Living in Obedience: Giving In The Lord's Will by Maurice Paul Obonyo - HTML preview

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Yes, the enemy is always deceiving some leaders that they are bishops. If a bishop has a title, he is already deceived by the enemy. God is not going to tell a bishop to call himself bishop so and so. A person who has given himself the title of bishop is blasphemous and needs to repent unto the Lord. If you find a person that is an archbishop, that person is cursed and needs to give his life to the Lord. If an archbishop had knowledge of what it means to be an archbishop, he would never desire to hold such a title or office. An archbishop is a bishop who is in the office of Lucifer. He is the archbishop! Had it been that a person who has titled himself as bishop were in God’s will, he person would not be cursed. If a person titles himself bishop, he has caused a curse of lack upon himself. He will lack the Lord’s voice until he repents.

A bishop has to go through tests which are designed by God for him to be able to become a bishop who is in the office of the Bishop. When a person passes these tests, he will be blessed by God to live as though he were in heaven. If a person fails the tests which God has designed for him, he will be encouraged by God to try again. Most of the time, a person may not know that God is testing him. These tests are never the same and vary according to the amount of knowledge which the Lord has blessed a person with. If you have been blessed with much knowledge, the tests which God will give you will be different from a person who has been blessed with much more knowledge. When a bishop has stayed in the office of the Bishop for long, God will bless him with abundance of wealth.

Abundance of wealth is wealth which is from the Father’s own table. This is wealth that does not diminish. A bishop who has wealth in abundance is called a bishop in the Father’s office. When a bishop is in the Father’s office, he is a person who is living in the Father's abundance. A bishop cannot be ordained by a man, he can only be ordained by the Father. When a person ordains himself as a bishop without being ordained by the Father, he acquires a curse from the Father. A curse which is from the Father is an eternal curse. It is a curse that cannot be removed by the Lord. When the Lord curses a person, that curse can be removed with that person’s repentance. If God curses a person, that curse can be removed because the Lord died on that person’s behalf. If the Father curses a person, he will live with that curse for eternity. Has the Father ever cursed a person? Yes, people who are condemned are cursed by the Father to stay away from His presence forever. Such a person may find the Lord but will never find the Father. They may even find God but will never know who the Father is. If you are asking: can such people enter heaven? Yes, they may enter heaven but will not see who the Father is for eternity. They are the ones who are of the enemy’s lineage. If they enter heaven, they will never see who the Father is.

A person who has blasphemed the Holy Spirit has been cursed by the Father to stay away from His presence for eternity. If such a person is desirous of entering in the office of the Father, he will try for eternity and will never see who the Father is. If he has sinned against the Holy Ghost, he is never going to see what the Father has. Isn’t blaspheming the Holy Spirit the same as blaspheming the Holy Ghost? Yes and no; if you have the Holy Spirit and a person blasphemes Him in your presence, he is cursed for eternity. If you have the Holy Ghost and a person blasphemes Him in your presence, he is cursed never to be in the Father’s presence for eternity. These curses seem similar but are different in that the person who blasphemes the Holy Spirit will stay away from him even in heaven whereas the person who blasphemes the Holy Ghost stay away from Him even in heaven.

When a bishop has been in the office of the Father for long, he will have a plethora of gifts which have been given to him as a result of obedience. If he has stayed in the Father’s presence for longer than a bishop who is in the office of the Bishop, he will be rewarded with gifts which are from the Father. Gifts which are from the Father are gifts that a person receives out of obedience to God. If a bishop has been obedient to God, the Father will bless that bishop with gifts of wealth. A person who is a bishop in the office of the Father is able to stay in blessed places until those places become wealthy. If a bishop who is in the office of the Father has been sent to a place, that place has been blessed by the Father with His abundance. When I was in the office of the Prophet, I witnessed a lot of hardships that were meant to test me to core. I did not know that the Lord was preparing me for a bigger office. Had it been that I had failed to endure in the hardships that the Lord had wanted me to pass through, I would never have been able to enter in the office of the Father.