Love Letters by Shirley Sehorn - HTML preview

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Wednesday morning, 10/12/05 Dear LORD,
May I always contend for You!

Dearest S.,
You will never need to contend for Me.
You have Me.
I am yours forever.
Now, contend with Me, shoulder to shoulder
in spiritual warfare against the forces that hold the souls of our lost brothers and sisters.
“You are My battle-ax...” (Jeremiah 51: 20a) Love,

Later that night
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for contending with me today for the souls of my students and co-workers. Send Your Holy Spirit deep into my heart. Break down the walls and strongholds in my life that resist You still. May Your voice call through me boldly as I pray, “Thy kingdom come”.
Friday night, 10/14/05

Dear LORD,
It is such a delight and such a relief
to rest in You at the end of the day.
Awake or asleep, its so good to be near You.
May my every breath praise You.
May my heart beat for You alone.
May my mind wind down in Your hand
until Your thoughts overshadow mine.
Let me fall forever into You. Love,

Saturday morning, 10/15/05 Dear LORD,
Its all or nothing with You. Let it be all.

Dear S., Sometimes, those who know each other well dont have to say anything. They just stand very close, and work together as one. This is how you are made. This is how I am. This is your highest desire, and Mine.
Your LORD and Friend
Sunday night, 10/16/05 Monday night, 10/17/05

Dearest LORD,
I read books upon books about You …
dry pages that flutter and say so much about other things
and so little of You …
Words can not capture You. Paper can not seal You,
but my heart is sealed by You.
Your love has set a fire in me that consumes all my words
and leaves me breathless, yet somehow sustained by Your breath… forever changed, not of this world, alien…
now unable to breathe without You…
unable to pretend that You fit on the pages…
unable to deny the life that You have placed inside of me.
You shine, and I am unable to contain my passion for You. Beautiful One, I worship You!

Tuesday morning, 10/25/05
Dear LORD,
Thank You for the dream You gave me last night.
It was in a hospital setting. The patient was saved by Living Water. Though human constructions could not save,
Your love brought healing.
Thank You for my son in laws kidney transplant,
and the reassurance that You are giving me for his recovery.

Later that night Dear LORD,
You are so far beyond my grasp,
yet You hold me close to Your heart.
Teach me to rest in You, without struggling to define You. Yours,
Wednesday morning, 11/02/05

Dear S.,
Do only what I put before you today. Follow My example in this:
“Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing by Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manor.” (John 5: 19) Love,

Friday morning, 11/04/05 Dear LORD,
I woke up this morning with ideas whirring in my head, of what Icould do …
of how I could make a difference.
and I forgot to realize
what You are already doing
to fulfill what You
have already planned.
And once again,
I throw down the burdens that I swore I would never pick up again. Forgive me.
Help me look to You, my Faithful One.
from the faithless one You love,

Dear S.,
Humility only looks shabby to those who do not have it. It is beautiful to Me.

Wednesday morning 11/09/05 Dear LORD,
Help me live for You. Let me die, so You shine through, and You will close the jaws of lions today.
by Your love,
Thursday morning 11/10/05

Dear LORD,
Polish my surface that I might reflect Your love.

Wednesday evening, 11/23/05 Dear LORD,
The joy has not faded. The weight of resistance is gone … Cast out,
along with the thought that things should be different somehow. And I am left with gratitude that does not depend on preference, or even understanding.
Your presence in all things is perfect for me.

Sunday morning, 11/27/05 Dear LORD,
Perhaps it should be,
but it is not fear of hell that drives me to You. It is Your love that calls me out.
Happily ever after was never enough for me,
but You are more than enough.
And I will not settle for less.
In the dungeons of my heart, I chain myself to You. Love,
Sunday morning, 12/04/05

Dear LORD,
Hollywood lies, and tries to replace You;
but “larger than life” is death to me.
“I will set nothing wicked before my eyes.” (Psalm 101: 3a) In repentance,

Dear S.,
“But one thing is needed…” (Luke 10: 42a) Love,

Dear Jesus,
I hold You in my heart. Love,

Thursday morning 12/08/05 My Three In One,
The Trinity is no longer something heard in a sermon or read in a book.
It is my experience of You now.
I am in love with You!

Dear S.,
I am (Father)/ in love (Son)/ with you (Holy Spirit) Be as bread,
broken to nourish multitudes;
and I will gather up all the pieces.
Surely there will be more in the end,
than there was in the beginning.
Just as My disciples gathered up every piece so that none would be wasted,
so I will gather you.
Feed My sheep.
Your Three In One
Friday morning, 12/09/05

Dear LORD,
I dreamed of unfair accusation and woke up,
still wanting to prove myself right …
Just as, in a world that is blind to Eternity,
I still want to prove it is so,
So they will know I am right.
Forgive me, LORD,

Thursday morning, 12/15/05 Dear S.,
Do not be troubled that you are
a braggart and a fool.
These things only speak
of your great need for Me.
I love you,