Living in Obedience: Giving In The Lord's Will by Maurice Paul Obonyo - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven

How Can A Person Live With An Anointing From The Holy Spirit?

I have been teaching people about the differences between the personalities of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost. If you are a person who has matured in the Lord, you should have found God. If you have found God, you have the Holy Spirit in a measure for a person who is obedient to God. If you have matured in God, you will be given the Holy Ghost to enable you to do God’s will. If you are still a young believer, you may be given the Holy Ghost as and when the Lord deems fit. If you have the Holy Ghost, you will have the anointing of the Holy Ghost in you. Have you ever known the difference between the anointing of the Holy Ghost in a person and the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon a person? If a person is anointed with the Holy Ghost, he is able to do the Lord’s will. If he has the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon him, he is able to perform miraculous signs in his environment. If a person has the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon him in a double portion, that person can only be a bishop who is in the office of the Father. A double portion is a portion that is from both the Lord and God.

If the Lord has anointed a person with a portion of the anointing, he will be able to do the will of God in his life. If God anoints that person, he will be able to do wonders in his environment. A person who has a double portion of the anointing is someone who has been a prophet before. When a person has been given the double portion of the anointing, he has received a mantle from God.

A mantle is a set of gifts that a prophet receives if he has abided in the presence of God for a set amount of time and has obeyed the commands of the Lord. If a person has a mantle, he has received it from another person. How does someone receive a mantle from another person? Elijah had a mantle of prophetic gifts which he received from the Father. He was able to give his mantle to Elisha at the point he was taken away to heaven by God. When Elisha received Elisha’s mantle, he received a double portion of the anointing that was upon Elijah. Elijah, received his mantle from the Father while Elisha received his mantle from Elijah. If there is a person in your environment who has a set of prophetic gifts, they are what the Lord calls a mantle. If a person who has a set of these prophetic gifts dies, they will be passed on to another person. How will a person receive a mantle from another person who has pass on? If you are in contact with a person who has a mantle, you will be told how to receive that mantle at the time of death.

When a person who has received a mantle works in accordance to the Lord’s will, He will grow them for him. When the mantle has been grown, it will become a blessing to a person who has grown it. If that person works in accordance to God’s will, he will use that mantle to glorify God. How is a mantle different from a birthright? If you have read my book titled: ‘Expect a Revival in Your Life’, you will understand what a birthright is in detail.

A mantle is a set of gifts which a person may receive from another person whilst a birthright is a set of gifts which a person receives from God. If the gifts which are in a mantle are the same as the gifts which are in a birthright, that mixture becomes a double portion of an anointing. Can a mantle be stolen by the enemy like a birthright? A mantle is able to be stolen by the enemy if the person who has a mantle does not cooperate with the Lord. If a person dies and does not willingly pass on his mantle, the person who touches the corpse of the dead person will inherit his mantle. It does not have to be a blood relative or a close family member, it can even be a mortician. Do mantles only have a set of prophetic gifts? A mantle may have sets of different types of gifts which are useful for the Lord and for a man. A mantle may have gifts like: wealth, peace and love. Another mantle may have: peace, knowledge and administration. Another mantle may possess: health, wealth and knowledge. Another mantle may have gifts like: discernment, knowledge and healing.

A person may possess many mantles without his knowledge. If a person has good health, he may possess a mantle with health as the dominant gift. If a person has wealth, he may have a mantle which has wealth as the dominant gift and if a person has a gift of healing, he may possess a mantle that has knowledge as the dominant gift. These gifts are always in sets of 3's. If a person is in possession of 3 mantles, that person has a complete set of prophetic gifts. If a person has 6 sets of mantles, he has a complete set of a double portion of prophetic gifts in his possession. These gifts cannot be more than 3 in a set. If there were 4 in a set, it would make perfection on earth which is not the Lord’s will. If a person has a double set of prophetic gifts, he will always be a prophet. If a person who is a prophet does not possess a set of prophetic gifts, which are in 3 mantles, the Lord will send that prophet to places where he can be able to possess the complete set of gifts.

A person who has a mantle and has not given it to the Lord, will not be able to grow the gifts in that mantle for his lifetime. If a person has a mantle which has wealth as a dominant gift, he may be rich as a result of that mantle but will not be wealthy. He must give that mantle to the Lord for Him to destroy all the influence of the enemy upon that mantle. The enemy may use that mantle to enrich that person and draw him away from the Lord. If that mantle is given to the Lord, a person will experience the wealth that the Lord desired for him. If a person does not give the Lord a mantle, he may not be able to use that mantle at all. He may live his entire life without any knowledge of the gifts which he possessed from God. A person who has learnt about giving should ask the Holy Spirit about what he should give to the

Lord so that he is guided on what to do. Why would a person live his entire life with a mantle without being able to use it? If a person with a mantle has curses which are as a result of his sin and that of his forefathers, he will not be able to use his mantle unless he repents to the Lord. If he has knowledge about mantles, he may use his gifts for the glory of the enemy. He will be the one to grow that mantle for him. A person who has been able to give his mantle to the Lord will be asked to relinquish everything that he has received as a result of that mantle. When a person gives the Lord a mantle, He will anoint it for him to be able to live with that mantle according to the Lord’s will. If he had a mantle which has a gift of healing as the dominant gift, that person will have the gifts of healing dominant when the Lord anoints that mantle. If he had a mantle with the gift of administration dominant, that person will be an evangelist when the Lord anoints that mantle.