Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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The Start

There is a paradise found through Satan that is the love of life and the world around.

There is tranquility in that place.

There is a soul therein burning strongly and bright.

One forged in the fires of hell.

There is the bravery of that person through Satan,

Who knows every earthly pleasure.

And there is a God in Heaven that would take these things.

Denying us of pleasure.

Blotting us out as lies.

Whose gates we cannot enter, without worship that would suffice.

He obscures the magic from our eyes.

And casts us away as things of vile design.

But there is a mystery of that sword of temperament against him. 

It is stronger than he knows.

For we are they that revel in life, a thing that can never be taken.

Of which his jealously is certainly strong,

And that will be his undoing.

Though the realm of magic, Alienic Beings, and such, as hidden from sight they are there before us. Ready to act in our lives, ready to be used. There is more to life than meets the eye.

We have the opportunity for his purpose. An opportunity to find and craft one. To be Satanicaly productive. To forge a Satanic coven or Church or Temple (and the names of them don’t really matter.) As well we have an opportunity to create friends from demonic-Alienic Beings. As personally chosen. With dedication thereunto.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Sorcerery isn’t learned in a day. May you follow your own path while you learn to use magic. All of your life build upon that craft. And great things will come to you. It is The Devil's Earth and you will be rewarded for your effort and purpose. I call on you to act on it now.

But be aware that the higher purposes come at a higher price. Satan has considered you since you were very young. At least, if in your youth you were remarkable enough. Or perhaps you were noticed later in life. Like they say no pain, no gain. So pray to him to be made the best representative of him that you can be. Pray to be given his work and pray that it benefit you.

A new name, a new set of clothes, and going incognito. Let your new name identify just who and what you are. Experiment with sounds that mean things. That is the first step! Your purpose from the Dark Forces – The Satanic Ones, is there found. Then dress yourself like a new life has been donned, and set forth into Darkness.

Look through the eyes of Satan. Wear on your face a demonic mask. Cover others from knowing, act secretively, as it is fun to be a hidden component, one reserved by The Devil. Take your eyes away from the outer world. Do not see as they do, which is to say collectively. Create and build upon your own perspective.

Drink from the cup of life most pleasurably. Be at One with The Satanic Ones. Be reserved for them. The demons/deities you have chosen, faithfully pray to them. Enact magic through them. And build upon your own personal practice of magic fitting in to where you belong. I can say this: you will be entirely yourself and accepted entirely for who you are, as well as be appreciated for it.

I have found unique forms of magic in my time.

As for it I have created a thing called occult writing. It is to draw Satanic images on paper (or print them out on paper) and then to glue and staple ribbons on its border. I pray on those papers, writing them down. I place them in sheet protectors including tithes such like to Saran. Then place inside a black feather. Then into a folder, taped up, into a large envelope where there is also a Del Rey 80s Sword and Sorcerer book inside (a gift, such as to Abaddon.) It is a highly versatile hobby.

When I practice witchcraft it is witch-craft..

I also like to visualize. It takes my mind to extraordinary places. It brings together fantasy, imagery, with deep meanings. With that I may use “taste magic" which is to connect food to ideas. Things are thought about per food. I can only wonder the effect of that, as though you are connecting your brain with your stomach.

Take up a small thing. Choose a seed. Watch it grow. That’s really all that it comes down to. And you will get anything you ardently seek. Dedication and effort can take you very far.

Worship Satan and worship demons. Remain faithful and loyal to your Chosen Ones. Not like a father though. Not like a mother. But rather a mom, a dad, being the child of them (offspring you could say) that you are.

Just don’t lose your humility.

And again, be your own self. Not a product of the people of the world. Don’t think sheepishly. Think rather like the serpent, the dragon, or lion. The goat that finds him/herself away from the world onto a mountain. As much as you can, be self-inclusive. 

And may you find your purpose in the world through Him very suitable and may you live good and well all of your days being not one that harms the innocent and as one that the world finds no fault in, though Beasts you are.

And then there is only to say: This Book can be read randomly from place to place.