Living in Obedience: Giving In The Lord's Will by Maurice Paul Obonyo - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight

How Can A Person Live

With An Anointing

From The Holy Ghost?

When a person has found God, he will be given the

Holy Ghost to enable him do God’s will and oppress the enemy. If that person has a mantle that he has not yet given to God, he will have gold but may not know. If he does not know that he has a mantle, the enemy may oppress him so that he will not be able to give his mantle to God. If such a man has a mantle which has the gift of discernment as the dominant gift, and gives this mantle to God, He will anoint and grow it until that man has a double portion of the gift of knowledge. Where will the other portion of the gift of knowledge come from? If that is a man who has abided in obedience to God, he will be given the gift of the word of knowledge from the Spirit. When he gives his mantle to God and He anoints it, he will now have two portions like Elisha. If he has a set of 3 mantles and then gives them to God, he will have a set of prophetic gifts that God can anoint and give him the gift of prophecy if he has a calling of a prophet upon him. In this case such a man will have a double portion of the anointing of Holy Ghost upon his prophetic gifts.

A person who has a set of 3 mantles and is not called to be a prophet cannot become a prophet even if he gives those gifts to God. A person who is a prophet has a birthright from the Father. Gifts are not the only things that make a prophet. He has to go through training with the Lord until he is tested by God. If a person who has a set of prophetic gifts desires to be a prophet, he must have a birthright for him to be trained by the Lord. What will a person who is not called to be a prophet use prophetic gifts for? If a person has a set of 3 mantles, we learnt that he has prophetic gifts. If he is desirous of being a prophet and does not have a birthright of being a prophet from God, he may be able to prophesy under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. However, a person that has a calling of being a prophet is the only one who can use the prophetic gifts that he may have for the glory of God. If you are asking: what then will a person who has a set of prophetic gifts from God and yet is not desirous of being a prophet or has not been called to be a prophet use them for? He will be able to use that set of prophetic gifts for the wealth that it comes with in a greater measure

When a person who has a set of 3 mantles gives this set to God, He will anoint this set so that the person is able to use this gifts for the Father’s glory. This is a set of prophetic gifts that can make a person wealthy. Such a person may use this set of gifts to employ a lot of people who will thank God for him. If such a person uses his gifts to glorify the enemy, the Lord will curse them and he will be tricked to lose these gifts. How does the Lord trick such people? If he has been cursed by the Lord to lose his prophetic gifts, he will always meet an agent of the Lord.

An agent of the Lord is a prophet who is in training with the Lord and has been placed in the path of a cursed person. If you are using your prophetic gifts for the glory of the enemy, the Lord will send you a prophet so that you might mock him. If you do so, he will acquire all the prophetic gifts that you have been using to glorify the enemy. If you had given your prophetic gifts to God and He had anointed and grown them, you will lose gifts that are fully grown. If you had not grown them, you will still lose them and will not be able to get them back even if you repent. Does the Lord take back gifts which He has blessed a person with? If you thought that He repents of gifts, you are lacking in knowledge. God will not take back any gift which he has given. However, He is able to trick you into losing your gifts. Does the Lord only use prophets to trick people who are using their prophetic gifts for the glory of the enemy? Yes, the Lord will always use a prophet who is in training with the Lord to trick a person who is using his prophetic gifts for the glory of the enemy. If such a person mocks a prophet, he will lose his prophetic gifts and will also acquire a curse from the Lord.

When a person asks: can a person who has prophetic gifts lose them if he does not know that he possesses them? Yes, if you are not aware that you have a set of 3 mantles that make up a set of prophetic gifts and yet are using them to glorify the enemy, you will still be tricked by the Lord to lose those gifts. How do people use prophetic gifts to glorify the enemy? If you have a set of prophetic gifts and grow them on your own until you are able to employ people but cheat them, other people or the state, you are using your gifts for the glory of the enemy. How are the gifts which are included in mantles different from the gifts that are from God? If you have gifts that are from God, you cannot lose them even if you use those gifts to glorify the enemy.

However, the enemy can steal those gifts from you if you compromise with him. When you repent, you will get back the gifts that you have lost to the enemy.

On the other hand, you can lose the gifts which are in a mantle if you misuse them by glorifying the enemy with them. Can the enemy steal a mantle from you? If you have not used the mantle to glorify the Lord, the enemy is able to steal that mantle from you through trickery!

If you have never used the

gifts that are in a mantle, the enemy will block you from having knowledge about the gifts which are in the mantle that you possess. If you do not use the gifts which are in a mantle, they will not grow and will be dormant. When gifts are dormant, you are sinning against the Lord by keeping them dormant. The enemy is able to cause you to lose them on that account. How? If you have sinned against the Lord, the enemy has a right to oppress you. If you compromise with the enemy, he may exchange your mantle for temporary relief from oppression. What does the enemy do with such a mantle? If he is to bless a person, he give him a mantle depending on his desire. Can the Lord trick a person to lose a mantle which he received from the enemy? Yes, the Lord can trick a person to lose a mantle which is from the enemy and will anoint it for a person who is a prophet. How does the Lord bless a person who is not a prophet with a mantle? If a person has a mantle which he has received from the Lord, that person has received it through people.

A mantle is not received at birth. If you have been thinking that people are born with mantles, know that they receive them only through people. What other way do people receive mantles other than when a person has passed on? If you are in a place where people are sinful, they will be cursed to lose the mantles which they have as a result of their sin towards the Lord. How? If you live in an environment which has cursed people, they will lose the mantles that they possess to a person who is blessed. How? By giving! If you are a giver, you will be able to possess a mantle from people who are cursed by giving to them. Giving does not usually require a person to part possession with material items like money. If you live in a house and you are cleaning, cooking and doing other household chores, you will receive blessings from the Lord and will also receive the blessings of the people who are in that environment. If the people in that environment are blessed, they will not lose their blessings. If however they are cursed, they will lose their blessings including their mantles to you.

Jacob was able to receive Laban’s blessings from his home. When Laban realised that Jacob had been blessed, he was unable to tend his flock without Jacob. He had even accumulated more flock than his master from Laban’s own home. If you have a blessed person in your home, make sure you are equally blessed or else you will lose your blessings to that person. How can a person ensure that he is blessed? If you think that being blessed is only equated to wealth, you are lacking in knowledge, a blessed person is someone who is doing the Lord’s will. The Lord will bless such a person all the time. If you have a person in your home who is doing the Lord’s will, make sure you too are always doing the Lord’s will or else you will lose your blessings to that person. If you are not able to do the Lord’s will, do not carelessly accept a person to live in your home.