Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter One: What's Wrong With the World Today?


Satanists are not decrepit. I like to think not. That we aren’t aggressive towards others who simply ask to exist and not be hurt or robbed or whatever else. I like to think we are more intelligent than that, more upper class. Less simple minded, not hedonists or nothing more than empty headed pleasure seekers. The best thing that a Satanism can produce is an individualist. They always say that people who are always alone are strange. I don’t think so. I think they are often far more brightly burning. And certainly less harmful than those in gangs or a collectivity.

Not that you have to be alone to be a good Satanist. Certainly not, but it makes it easier. Isolation against the outer world can mean many good things such as not eagerly placing  yourself into a war zone while losing your soul and livelihood to another’s cause. And most importantly thinking for yourself.

What's wrong with the world today is what was always wrong with the world. People love to get together to destroy things. Any excuse, any source of power they can plug into they will. Think of this: The Luciferian plugs into his or her own source of power. And that is when magic is most powerful. That is when the person makes the best difference. That is when you are a diamond in the rough, and what a jewel it is to our kind.

Second- things have become convoluted. Expense has been added to expense. Systems have been added to systems. Regulation piled up. The budget has been added to time and again until costs have inflated.

Third- People aren’t allowed to make their own mistakes. More and more and far too much already, people are forced into making choices others deem as right.

Fourth- so many bad influences. Too much entertainment vices. Of vulgarity. Creating simple minded people. Those who live for pleasure and nothing more. Even for the spiritual person these things seem mild. But they aren’t. Pleasure seeking, selfish, truly wicked people have been thereby formed. The worst part of it I believe is the simple mindedness it has cultivated.

So what is the solution? Actually science and tech is our best bet. The progress of it may actually be our only hope. And I will rest you on the thought of that. To end hunger, to protect people, to better catch criminals, for far cheaper yet far more abundant energy, force shields, androids that toil for us, robotics too. In short things that reduce or eliminate human suffering. It really is like we are in “birth pains" right now waiting for what is better but trapped within the corruption of entertainment. As that has developed rapidly, while more important things have not. There is a price to pay for things like that.

Satanists do not want an anarchist world. The smart person doesn’t anyway. If one does arise where you live then your best bet is keeping to yourself. Locking yourself inside if you must. And the best you can make if it is entertainment, like Nero had, perhaps.