Living in Obedience: Giving In The Lord's Will by Maurice Paul Obonyo - HTML preview

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Chapter Four

How Can A Person

Give His All To God?

If you have stayed in the Lord’s presence for long, He will lead you to God. When the Lord leads you to God, you have found hope. A person who has found hope is able to stay in God’s presence for a longer time than a person who just started his journey with the Lord. When God is asked for anything, He is love, He will give. When He gives, He does not hold anything back from the person that He has given to. Have you ever been given a gift by God? I have been given a gift of cooking by God. When I decide to cook, I cook with God’s instructions. If I cook without listening to God’s instructions, I do not enjoy the cooking. I also have a gift of oratory from God. When I speak, I listen to God speak through me. If do not listen to God speak through me as I am speaking, I cannot continue. If I am in a congregation, I do not need to depend on my natural abilities to speak, God will enable me speak eloquently without much effort! If I am in a place where I am alone, I do not struggle to listen to God speak. He will speak to me as clearly as a man would speak to me. He has even taught me pronunciations of some words. When a person has found God, he has found all that there is to find.

If you have not yet found God, start on your obedience to the Lord so that He can lead you to God. A person who has been able to find God will have to give to God. How will a person give to God? If you have been blessed by God, you will have to start worshipping God on a continuous basis. When you worship God, you will start witnessing the power of the Holy Ghost in your life. If you are asking: how can I start worshipping God? Know that for you to be able to worship God, the worship has to originate from Him. You cannot worship without receiving the songs for worship from God.

When you decide to worship God, he will in turn give you all that He is. When you decide to continue worshipping God as a lifestyle, you will be given everything that you need in this life and will not lack. If you lack, then you are not a worshipper of God. Worshippers of God are not supposed to lack. When you are in God’s presence, He will teach you how to worship Him. You cannot worship God without His guidance. If you think however, that worship involves only singing, you are deceived. Singing is a part of worship but it is not all! A worshipper of God has to start thinking like God. If God is grieved, a worshipper of God will equally be grieved. If God is full of joy, a worshipper of God will joyful. A person who does not think like God is not able to worship God in spirit and in truth. People who are called to be worshippers of God are selected by God. A man cannot decide who a worshipper of God is. When a person has been selected to become a worshipper of God, he starts living as though he is in heaven. It means that he is a person that is full of faith, a giver, and constantly in the presence of God. When a person is a worshipper of God, he is in the office of the Bishop.

A bishop is a person who has been in the Lord’s presence for long and in God’s presence for a longer time than a man of God. A bishop is not a person who is able to stay in a cursed place for long. When a bishop is in a place, it is surrounded by the angels of God. A bishop is also a person who has the power of the Holy Ghost in and upon him. If a bishop is a worshipper of God, he will have the power of the Holy Ghost upon him at a greater measure all the time. If a bishop is in a place of worship, that place is going to be blessed by God. A person who is in a place that has a bishop will be blessed by God if he is in God’s will. If that person is not in the God’s will, he will be cursed by the Lord. Does it mean that people should avoid bishops so that they do not acquire curses? If that person is a cursed person, he will acquire more curses as a result of being in a place where a bishop is present. If that person lives near a bishop, that place will become a blessed place. If a bishop goes to a cursed place, that place will be blessed. If a bishop goes to a cursed place outside God’s will, that bishop has sinned against God and he will lose the power of the Holy Ghost upon him. Does that mean that a bishop is not supposed to go to some places that inhabit cursed spirits like markets or parks? Yes and no! If a bishop goes to a market to purchase food, he has not sinned against the Lord, if he goes to a market so that that market may become a blessed place, he has acted outside God’s will; that market will not become a blessed place.

When a bishop has been in a cursed place for a long time, it will stop inhabiting cursed spirits as the bishop continues staying in there. If he is in a place that has been cursed by the God, it will be blessed by God as a result of his presence there. A bishop is a person who is able to stay in a cursed place until it is blessed by God and is blessed to stay in only blessed places thereafter. If a bishop goes to a cursed place, cursed spirits will flee that place until he leaves that place. If a he has been in a cursed place for long, cursed spirits will relocate from that cursed there. When cursed spirits relocate from a place, does it automatically become blessed? If that place was cursed by God, it will not be blessed until God causes a bishop to live there. If a bishop goes to live in a place at the time a curse has been mentioned there, it will still be blessed by the God. If a bishop decided to live in a cursed place yet the time for the curse upon that place to be lifted has not yet come, that bishop has gone to stay in that place outside God’s will.

When a bishop has stayed in a place and the place has become blessed by God, that bishop will be rewarded by God for having enabled Him to bless that place. A bishop who has endured a cursed place until a time when God is able to bless such a place is rewarded with wealth which is from the place that he has suffered from. If he was in a place which was not wealthy, he will still be rewarded with wealth.











Chapter Five

How Can A Person

Stay In The Lord’s Will?

When a person has been in the Lord’s will for long, he will not be able to stay in the same position in his life. The Lord is always promoting a person who is doing his will. If that person was a child, he will be made into a son and later in to a mature adult in the Lord. A mature adult in the Lord is called a son of God. When a son of God finds God, he is promoted by God to become a man of God. A man of God is able to become a bishop. When a bishop is promoted by God, he will become a bishop who is in the office of the Bishop.

The office of the bishop is God’s own office. If a person is a bishop who is in the office of the Bishop, he has found God. A bishop who is not in the office of the bishop is not able to stay in a place until God blesses that place. If he is in a place, it will remain cursed until he pays the price to become a bishop who is in the office of the bishop. What price does a bishop who is not in the office of the Bishop have to pay to become a bishop who is in the office of the Bishop? He has to stay in God’s presence for a lengthy period of time. If a person is desirous of becoming a bishop who is in the office of the Bishop, he has to abide in obedience to God. If he has not been able to abide in obedience to God, that person can never be a bishop. A bishop is not a person who is carnal. If a person is caught up in worldliness, he is not a bishop. Can the enemy deceive a person that he is a bishop?