Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty Seven: Several Demonic Forms


What they are called, their nature, how to attract them, and more information covering them.

Demons may take many traditional forms as found in literature. We may too someday. That is when the time comes that we are scientifically (magically) be able to. What they’ve seen in their minds is real. Many encounter stories illustrate what they saw. They saw very strange things in the real world. Even the Holy Bible alludes to them.

The Evil Fairy

Or “sprite" mocks its prey. They taunt them much like intelligent flies. That is what their hearts made of them. It is a choice form for them. They are hidden, do not like to be found easily but they do like being found. They can defend you. If you are the right person then they likely will. They grow very attached to their chosen ones. Those with an attractive purpose especially. They will then bring a purpose to them. Sometimes in a good way, more often in a bad way. They would think twice about losing you. They will think three times as much against you if you make them jealous. They like to share things and lead you into them. They like bringing you treasures. They can manipulate those in your life into helping you, giving you certain things.

If you take plants from a forested and mountainous area home then that is the best way to attract them. That is to gather mushrooms especially. First say a prayer to the evil fairy. Something such as: Evil fairy come with me back home. Befriend me and capture my heart. Let me not be alone in life with what I do. Be there with me and I will only be yours.

As well in these places little obstructed by people.. grassy, forested, mountainous, natural areas, you can place a fairy stone onto. It is a mix of: glitter, seeds of any kind, of about four to six kinds, dirt from your home area, clay, crystals, and wax from a green candle. Simply form these into a stone and place it before you then pray to the Devil that a fairy come into your life.

They are the perfect pirate's parrot for a sorcerer.

One day I was sent to a witch’s home by one of their friends. As oft I had been invited into such places and I do mean real witches. One of them swiped their hand across a wind chime. I was sitting down on their couch and a fairy came right above my lap. They said “meet our friend, Lucifer.” She burst into human form and we made love that night. The next day we performed a marriage ceremony. They had me wear a kind of leather jacket suit, white gloves, a sparkling tie, leather boots and a belt with a flat crystal stone. Me and her sat at a table holding hands staring into each other’s eyes. There was a candle between us. They produced a lot of smoke.. they were magic candles.. heavy smoke. I started coughing. The Fairy told me “don’t worry, with me you are forever alive.” I looked at her, my eyes became full of water then they stopped burning. Somehow my breathing felt lush with oxygen as best I can explain. Like the inhaling felt very relaxing, wonderful. The fairy pinched out the candle and the smoke was quickly gone. She turned from human form back to her fairy form and flew into my heart, as though passive energy. She asked in my mind “can you hear me?” I said yes, and she said, “then we will be together, always.” After that I could see her but no one else could. I could talk to her but no one else could hear us talking to each other.

The Troll

They live under the bridge as we all know, but why? They like the passer by. They’d rather not be seen. It was the place given to them. They cannot be in a place otherwise. They are souls damned to dwell their until they have served a good purpose. they can sense information about those that pass over their bridge. Most of all they know whatever pain they might have. The troll is full of hatred. They sometimes even manage to make the passerby jump to their death. They have the power to badly effect the surrounding area. As such they are more likely found under the bridges of badly affected areas. Poorer spots, spots of violence and things. They can cause the bridges to crack. They can cause vehicles to wreck. If they destroy the bridge themselves then they will be cast into the grave, forever to remain. If they killed anyone then they will be sent to that person’s grave and be forever tormented. Only if they do good will they be sent to a different place, underneath a different bridge, one better than the last. Eventually they will be freed of their curse altogether and will be allowed to rise up and cross the bridge into heaven.

A Jabberwocky

Only the nightmare has it known. It is abominably evil. It is a thing to fear. It is a vicious creature-beast from hell.

The Jinn

A jinn is a spirit that can easily change form. They are incredibly intelligent. Some beings from hell have decidedly low intelligence. Humans appreciate their thoughts and intellect. We frown upon “dumbness,” most of us are never really empty minded. But some demons may take the form of a spider and not think at all really besides food. If they see a human they hide. They know. But never expect one of them to talk to you. They don’t care a drop about any such thing. Jinns can change into spiders as such. Beings that have lived a million years just lose importance regarding so much. These are spirits that have long lived, for sure. A jinn is an evolved spirit. They sometimes share human bodies with one another. They simply ask within the mind of the Jinn-owned bodies that they wish to occupy themselves their for awhile. Perhaps they want what that body has regarding company, possessions, and place. They can also possess humans.

The Jinn are more likely to enter into a ritual area where magic is being used to call on them. They may be secretly observing someone’s life, even yours. I’ve talked to Jinn often. I rarely see them in physical form. They’ve been beside me commenting, telling me what they want from me, letting me in on certain information and such. To summon one up into visible and usable form you may only need to know those humans who truly know them.

Ask around. Enter into a sort of true Satanic Cult. Go to high class places. Those nooks and crannies they live their lives in. A large piece of the wealthy are composed of them. Riches are from the Devil. The Devil would not be a poor person. The Devil and his own live quite well on Earth and the spiritual are prohibited from it both by God and Him.

The Dwellers

An idol is like a telephone from hell. Very quite remarkably demons can post things online, spiritually so. A lot of Satanic imagery has appeared online, graven images they are, capsulized power thereof. You can actually use visual idols from online. Not just physical based actual-world ones but those in electronic form as well. They see the content of the internet. They needn’t actually be before a computer. They make great sense of it based on the energy that fills the Earth with it. For some spirits the only way of going from there to here is through a connection that an idol or ritual creates. Consider it like the procreation of ours, planting seeds, they “impregnate" the source of magic you impose. Only they don’t become human. They become forms of matter. They may integrate into ones mind to a certain extent, more easily with an animal in fact, and a familiar in that case is created. They are like God's less important. He cares much less what spirits may occupy them then he would a human. Like “any life,” cases, and humans were built by him with far greater resilience. Sometimes it is the magicians fault, however, as s/he carelessly invites them in. That is why circles are casted.

A talented magic can direct those forces into matter.

The Devil's Animal Forms

The Goat.. Satan himself in such a form is reserved for his select few, his elite. He takes that form for his worship. It represents his most evil nature. As they've been depicted in witch gatherings during the black masses and other nefarious things, so he is seen.

It has to be the heart of the Devil that you enter into. The spirit of the goat is his most blackest of forms. To summon it is to create peril worldwide. It is to invite the stronger powers of black magic. It may even precede the Devil coming into the Earth as in human form, his son. Who is The Devil's Lamb.

The Serpent..  Before you find The Goat you must find The Serpent and speak to him. Those who have long been dedicated to him will meet him  That comes after one's soul is sold. It can only come from total detachment from God. It has to come from fully giving yourself to him. And may not even be revealed unless you do his purpose for you, and excellently so.

The Serpent represents arcane knowledge, infernal wisdom, The Dark Ways. One can expect that by calling on Him their path will become darkened. Then the next form will come, that of the bird.

That is the White Clad Angel. The one who soars up to the morning star, the embodiment of perfection, the bringer of enlightenment. Satanists are more than just sinners, they are made to be exceptionally intelligent. We are not in the human family like a gathering of sheep (as Christian’s. Or as thugs: wolves.) But like the bird.. we soar above the others. We reach a bit closer to heaven as greater things.

The Cat.. represents our joy in life, our pleasure from it, our worldly design. That for better or worse we enjoy life and its things. It is Liberty Given By Satan. It is our stance and our instincts so guided by him. But some are rodents. They prefer being alone as much as possible. They only require a small reward. As such they are better off, naturally and acceptably so. The Mouse in fact can be the greatest of them all if based on cartoons!

As for all of that it is of a magic teaching called “animal spirits,” which reveal to us what animal we are spiritually. The objective to it being “what Devil's animal are you?”

From them all proceeds The Dragon. That being who swooped into heaven, something thought impossible, then fell upon God and devoured him.

The Goblin

The goblin is a being based on growth towards wretchedness, profusion, liberty, and inclusiveness along with other attributes. A human being can start that growth in them by such traits. Here is a longer list of those traits: pleasure seeking/hedonism, dominance towards others, self gratification, selfishness, immorality, all the traits of a true sinner! As such is the evolution from it transforming a person into one. They are The Devil's right hand organisms.

Clothes for such beings are naturally show-offy and donned with pride. They cut at their enemies and lick the blade. They are vacant of guilt. They are largely individualistic. They are freely brutal and harsh. They are wise as only they need be: that in their world there is only good and bad. If they don’t like or want it then it is bad. If it feels good then it is good.