Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty Six: Magic Devices and Items


Nikola Tesla was himself carried away by the Tesla Coil. Wilhelm Reich by his Ergon cabinets. Some say that magic comes from shapes alone. Then there are Tarot and meditation “devices.” I used to make things such as magic cards and once made a Ouija board out of glass and paint. Here are some new or newly presented ideas:

Runes from dominoes.

With however many you need to write upon them runes. You can glue and tape index card paper over them bearing the runes. You can also make of dominoes a numerology thing. First create a board containing your set of answers, randomly place them on it and use the top number as positive and the bottom negative.

Scrabble into magical word formations.

Spell out a word with the tiles by randomly choosing them. Attribute words to single letters, too. Such as Y means Yes, M means Maybe, and N means no. A board bearing sigils will help. A pouch with crystals to place the tiles in will as well.

Theme thinking board.

A random letter that you start any word with. For example F for fire. Then a random favorite thing of yours. Like of a game or movie. So if you land on that movie you think of that word brought up by that letter. In this case a scene about a fire in it, or flee, or feather, whatever word stirs your mind the best.

Magic: The Encyclopedia.

Would be an expansive game built around an encyclopedia. A-Z books. S can contain a list of spells or shops. T can contain towns or taverns. W can contain Weapons. D can contain Dungeons. I can contain Items, etc., A new game can come from these. For example if you defeat an enemy you roll a dice. You go to R for “rewards" and based on the number you rolled you are rewarded with something.

Trifecta of Power.

A pyramid made such as from card board or glass with glue and paint. On it are three drawings of demons.. Shiva, Lilith, whatever you wish. On the bottom a sigil. If you like you may make of it a lamp. You can trap crystals within it. Whatever magic thing you wish to contain inside you can place within it.

With a printer..

In old days if you wanted to make a tarot or magic deck of cards of any kind you had to hand draw them. Not anymore! You can use both old or new images to print out your own deck.

A printer can produce images you wish to have on your wall. They don’t have to be literally Satanic such as devils and emblems. Any image you find attractive and thought provoking is graven. That could be an image of a hero or villain, from a game or movie. Or not a person at all but a place. Like a haunted house you found compelling in a video game.

Simple prayer sheets can be made. That is to print out the demon you wish to write prayers for and write them below. I’ve taken that to the extreme adding tithes, black feathers, ribbons, glitter glue, paint, and more. I place it all in a folder and just throw it away. They have eyes that can see.

Place of Demons.

May require a lot of room. They like certain structures. They like places no others ever go into. If you cast a spell in a certain room, closet maybe, or backyard shed then you have given them a home. They will reward you for that. They will protect you at least. The spell only needs to be one that attracts them. The design inside laden with magic symbols and such.

Halloween Goodies.

A Halloween pencil makes the perfect wand. Black candles are more easily gotten. Masks are there everywhere. Masks are strongly demonic. Ask the old tribes or modern Satanic musicians.  A pumpkin bucket (plastic Halloween bucket) is an awesome thing to store magical items within such as crystals or runes. Maybe for you it is a night of taste magic as it is with me.


Glow in the dark star stickers, who couldn’t love them? Enough to make your whole ceiling and walls shine with them. Not with the more cheap and faint ones but with the stronger ones that shine more brightly. A printer can be used to print out stickers. They can also cover a wall with no mistakes from a human hand.

3D printing.

Obviously the best thing to make with them are idols. That at least for a means of a magician. Little disks can be made to draw on them symbols like high quality pogs. Maybe you want a mask or some head horns. A neat doll can be made that is inspired by troll dolls. Fairy statues can be made. Voodoo dolls for both good and bad purposes. A neat chalice too.

Help with Astral Projection.

Is very simple actually. Feathers are cheap. Not incredibly cheap but cheap enough. From it can come an excellent use of Astral Projection. Simply trim them right and stuff them in a zipper like pillow case. Black feathers are preferable.

To add to the effect you can use Halloween spider web or hair from a troll doll.

An eye mask greatly helps visualization.

If you can, create a crown of crystals. It will aid you greatly. 

Then finally a broom. It will give substance for your outer visions. Place it on the wall beside your bed and while attempting astral projection imagine you are riding on it.

A globe of different light colors.

That is, a large enough globe to fit your head in which contrasts different colors of light. It works excellently for meditation and visualizing things. You may wonder where I came up with this. I didn’t. I saw one in a science exhibition here in San Francisco. I found the effect quite mesmerizing.


Make a Devil of a doll of any kind. Of the one that best suits you. Pray to them. If you have a fairy.. a doll or statue, then images help. Images of a fairy around it give you a greater sense of movement and life. It makes it less stationary. Feel free to talk to these.

Pre Composed Sounds.

That is to create a short melody to use as your own kind of theme. One for various devils to represent as well. Themes constructed over certain other things as well. With them whole dedications can be created. Or to just have played according to honor from time to time. A xylophone or better: a glockenspiel serves well.. they are like a bell. In fact in any ritual they may be a better option than a bell.

Demonic Handkerchiefs/ bandanas.

Or just any square thin cloth. They are used to wrap within them the magical equipment you use. Consider them a thing that wraps them in power. Similarly a pouch with certain symbols. A box with symbols on them. And, in general “things that contains.”

A room a temple.

Curtains purple perhaps with symbols drawn on or maybe a flag above them bearing a Satanic meaning. Curtains with stars all over them seem at least special to me. Could have curtains effected well by a black light and a black light above them. The usual reason why people don’t paint their walls black is because it makes the space seem smaller “closed in.” However that is the daring choice of a Satanist who wants it. A “dark” area has the best effect. Tightness adds to that effect. It truly feels like a room of your own. It feels barricaded. To that effect the Satanist may add to it a coffin like bed.

Special lamps serve well too. My favorite personally are lily lamps. One made of a pearl bronze color.

I have a kitty cat clock that I cant do without. The ones whose eyes go left and right. It acts like a metronome when I am visualizing things to music.

A place of comfort- because you will he there peacefully under Satan. You have it as a place of meditation and reflection. A safe place, your own, too, in order to have peace with the same. A sacred place that others must not be allowed to interfere with.

A special closet having inside honorary things per the Demonic Beings you most worship. One not lightly entered into. A space for prayers, spells, and ritual bearing things representing the demons whom you worship inside.

As with all other things create a diagram and plan for it and so make from it.


Simple Herbal Magic.

Grow one or perhaps a few herbs as you so choose. Some are practically weeds with how easily they grow. I have planted rosemary, thyme, Saint John's Wort and lemon grass among others. Then just place them in a bowl. Have it a blessing water or place them in a cup to stew your potions/ magic formulas. Rest them in a bed of crystals for an added magical effect. Herbal magic may contain the washing of hands or feet prior to a ritual.

A 666 board.

This is to take the numbers of three sixes from any given thing and group them together. For example three sixes from a deck of cards, three sixes of dice, of magazine clippings, etc., then to glue them all together onto a board.

An unconventional tithe

Comes from board game money, tokens, foreign bank notes and coins, novelty bills, and poker chips.

A poker/ black jack based/ LCD game fortune teller device.

Poker cards can be used as Tarot cards if you know how. LCD poker or black jack games can randomly pull up those cards to know your future with that way. If you want to use dice instead there are LCD devices for those as well. You can also create a numerology system with a calculator. Attribute four numbers with the four elements. Set aside another number for positive and negative. Make a number mean yes and another no. If designed well it should be an effective tool for numerology.

Shorter Ideas:

Dice from a board game that has the dice in a bubble (that you press down on to burst the dice around) can be cut out for your use. It can be added to a Ouija board or rested on your altar.

A prism can be used to create a rainbow. Rainbows have magical significance when it comes to wishes.

A Spirograph set used to create magic symbols. Numerology can be added to that as the holes are number based.

A fake skull that is hollow can have placed inside it a written curse.

Pins can be used to represent your victories and achievements in life. A thing of pride to look at. Either placing them on your clothes or on a tack board.

Tiles of tithes are created using checker/ chess boards and gluing onto them one coin tithe daily. After all boards are full then another one is started and placed above it.

Stain glass windows are really not difficult to create. Instructions are easily found online for them.

A nice plate can be used to have as a sigil or symbol on the wall. That or a demonic image. The plate can be silver or glass, or just with a nice border.

Either a room divider or a tall picket fence may close off a ritual/ ceremonial area.

The grimoire can be made to order with a book making website or at home. Making books is not difficult. You clamp and glue it giving it a cover. It has never been so easy printing out images for them and typing them out.

Turning any eBook into a magic book. This is done with a word processor and the find replace usage of it. You transform each letter or set of letters into a more magical sound. Then you will have not a story but a story given to magic.

A wheel of fortune can be made of any pre existing spinning wheel as such. You simply replace the things they land on with a thing of magic descriptions.

Fermentation can help with any curse you would place on someone. That is simple but effective. Have rotting in a sealed bottle something awful with a letter of a curse inside.

Magic circles are common. There is a more blasphemous thing than that: a cross drawn on the ground which you pretend to be Christ upon.

Throwing stars and an image of your enemy on a board can serve as a curse. As well to take from your chalice and spit at that image.

Writing out a curse on someone then angrily pounce upon it ripping it to shreds. As such blind rage is easily come unto.

The only light you allow in a ritual room or demonic place should come with a magic lamp or candle.