Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Two: Bringing ordinary things to the altar of Satan.


It is to make of ordinary things something Satanic.

To make of a fast food sign an idol, with many an altar inside to sit by or stand before  and a fast food place a place of sacrifice and Satanic contemplation.

Not just using Devil Worshiping metal music to acknowledge Satan but any other kind of music as well.

When you drink from the cup it is the cup of Satan, one more enjoyed, one of sacrilege.

Using a Devil looking action figure or doll as an idol.

Little green plastic army men for voodoo purposes.

That special pen for occult writing/ the Grimoire.

Parchment paper meant for food.

Bowl of water, blessing and Satanic anointment (Unholy Water.)

The Throne of a nice seat.

Magic cards created, on index cards for example. They can be Tarot based or all new images.

Using magic based playing cards for ideas.

Images printed out to be meditated on.

Use clay to create an idol.

There was a place here in San Francisco that had something very out of place. A kind of altar maybe put there for the chance someone like me, a Devil Worshipper, would find. That was a pig figure with a bowl of water below it. And while I was homeless I would use it as an altar.

And I would go to certain places known to have idols, such as street vendors with their stands, or Buddhist/ Hindu stores, to pray.

And I began to think that maybe fast food signs were nothing but idols. Trademarks of all kinds as well. The food they serve were sacrifices for the Satanic, the trademarks they presented representing the Devil's work.

Having only a radio I yearned for Satanic music. But came to turn regular music into just that. It formed in me Devil Worshipping of a different kind. Not just one born in the literal sense. And I became able to transform anything into the Satanic..

Like a store that had no magic things but they did have dice with pictures on them. They were intended for a game. Images of a sheep on one side, a treasure on another, I gave meaning to. I took from them ideas that I adapted into magic use.

Fashioning into magic elements of an RPG game has been among my better ideas. For example stats. They include magic power and personal strength based on over coming enemies. That enemy can be many real life things, like a problem. Increasing vitality with a potion can be done in real life already, through Herbal Magic. There are the spells too that can be transferred over into real life. Such as a fire that burns its foes. Just ask yourself ‘what are my enemies?’

People have actually done this before. It has come to some people’s minds as found in The Heroes Journey. It makes of life a most rewarding quest.

So next time you lack something, or look at something “ordinary,” ask yourself how it can be adapted into magic purposes. It will make you a very versatile magician.