Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty Five: Factors of Successful Magic


These are elements of magic regarding things like its success and best application. It is an overall way to be better at it.


Full moon magic works better. The witching hour is a better time to perform it, too. Pray every Sunday night that your prayers will come to order and fruition the next morning. A little movement there already will be easier to propel. A fire already burning can more easily be fueled to a greater height. An idea whose time has come is a powerful thing. Halloween is a major time for magic. The bridge between here and there and the door itself of The Netheral is open. A well calculated spell or ritual will obviously work better and so the time spent on it is time well spent.

Emotional Power

The intensity of emotion serves well in energizing the forces of magic you are calling on. Be they elevated mood, anger, or whatever else. From the earliest uses of magic the magician knew so. None can successfully work magic when it is a meaningless procedure. It doesn’t have to be given meaning by emotion alone. But greatly adds effectiveness to what you are doing, in many cases.

Quality of Altar/Ritual Items

A branch from the tree alone isn’t a thing of magic. The magician must use it the right way and may need to make it better by blessing power into it. A cheap Santa Claus bell just seems out of place. Poorly illustrated tarot cards are unpleasant to even look at. A badly drawn sigil drawn on a brown paper bag is an awful way to honor Satan.


Wanting something (anything, whatever you seek through magical means) will pull those things in. In fact this principle operates apart from the altar. What we most greatly desire always seems to come to us sooner or later. It both pushes us towards it and pulls it in. After all we go where our heart follows and it is our soul takes us there. The flesh may be in one place but the spirit calling out for another. Listen to your spirit and follow it to where it would take you.


That is that it is all done well. This is the overall scope. To not stumble while you are performing a ritual. Master your ritual for better results. The better you know the Tarot the better your visions of them they will impart. It’s as simple as saying the words right and doing its required actions properly.. correctly.. with fluidity indicating that you have mastered its procedure.


When it comes to the occult,  knowledge really is power. Then there’s the old lesson that someone can have too much on their plate. Either it’s that or dilution. Concentrate your powers and knowledge into one thing making it a precise bullet over an arrow. It is important to know the background of any given thing. Occult knowledge is hidden knowledge: things forgotten when found by the magician gives him or her great power. So pour through old books, music, and antiques searching for that capsulized power.


Magic has a way of bringing itself true in the way most natural. It looks for that portal from which to enter which may have not been the route you desired but there it comes forth as it is only able to. You may have asked for money from thin air but instead you get a new job or a raise. Somehow your boss is full of appreciation for you not there before. You may have asked one person to fall in love with you but instead their sister or brother does. That is usually the kind of thing that happens with more difficult requests.

But if something is already moving in a certain direction then it is much easier for magic to do what you want it to.

Relationship with Deities

A lot of magic occurs with simply being friends with the demons you worship. To be on good terms with them and perhaps even bringing them into your life because of it. So worship of demons itself is magic. An idol serves a magician well. To be a successful person on The Devil's Earth serving his purpose rewards her or him. As well as that giving tithes to them spurs them towards you. Creating special crafts for them honors them too.


Severe isolation though for some tormenting, results in very powerful magic. Magic that can even be life changing as I have found during my own one month isolation in a rubber room. There is that to say about isolation but individuality (isolating your mind away from cultural contamination) will make a natural magician of a person as well. Powers within groups are shared, and each have but a small portion as there is a lot to share. the person who is alone with his or her design will embody a greatly more powerful magician.


A cry for help will summon forth help in the context of magic. A rightly doing person who has an enemy will be more able to curse them, for sure. A person that doesn’t really want a loving relationship but in fact more of a love slave will much more likely fail. Let’s say a person writes and works hard on the books they create. When they ask for the success of those books, the request is more reasonable. It is more inviting for help than one who just wants the world handed to them “on a silver platter.” Being humble leads to greater help from those Forces you seek to invoke.


Faith can be known here as “The Joy of Fantasy.” If you do not believe in magic then it will simply serve you no good. Sometimes that love of its fantasy aspect makes it work when otherwise it wouldn’t.

Looking the right way, or seeking out

You could miss out on a lot in life if you do not. You can even sink into the athiestic perspective of the scientists. Scientists are nothing but bastardy children of magic. Sure what they do is a great power but they’ve forgotten that magic was their source and that they in fact practice magic.

The apt magician can look up at the clouds and see things, even visions. The beauty of the Earth is seen by the magician. By the scientist it is just a bunch of stones that fell here. For the magician it is a part of the life system as well. They say to the gambler that their odds are minute. Though after years and years of gambling they came upon an enormous sum. They say that four leaf clovers are just a mutation. For the magician however they shine out as magical occurrences.

The Tarot allows them to see. The dice let’s them consider. The crystal ball opens their eyes. During their dreams they fly. They are protected in life even when they don’t know why.


That is to say, liberality and freeness is potent in causing magical effects. We hopefully remember our childhood as a wonderful time. The way we felt wonder for the world and fascination for it. We were not yet knowing of the facts behind things like computer games. Our taste buds were new, fully enjoying candy and food, or disgusted by some of it. Even an action figure seemed incredibly special, or die cast metal jets. Whatever it was, all things around us: Christmas and Halloween, Halloween pencils, glow sticks, etc. There is worth in that beyond the greatest money. That’s because money truly can’t buy anything you can treasure as much as a child, down to the smallest of things, up to the greatest of them.

We are to be The Devil's Children. To practice witch-craft. To be creative. To be less inhibited. To let our emotions overwhelm us and to bask in the Light of Lucifer. Then we will not be his brother or sister. Not his nephew or niece, but his sons and daughters. Only then will he give us the world itself.


This is to make something that doesn’t seem magical into something that is. It is the ability to make any ordinary thing work magic. That may call for anything from a small amount of inventiveness to a large amount of it. I used to go to idol selling stores and pray there while I was homeless. Sometimes I had only a pen and paper. I started “occult writing" meaning to draw on magical symbols and prayers, mostly. I preserved what I carefully wrote and drew by placing them in plastic bottles and tossing them away. I had these dice that had only pictures on them like gold and wood that I turned into magical dice. There was an altar looking thing in an odd place. I can see why people would pass by it without any thought but for me it stood out and I practiced rituals there when the crowd was all gone (except for the drunkards or two who didn’t care.) It was a statue of a hog with a bowl of water beneath. In isolation I came to use my food for magical purposes, formed around my “Principality List,” incorporating my food into taste magic. I was just a person who refused to not have magic in my life.

It comes from the questions “How can this be used for magic?” or, “How can this be turned into something for magic?,” or, “How can this be magic-fied?”

Group Power

It is the shared love that pulls together a singular life from a few. It is much like mothering magic that way. It is a multi colored power that is created behind those that work magic together. More obviously it is power multiplied.

Persistence and Dedication

The power of the dedicated is a great one. The one that prays unanswered prayers every day for years had her prayers come true, finally. She was told to pray. It was her duty. She wondered all the while what it was all for, but kept herself serious and to continued to. Then one day the greatest thing came to her: the salvation of her kingdom. Sometimes it isn’t about the first time bringing results but the tenth, even the hundredth. It is a good way to look at it. Keep trying, it will come to you.

Being at One with Demonic Forces

What shall we call that force? Satanic Forces, Demonic? Angelic? Netheral? Each one stands out with a difference behind them. Know which exact force you are trying to evolve and if possible, know many of them and know them well. Nerheral Forces are plainly metaphysical for example. For those who serve their purposes well they are equipped with power that others as magicians may never find. For some it comes in meditation. I do not mean empty headed meditation either, but one perhaps more diabolical. The Chosen Ones will be their schemes placing them into power, into royalty. Only the most deserving will be granted that. The upper class live in their castles. The fruit of the in-Devine feeds them. Their souls are truly sold to The Devil. The scheme they act on and the chosen destiny given them lead them to that place. It truly is a person whose design could not have lead to any place else. They meditate on these things. They meditate on the power they have clasped and their hearts are fill of pride and desire whenever things are going perfectly right.


The lesson of the musician serves well for the magician. Consider magic a symphony. It cannot be done without talent if it is to be done on a grand scale. Most may at best compose an octet. Few can orchestrate the world around to serve their purposes. The Devil's work is the most appealing to human kind. As Ezekiel 28 states:

“the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.”

Lucifer was created for music and given music. And he is masterful at writing music, songs, classical music, in whatever form.

The Devil's mediums are the most compelling for human kind. They hadn’t gotten to fully break free from Christian softliness until fairy recently. They went down the best route eventually, which is Luciferian, which is most desirable.

It applies to many things: books, movies, music, art, you name it. So doing The Devil's Work is the most humanly attractive of all work. It takes a Luciferian to accomplish that though as it is a reflection of their nature. Phonies are easily spotted and mocked at. Like the person trying to be cool when he is in fact a complete nerd. Like the high class people trying to be gangster. Like the dad trying to be “hip with the times.” People know if it isn't genuine. They know it is counterfeit.

Constructing the Devil's work requires a Person of Lucifer. It requires a good enough background. It requires Luciferian tastes. You can compare it all to good and bad. The more light hearted thing that inspired the more diabolical one. The serious and dark one over the “fun" and most emotionally stirring.

I have here the ingredients. Make of it what you wish to:

Being Evocative

A thing that stands out. A thing that feels both fresh and discovered  Make what you make a stunning thing. Have it show itself booming forth. Dazzle them with lights and a flood of awesome imagery and sound.

Being Liberal and Liberating

To free one’s spirit of socially or parented constrains. To be the rebel thing. Yes, people are sick in the head. They like horror movies and murder mysteries. Even old ladies like “Murder, she wrote.” We are in a time though when horror stuff has just been done too much. So how would you liberate another from modern constraints? What is the freedom that people today seek?

True Controversy

Past controversy is usually not modern controversy. Past controversy is just overdone meat. Modern controversy requires The Devil's Touch of things. He has the ball rolling into another field. 

Satanic Elements

Thinking of individual things, anything that adds to the tone and feel of it all. “A good contribution” to the overall effect. With that use the principle that the greater the good from the least, the more powerful a thing is overall. Make what is small big. Make what is big, bigger.

Counter De-Sensitivities

At one time a thing was considered very Satanic but with familiarity people are no more sensitive to it. It hasn’t the same power. Unfortunately it is simply inevitable that people will become too familiar with what you make and will look for something else. That is fortunate however in a way that Satanic things are progressed and evolved by from people who were once in the arena but now in the seats above. “The Satanic Show must go on.” Yes, even after the first sequel people who once were stunned by what you did no longer are, or aren’t as much. You may have to make something altogether new.

It is a good lesson to see what else by others have been overdone and to do differently. To be a nice change.

Choice Imagery

Still images are a magic term for thought evoking things. That could be an actual image or a short part in a song meant to capture one's mind with. A thing applying focus for example into a thought or idea. That period in your creation that stops the observer and places the demonic in their mind for a moment.

Texturals are Luciferian Scripture. The word Textural means image + Script. What has been come to be called a “meme" was actually designed and brought forth by The Satanic. For some it is even a graven image. At least they are for Satanists.