Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty Four: Satanic Relationships and Groups


It was the plan all along. To make Christianity so strict as to be historically hated by secularists. Demanding freedom of religion and leading into what would become things like Satanic music. It has become a strong horse pounding forward. As though not just taking the forbidden fruit but falling in praise. Lots there to worship, which we should. Secularity has been the best thing to ever happen to us. They protect us with great borders, empowered by great machines. This place of The Devil's Country. Let us worship one another, too, even if privately, seeing the Devil's Image in us all, in us individually. The Greater Outer Satanic that we should all be able to sum up well, do. The Greater Satanic as a whole is something that we must reflect on.

Share your wicked things. They may not be called Satanic sometimes (more often than not they aren’t) but they are. Give your loved ones such gifts on Halloween.

Gather into a circle and work magic together. Make it the thing that binds. Keep a witches coven of four, six, and if it becomes large enough then work together to make a Church ruled over by the initial members, legally binding in some fashion.

Teach your younger siblings magic. Be they Tarot or anything of worth and fascination.

Have a partner in crime. Scheme together for greater power. Turn a fledgling, a protégé, into a person of great power. One beside you that you enjoy The Satanic with. Whether that is material wise, spiritual wise, or of The Greater Outer Satanic.

One must not harm their own kind. That is unless they act in a way that they want to be harmed. As a blatant person. An obnoxious person you must live with. Send them away if you must. If they do not leave them force them out.

If all that “Satanist social sites" are is talking to each other then you are wasting time. A group is more powerful. A person is better off just talking to their selves as it is from their selves that they best learn. However the internet is an exceptional storehouse of Satanic things. Other than that however it isn’t much use for the Satanic. Better to make a truly Satanic thing and place it online. Books best of all! A piece of art can only say so much. Besides, books can contain art/ images (preferably graven.) That can be done alone or with others. A Luciferian Church should have its members do as such, tithes going to worthy creators.

Through stories and “testimonies" we can help each other go over “The Black Rainbow.” That place hidden and preserved for The Satanic/ Luciferian. A place where the dirty hands of humans cannot touch upon. That place found inside the minds of the most brilliant. A place gotten to by the mind. The Satanic way of mind-joining. To gather multiple thoughts into one, done within a circle. If the table starts to dance then a Satanic Quake has been accomplished.. And Titan Will Appear.

Our babies! They are every where these days. Through creative freedom people have chosen to make The Devil's Products. Being made of just about anything you can think of. Always more provocative. Simply more appealing. Books, music, movies, games, etc. Treat them as an offspring of Lucifer and The Sons (Daughters) of Satan. A book will rest online for all time. That is if widely enough available. A book contains more information within it then any other thing one person can make. Together we make many books, art, games, whatever it may be. Let us respect each others creations as though they a children of its creator. Only then are we worthy to be its aunts and uncles.

Where does a group begins and ends, how it evolves and branches out is listed below.

The Stages of Magic Gatherings

Usually three or four people come together to practice magic. It is important to be able to both practice and teach it well if you are to lead it. A person by him or herself may just turn their house or a special place into a magic school, a place of psychic readings or some such thing.

The group grows enough to form a Temple. A Devil Worshipping Temple is able to be brought forth. Advertising and recruitment is important. Importance is important, to have it a worthy place for a person to align with.

After that the greatest groups will form a Church. After that two, three, depending on how successful you are. You should have your own books written regarding them. Why not? They are the best part. They cover doctrine, dogma, rituals, principles, religion, etc.

Prepare for self protection. Devil Worship is to this day hatred evoking from “God Person” people. Atheistic Satanists are morons. Have you ever heard of one? No doubt you have: they are quite common among types of “Satanism.” Believe me they are rooted in a cult. One with strict rules, odd beliefs and practices, and adulation of its founder. They proudly say to Christians “Satanists are atheists,” only to come across as strange and no better than Devil Worshippers. They have a magic system that they don’t really believe in as such. I would strongly recommend that you are not sucked in by it. The guy that invented it was nothing but a con artist.

Where shall you meet as far as groups go? You could go to Church for a (Satanic) communion. You can visit any place performing classical music to meditate with each other. What a nice place to form diabolical thoughts. I had the best of both in town within a certain Church. As well there are all kinds of places, as you can imagine. They range from caves to run down and abandoned Churches.

Maybe you’d just like to climb a mountain, look down on the Earth and pray it to be all yours. Or like Christ’s little journey after he found The Devil: he goes forth fasting into the wilderness etc., with you own little spin on it. A reversal. A Luciferian pilgrimage.

It is not all about Satanic things In fact as long as you enjoy being around them, they are your friends. You can call them a member of your Clan, tribe, coven, your partners in crime, your co workers, your co creators. Whatever fits best. Other than magic you can also come together to make Luciferian things. One person with a printer can make Satanic stickers. Another may have a 3D printer. Among you a person reading tarot or creating a magical alphabet. Together making a new Tarot deck. These to sell to others or each other. A boost as such to The Satanic Economy.

Group Gatherings

Of four kinds: To organize and progress, to gather in worship or practice magic, to gather for pleasure, and to gather to create.

To organize and Progress

Create an agenda to expand and grow your group. Put funds into choice advertisements. Whatever the group gathers together then a Satanic prayer is in order.  A good group needs a logo. It needs it’s own colors, it’s own symbol, it’s own moto. Worthy groups could be formed that will go out and create another Church. As replication of the Church goes or just an occurrence of a split within it where a new one is needed. Splits within Churches can be an ugly mess.  A good and well educated team is essential. Problems forming must be spotted and corrected. The first step would be to establish just what a Church should be made into. Then all you have to do is make it happen. What works good keep, or else drop.

Collecting votes may be helpful too.

To gather to worship/ practice magic

A list of ideas for this could be: A Satanic baptism, marriage, Satanic communion, teaching magic, Tarot cards for the fate of the group, are some ideas. Collective worship of Devils can be incredibly potent in a large group. That is something far too uncommon because of these “Atheist Satanist" Churches that are prevalent. But more power to you! It is made up of idols and prayers, summoning rituals and praise. Sermons may include being about The Devil in The World, history and descriptions of demonic beings, The Devil in the Bible and outside of it. The nature of numerology, Tarot card of the day, visions of a member, lessons on Satanic Music composition, history of witch craft and witches, and of course the practice of magic itself.  An area can be set aside for kneeling in prayer to The Devil. One nicely carpeted. One containing lit candles and a sigil on the wall.

Useful Enlightenment can be another thing.

To gather for pleasure

Such as a feast with music and tents. One in an isolated area preferably. Halloween watching movies, including candy. More adult interests too! The communion done Satanic: meaning things better than bread (though you may like to keep the wine.) Relationship making has always been a Church staple and a reason why many even go to Church at all. And we all know the reason behind it. We are more honest and open about it, however. Watch some great movies. Listen to some Devil Worshiping music. Have the organ player play. When the organ was first introduced to the Church they considered it an instrument of The Devil. It worked itself in. Christian Churches would never allow for material based tithing. Christian’s are not to “love the world and its things.” That would come across as blasphemous and greedy. What would the Church leaders do with such things? Serve God with them? A part of Satanism though- a big part, is the desire for material things. So material based tithing is Satanic. Would be easier too. One person's junk is another person's treasure. I would recommend that you ask for things that are daily necessities. As such the Church leaders will save money on daily expenses. For example a bar of soap or packaged food. All of that has been organized into the Gift at the Altar ritual below.

For more intellectual people it may contain a library.

Could include an arcade of the more profane games. Like Beast Master or Mortal Kombat. Could have a vending machine with capsules containing Satanic items. Or a claw machine with devilish things inside (like a stuffed animal of a snake.)

To gather to create

Helping each other to create Satanic things. Looking into who among you would be the best at doing so from thing to thing. “Zines" can be put together, that or news letters, that documents what the group is like and what it does. Including pictures and reading materials. Those presented to possible recruits and also established members. Perhaps free for anyone that’s been around for a year. They could each have a special coven made for them such as with ribbons for borders and a magic item within a sleeve (such as a black feather or ornament.)

Before a Halloween celebration a pumpkin bucket can be made to contain gifts to give that night.

Gift at the Altar Ritual

Items used here: a loud bell, a trumpet, a large star (maybe one lighted), a parchment and pen, black feathers, special coins, a curtain, a sword, a candle, a metal basket, and a drink and chalice.

One by one a person goes to the altar. They present their gift. It is looked at by The Priest/ess. The priest/ess writes down what was given and the person’s name. S/he rings the bell once for the least, up to five times for the best. That is according to how good the gift was. Another person then takes the gift and puts it aside. The priest/ess then dubs the person with a sword and says thank you. S/he burns the parchment with the candle and says “may your wishes come true.” The gift giver is then given their black feather and special coin and the next person comes up. After all are done then the curtain is open and a trumpet is blown. The priestess or priest drinks from the cup, kneels before the area behind the opened curtain and privately prays. Then the ritual is complete.

That suits a large Church. On a smaller scale such as in a “occult study group" a prayer can be done at the end with coins cast into a bowl after the lesson is done. A gift can be given each person before they return home. I guess in a Satanist way a pack of candy could be given.

Other gift ideas may include, among other things: a troll doll, small candles, a mood ring, a crystal stone, Satanic stickers, twelve sided dice with a mini numerology instruction manual, glow in the dark star stickers (10 with every visit), or a Luciferian pin.

Other Considerations for a Satanic Church:

A fog machine may add a nice effect. A mailing or emailing list put together. Things can be added to a pot and given to other members based on number. The lowest number going first. Numbers being sold or raffled off. Gambling may not be Christianly so I guess it would be for Satanists. So you can buy lotto tickets. If you win then it is a promise of yours to make the Church better. Instead of breaking bread you break fortune cookies in a communion. A Satanic Witness available for the act of inhibition. That is a practice of inhibition. To say as freely as you can, to act impulsively in his or her sight—to truly let lose and truly “pour out your spirit.” Because done alone it is much less a magically potent thing to do. Nor as much a psychological help.

Materialism is Luciferian and Satanic. Christian and Buddhist Churches not so, nor is Islam. For us however The Church is Grandly Worldly. Members can write out a list of every little thing they like. These lists could be posted. Any member that sees them may choose to provide just that thing or things and leave them with a certain person. That person emailed with the complete information regarding it, which may be confidential. Which would include what it is. Science and magic is especially important in the world. They are the source of the only possible Utopia and a good thing to donate to. Luciferians could add a lot to the world by creating books containing inventions of free use. Those whatever a person can think up. It would be an enormous help to the world. It would perhaps be our best contribution to it. Churches after all must serve some sort of good for its community and the world at large.

The teaching of science and Technology with a grasp on where it is going may he added to that. If only to get us in touch with it, or to get anyone started towards its application.

Finally, there is the initial questionnaire. They can at serve as keeping Christians or the wrong kind of person out of the Church.