord Mammon. Make them intricately known instead of being plain, simple, and ordinary. Build upon our uniqueness of tastes. Let even the cheaper things be highly valued by us. Teach us to appreciate our things. Teach us to not share or sell at a loss. We will only give to a select few, friends, family, without it bringing us to too great a loss. We will guard our things and regard them as each and all valuable. Our cup will then be at its sweetest and ever full. Make of our hearts that which is full of desire and envy, all things that lead us into the greatness of wealth. Let us dispense of any thought of abstinence, taking fully from the Earth.

Hales-Nema, So Noted in Memory.

Prayer to the Clan of Bael

Bael we seek to be as brightly burning stars in the sky. We pray for distance from the mediocre. We seek to rise ever higher. To be taken to a place of godly design. To triumph over the inferiority of simple and wellness-lacking lives. So then make us competitive and envious of any one at all above us. Let us not settle on second best. But as inventive and innovative shall we come into success. Success as a musician or as an author, a painter or a magician, whatsoever suits us. Make of our hands a perfectionist’s workings. What we make, make good in all ways. Make it desirable. Make it valuable. Make it the best among other things. Give our eyes to real beauty and worth. Bring to our imagination superior things. We seek from you fame Lord Bael. Fame enough to be spoken of greatly. Found on TV. Found online. Whose creations are shared. Whose creations are highly valued. Let us look down on those lower than  us. Let us not deem them as equals. May our hearts only feel pride that is worthy of it. When that day of success comes for us have us revel then but not prematurely. Teach to us uniqueness. Craft for us the best possible form for what is superior on the Earth. Have those below us praise us and proclaim our greatness as so we deserve.

Hales-Nema, So Noted in Memory.

Prayer to the Clan of Belial

Belial we pray for mastery of thought. We week a higher intelligence. Make of us the individualist. Make of our thinking that of uniqueness. Bring us into an understanding against others. Especially those who would take, harm, or manipulate us, bring our thoughts against. Lead our thinking into choice actions. Bring to us optimal-pathic reasoning. Fill our hearts with continual pride. When we can sit and think alone wonderful things about ourselves then we have come into the form you desire of us. We shall come into greater reasoning through you Lord Belial. All that we will learn will be things good for us to know. The most practical of things to start. The most greatly transforming thereafter. We are your scholars. We are the foundation of thought that includes the Earth-to-Become. As our reasoning goes, so proceeds the Earth. We are given a reasoning that precedes the Earth. As so it is reasoned, so it becomes. Grant us a psychic connection with the Earth. That so as we think so it is already, or so it will become. Make us The Prophets of Satan.

Hales-Nema, So Noted in Memory.

Prayer to the Clan of Set

Through you we are religious fundamentalists. We know the spiritual things that are Luciferian. We have come upon the knowledge of reverse Christianity through you. We create religions on the Earth as we have come so decided should be. We are the authors of all religion upon the face of the Earth now, before, and to become. We understand the mysteries of magic through you, Lord Set. We set out to design those religions as you have taught us to so make. We are priests sometimes, high priests other times, both great and regular clergy. Our minds are vast with knowledge about spiritual matters and the metaphysical. We write Bibles and books of the occult as you have set our minds to create them. We understand the fallacy of Christian thinking and go forth to create religions greater than those that simply use the gospels. Our greatest hope is to create a religion that becomes followed worldwide. You have put us to the test. You have made our lives deep with experience. You have brought us to know great pleasure and suffering, and so you qualify us to create what we do. We understand that the high price paid for our Writings will bring about the greatest reward. That is, to be known forever and a great entity of change upon the Earth. That through the greatest change making thing that there is, a book.

Hales-Nema, So Noted in Memory.

Prayer to the Clan of Dagon

You are the power behind peace and dwell in the hearts of those seeking peace and stability. However those whose hearts are violent and whose actions are destructive you will consume them with their own rage. You will build upon a fire among them in which they will be consumed. You represent life for the peace maker and death to the ones who would harm the innocent. With you anarchy does not stand. With you lawlessness is never lasting. You protect the innocent and serve them well. You come upon the vandal with wrath. You represent civility. You hear the cries of those unjustly harmed. We will pray to you for continuing peace. Like Daimajin we will worship you, assured that you will protect us in hard times. May no dictatorship stand. May no evil people rule over good people. Let not inhumane acts be tolerated. Serve as judgment against them who harm the innocent. Those that hinder peace, draw their own sword against. May liberty and freedom be full for those who do not slander or unjustly harm others. For those that do, damn into the fires of their own design. When freedom is broken and our lives come under rule by the mad man, give us the power we need against him. By your might may s/he be overthrown.

Hales-Nema, So Noted in Memory.

Prayer to Lucifer, the Totality of all the Others

So then let us be consecrated on these Twelve:

The pleasure of life.

A union with Darkness.

A life that balances good and evil.

To fight for The Devil.

To be apt at sorcery.

That our hearts be full of iniquity.

That we strive for wealth.

That we strive for fame.

To seek being a brightly burning star.

For higher intelligence.

To create new religions, hopefully ones vastly followed.

And for continuing peace and liberty for those who deserve it.

The unknown life awaits you. The day calls on you to make your life better. To prepare for your future, and may it be the best that it can be. But have beside you items of pleasure as well. Such as a nice seat, a nice drink. Sit upon that throne assured that these things will likely come to pass. Let not a day be forsaken, because one day can make every difference. The Darkness is not void of color. It is full of color. As black is, in fact, many colors. Worldliness is the greatest thing that Satanism may ever teach. It is in fact just oppositely so for the Christian. You though, as a Satanist have been handed down the world ruled and owned by Satan. It is a world of his design and something that a Christian is repelled by, though hypocritically enjoys “falling down" from time to time. If you can master the Earth then you can master Satanism, and earn the best of positions within it. Look above at the stars and envy them. Be full of desire for those better off than you. It will compel you to achieve the same. Imagine that day when wealth and fame give a loud and happy knock on your door. Whatever you do, do the best you can do (which is the Crystal Rule. To do the best that can be done.)

With humility however, kneel before your idols. Do not be haughty against them or your prayers will only serve as curses unto you.

To sit on the right hand side of Satan is to be fully his own.. His Children are many. His Son sits there alone. He is not begotten into the flesh but is the begotten of his spirit. He is an angel fallen from heaven, with those fallen with him and he brings with him his truly infernal heavenly wisdom. (Damuel The Messenger.)