Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty Three: How to be a False Prophet


Some things can be counted on. In fact most things lead to a certain thing, unchangeably. Anarchy leads to a dictatorship if too wide spread. Eating food makes you fat. The strictest freedom revoking leader leads to a revolution. Viruses will return. New viruses will be found. Eventually a super volcano will erupt. To know the most likely out come in general will give you the words and mind of a prophet. How about being a false prophet? Well I think the Bible is full of them. As what they say can mean just about anything. Meaning just about anything makes one an excellent sooth sayer. These few things can help you with that:

The inevitable:

Things have a way of turning around. What a culture has already fought for or come unto leads them to desire change.

Viruses will always return. They can be gone for decades, seemingly vanished, only to reemerge.

A global war is inevitable.

Forbidden fruits will be grown tired of.

People will gather for their causes and demand things like they do.

There will always be an upper class of people. They are usually those that by contributing something great were given wealth and fame. But most people will remain much less inventive compared to them, satisfied with a regular life serving them.

Things will always become convoluted over time. What’s already there becoming more added upon and complexified to death.

You can count on science and technology to create amazing things.

Abominable crimes will happen. From time to time mass destruction too.

People will argue and bicker like children.

A new revolutionary thing will happen. Something especially greater, something long awaited.

Old ideas will be used again. Nothing good is ever finished  That fifth sequel or something.

Adults will continue to cherish their childhood things long after they are gone.

The unknown will always carry the most mystery.

Science will say of itself and tech that certain things are impossible only to find out later they weren’t.

Hedonism will destroy the societies it resides in.

People will begin to question anything too strictly imposed on them. The cult members will eventually drink the cool-aid. What was once fought for becomes not implemented peacefully but rather pounded into us. Sooner or later them and their causes begin to sound ridiculous and absurd.

People will be like being a rebel whatever way it is. People will demonize things and with all said against them or it, will become desirable to be. In the 80s it was the Devil Worshipper. In the 90s something much more different: the gangster.

Democracy will lead to tyranny because of people having the right to slander others. They sink into bad influences. It brings about madness. Anarchy cannot stand because people want protection. Both for their selves and their loved ones.

A new dark age has in it a brightly shining light. One perhaps too powerful to leave us all in darkness. That is, of science and technology.

People will fight for their cause with every bone in their body. Whether it be as simple as fighting obesity or as complex as ending tyranny. Could be ridiculous too, or helpful, or whatever it is.

“Birds of a feather flock together,” Despite all of our efforts to unite people of different kinds we have failed.

People will always want the quickest route. Very rare is moderation regarding it. Even if it is just having a remote control or microwave, it can be seen to be that way.

People will always blame others and make excuses. That is where their demons are made.

People are a gullible people and susceptible to bad influences.. and simple mindedness. They are hard indeed to teach any lesson to.

History repeats itself. They will go where their dreams take them. They will usually do the least they can to get there. Their idols will guide them. Their religion perhaps, such as Christ. They will mostly desire being in a group. Some are damned into the life of criminal behavior. And not until the problems of people force them out of bed will they rise and do anything about it.

Just gather your thoughts into the most likely outcome.

Secondly, you’ve got to make the meaning sound flexible. That takes metaphors and symbolism. Whatever piece of the prophesy there is, give it an identity as a goat, dragon, or anything material. Here are some examples:

Prophetic Verses of Damuel:

The Moon. When the moon is eclipsed. “In the dark they sought out the moon because the stars they prayed to did not answer them. Then in a day the sun appeared in the sky and blinded them.”

They came to sing songs against The Lord and like the Devil's fingers were their strings.

They cloaked their selves in wool but their horns could still be seen. They were hypocrites given the Devils crown.

After the light could no longer dwell with them it left unto heaven bringing with it the last of its people. They are whom in time will return for The New Dawn of Man.

They took of the cup of God's wrath and though they enjoyed it, it was their poison.

And at that moment the doors of heaven were closed, for Man transgressed against the heavens and were no longer invited in.

He was a creature given to wickedness and selfishness. Not a thing becoming a butterfly but rather like a graceful bird becoming a bat. From that day they hid no longer living in The Light of the Lord.

But He was given every chance. He was considered precious among his peers. He was destined to become an angel. But his heart was given to sin.

They could no longer sing in joy but misery, as The Lord muted their mouths from righteous ears. So they wailed there hands in fists against the sky and God bound their hands together.

The bed in which they awoke was in a strange place as in but a day the wicked overtook everything.

But the rose of the lord remained hidden in a land no man could go to. And in time it’s one seed grew out into a lush garden that became paradise.

Their fear of death led them to soulless fearful lives. The cup of life was never given them. So they drank only of poisons that they shared. Finding death to be bitter they spat on each other's faces in resentment and slander.

Out of greed they made for them idols whom tithes came from simple minded pleasures. They paid into their sins and it turned against its creators, and from but a few did all come to fall.

People in those days will be walking backward not forward. Will be standing not sitting. Will find no rest. Will be misdirected by sins and unable to put things to rest.

They will say that unity is the best thing but will not gather as sheep but as wolves. People will be granted ability to destroy each other.

They will be The Cult of the World admonishing the righteous with their leagues. They will build a fire that consumes the Earth. Then Christ’s waters will pour down, saving only his own: the Holy and righteous, the weak, the peacemaker.

They will forsake their minds for their stomachs. Their stomachs will become greatly bloated. Their hearts will fail and the world they live in shall consume them. The great fires they have made will roast them and the meat of their bodies shall be fed to Bahamut.

God shall declare on His own, to another He shall declare as The Devil's. To the godless He shall declare also. To each of them a home. One for His own, one for The Devils own, but for the atheist, the grave.

They shall be divided as God intended. They will not separate peacefully. They will be forced into the same room arguing endlessly, destroying one another until God is known as one who created them uniquely, one among his own, the other with theirs.

The Devil will be the wrath of God. He will ask to collect his own. God will tell him to do so and destroy the rest, the godless, the atheist, while The People of Satan will have isolated themselves safely. So then remain blameless. A blameless sinner maybe, but one blameless that practices Our Lord's Way.

They are in Church but not there in spirit. They are preachers rich by being televised. They desire their pamphlets much better than the Bible. They follow damned leaders that are “gifted by God" into great wealth, rather than giving a good portion of it to the poor.

The world has been made a diamond, a ring. The Human Race has married into it. Only a broken finger could save them.

The Devil's drum is for some a March to damnation but for others one of a Satanic salvation.

The fire once pleasant and warm will grow too hot and burn them. It is a fire that they will lose their souls to in anguish. No longer able to speak themselves but to only hear the cries of anguish of those they’ve tormented.

They will make a mountain out of a hill. They will look up and stay below jealous of the righteous who dwell upon it. They will send forth goats to climb it. But the Devil's Serpent shall bite and poison them while its carcass comes rolling downward.

They are those who carry a brick to make a wall but are unwilling to carry a heavy load. So they recruit new people to help them depending on how many needed to create it. It is built to withstand God's wrath but will be overcome by His towering waters.

In the wind God's seed will be carried into the lands. The wicked haven’t a seed and will be forever lost in its wind.

Like a rose with thorns God has made the righteous.

The peaceful do not stir at night easily but when evil comes pounding on their doors they rise to defeat it.

The farmer shall no longer be able to grow their food. The candy makers will no longer provide them. They will eat upon their own excrement. They will drink of their own urine. Their feasts will be gone and they will perish in their own waste living with filth.

They will wash their selves in dirty water and share their filth. They will not be able to accept authority of any kind. Their own kind will come for them. They will drink from sewage. They will drink it from their hands.

Damuel's Prophetic Book:

They once had rights as a people but came to overthrow those that didn’t serve their interests. They accused each other. They blamed each other. They became spoiled. They became selfish. They demanded to be law and justice themselves. They had rights to a fair trial, of speech, but as it came so it left them. They began to demand that one way or another a guiltless person be imprisoned. They were blind in their own ways. They were self created as such. They silenced their enemies thinking of them liars, and the truth could no longer be spoken or suggested. They were ravenous wolves. They talked their prey into placing their necks into its jaws. They waved flags of peace for the eagle to catch them in its claws. Bears cannot kill but for food, they think. They’ve come to be made into food by the wicked and its mechanisms. They can no longer see the truth. They are wolves pretending to be sheep. They show their jaws so that others fear them while they say the “good” things they do. They don’t care about their cause. They don’t care about the victim any further than they care about heralding themselves forth in their name.. in taking power. God I pray for peace to be preserved and lasting.

They have all around me become spoiled rotten brats! They have abused their rights. They have sued great companies into bankruptcy. They have been founded on poor influences and are very well corrupted. They have lost their spiritual side. They consider themselves godly people nonetheless. They have blamed God's wrath on global warming. They are Christian mostly, but only by name. They willingly forsake God's Way because it is simply inconvenient.

Rather they retreat to the TV for a day and make plans to buy cheap fast foods. Those bear the idols perfect for them, in logo form. Rather than they work the Earth they are happy with what is already there. They live sharing by sharing and will cross the person that does not return their every favor. Their things they share are becoming worn down. More and more they go after the person who works to take his things.

Consider them like one that bathes themselves in gold alone and you will see their true nature.

Consider them like an inadequately working calculator only capable of simple addition and subtraction. The only way they can be multiplied is if they are multiplied by others. There enemies are those divided. They are exceptionally closed minded. They are compounded by the strength and power of their principles. Those principles based on freely given royalty which they did nothing to earn. Just something they were born into. The easiest route to “privilege,” they so seek and is handed them. With but a small taste of its power they become blood thirsty.

At any sound of disapproval they shout forth on their towers “traitor!” “scum!” “Rotten evil!.”

They care not about the people they’ve chosen as martyrs. Those among their own kind that were harmed in some blatant and heartless fashion. Rather it is for them an opportunity to harm the kind of person that did it to their own kind. An opportunity, as an excuse, and “only fair.” That is the nature of the modern martyr. One in such as times as these is merely a symbol of evil for evil.

They don’t even care about the children of their enemies. They too are harmed. They attack the innocent, sometimes brutally, and if their wife is with them, her as well. They go right up to a car and slaughter the person inside. They gleefully just walk away as though they had every right. They gather to taunt the person in the hospital. These things are very well so.

They kick the head in of the prey they have chosen. Of a person afraid and defenseless, sitting down stationary after being attacked. Let them be consumed in their own fire, oh Lord. Compound them. Exacerbate their beliefs. Lead them to where stupid people go (to stupid places.) Make of them a cult. A cult is as already but much more so. Enough that they burn down the building in which they dwell. Build a fire of things they are that will consume them.

Bring forth a new day. One where the intelligent reign. One where thought content is more brilliant and inventive. A time when no one slanders another or bullies the defenseless. Raise up your mighty arm against them oh Lord. Bring forth the smarter person. Remove from us the simple minded. Give us much greater things than just pleasure. Construct for the Satanist such a paradise.

May great science and technology save us. May it lead to a utopia. May all be protected by it. May androids and robots do our work. May the hungry be fed. May the homeless be sheltered. May energy come free. May we even live forever on Earth with death long gone.

Open the book only the smartest people can read and so transform the World with their hands. And bind together the wrists of those who are hateful, destructive, and violent. Shut their mouths. Let them each and all fall into The Pit.

Put upon the destructive the clown’s suit appearing as nothing but absurdity and nonsense. Babel their tongues. Send the waters that carry them away. Let them die by their own sword. Come down on their places like Sodom and Gomorrah. Let us live in peace again without paying into their sins. Make of them a circus whose show refuses to end. May peace and love be everlasting, true and harmless joy encouraged, and progress be never ending.