Love Letters by Shirley Sehorn - HTML preview

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The Door of Humility

Monday morning, 07/31/06 Dear S.,
Go into the empty place that is not despair, but is hope in Me. Its the little decisions you make every day that pave the way to Me. Are you listening? I have saved the best until now.

(Later that afternoon, I went to the Santa Rosa Plateau to pray. There is a bench about three quarters of a mile in. When I was part way there, the LORD stopped me, and impressed on me that this was holy ground. My first thought was to turn around and go home. I felt so horribly unworthy of His time. (Thats pride talking.) By His grace, I went with my second thought instead, and took off my shoes and socks. I tied them around my neck and proceeded barefoot. As I walked, I noticed that there was poison oak next to the trail. I was afraid I would get poison oak from the leaves that had fallen on the trail, but I kept going. There was a bench there that would have been a convenient place to stop, but I kept going. The trail led through open country where there was no more poison oak. As I walked, I realized that the dust of the trail was cleaning every trace of poison oak residue from my feet. As I continued on, there were lines of big black ants crossing the trail. I didnt want to get an ant bite, so I was careful not to step on them. It hurt a little to walk barefoot on the hard, rocky trail, but it wasnt bad as long as I slowed down and watched where I was going. I had to look at each place where I put my feet. I could feel the ground, the bits of grass, and the cool rocks as I walked carefully on them. Walking in this manor did not harm the trail. Even the soft grass sprang back, without damage. I finally reached the place where I go to pray. After I had sat quietly for a few minutes, He explained the lesson. Since I am one of those people who learn by doing, He had to show me what it is like to walk in humility. When my shoes had been on, I had walked fast, with my eyes on the trail up ahead. I was not paying attention to each step, so I was leaving damage in my wake. I lacked feeling, so I wasnt even aware of the damage. Walking in this manor was like going through life shod with pride. I do not want to go through life like this anymore. It is not how Jesus walked. God showed me that I am to walk through life as one who is barefoot. I am to focus only on where I am right now, not on where I may plan to be later. I am to interface with life as one who is in touch with the feelings of others, and vulnerable to my own. It will hurt sometimes. I am to be careful not to cause harm to myself or others. I am to trust God to remove the residue of the past. I am to go slowly, because the destination is already known, and the lesson is in the journey. My life is His holy ground, and I am to walk in humility. I still carry the burden of pride. It is part of my fallen nature. But by the grace of Jesus Christ, I can choose not to wear it.)
Tuesday morning, 08/01/06

Dear LORD,
Hold me. I dont have the strength to hold You.

Wednesday morning, 08/16/06 Dear S.,
Humility is facing up to the ever widening discrepancy between who you are alone,
and who you are when My Spirit pours through you. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” (Revelation 3:20a) Humility is the key to the door.
I love you,

Friday morning 08/18/06
Dear S.,
Remember when you wanted to take me downfrom the cross, and I said “Come up here”? Thats what you must do to be near to Me. Come up here and be crucified with Me so that you can rise with Me. You have to die to be reborn. Dont worry, you are already Mine. Now, draw close to Me.

Monday morning, 08/28/06 Dear LORD,
Thank You Jesus for buying my freedom with Your blood, so that I can enslave myself to You forever.

Wednesday morning, 08/30/06 Dear S.,
Dont get lost in self sacrifice. Abide in My love.

Sunday morning, 09/03/06
Dear LORD,
What did the dream mean that You gave me last night? I put a cookie on a plate and lifted it up. There was a plate with a pencil beneath that. I put another cookie on the top plate, and then there were two pencils on the plate beneath it. I lifted up the plate of pencils, and there were two dollars on the plate beneath the pencils.

Dear S.,
The cookies are your desires of the flesh. They are inadequate to sustain you, and they always become stale over time. When you are willing to give them up, and lift up your needs to Me, instead of trying to satisfy them in the flesh, I will give you My Word. It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4: 4)

If you lift up My Word, taking it in your hand, and putting it into practice, I will give you treasures that will last. My Word, written on your heart, is of lasting value. It will sustain you. It will not grow stale over time. Lift up all of your needs to Me in prayer, and I will give you understanding of My Word. Write down what I teach you, and put it into practice, that you might have nourishing sustenance now, and treasures for eternity. Love,

that evening
Dear LORD,
I feel lonely today, LORD. Its not people that I miss ... its You. Love,

Monday morning, 09/11/06
Dear LORD,
Thank You for the dream.
I was awake in a place where everyone was in a walking sleep. There was blood in the sky. Everyone was doing and undoing ina sort of “Hokey Pokey” dance that went nowhere. I saw the faces of the lost, and I could not awaken them. They all, like sheep, had gone astray. Thank You, Jesus, for waking me up to the reality of this place. Show me, LORD, how to reach my lost brothers and sisters today!

Thursday evening, 09/14/06 Dear LORD,
I can see Your handmoving in circumstances I dont understand, and all I can do is praise You
for who You are and for what Youre doing here.

Saturday morning, 09/16/06
Dear LORD,
I had tried to remove the rottenness from the skin of my life, but it could not be removed from the seed. It spread outward through the flesh, and threatened to break through the skin. I had only been able to clean up the surface of me, but You, Jesus, dealt with the seed. You cleansed me from the inside out.

Dear S.,
When you are still, the first thing you will see is that you are not God. Your thoughts are not My thoughts. You can not reach Me, but do not despair. I can reach you. Love,

P.S. Your shoulders were injured because your pride caused you to overwork. It takes humility to lay off the high pitches.

Dear LORD,
Save me from myself. S.

Dear S., I did.
Monday morning, 09/18/06

Dear S.,
Today, you are to be tape and string. You wont have to know anything ahead of time. Just let Me be the taper and stringer. I will use you to create unity and healing. I will bind up the brokenhearted, and draw My people together. You will need to be obedient and willing. My Holy Spirit is in you to transform you into my obedient, willing partner. My Holy Spirit is with you, directing and counseling you. My Holy Spirit is upon you, to pour out through you.

Dear LORD,
Thank You for Your love. I will be Your tape and string. Love,

Wednesday morning, 10/04/06
Dear LORD,
I kept dreaming about cleaning my parents house. There was dirt on the floor, and I was vacuuming it up. What does this mean?

Dear S.,
This is generational cleansing. I am the vacuum cleaner in your hand, consuming the dirt. Together, we will take the stain of sin away.
This is how you are to honor your father and mother.

Wednesday morning, 11/08/06
Dear LORD,
You showed me how our relationship is changing. You are growing me. I am a toddler now. You no longer sit and hold me all the time, though Your arms are ever ready to embrace me. You are teaching me how to walk in Your ways. Your kingdom come. You are raising me up to be Your heir. You are raising me up as a leader, to lead people to You. Thank You Jesus!

Sunday morning, 11/19/06
Dear LORD,
You showed me the layers of a face in a dream. What does it mean? Love,

Thursday morning, 11/23/06 Dear S.,
Despair results from separation ... dis– parity.
In marriage, the two become one flesh.
Cleave to your husband.
The three faces I showed you are your three marriages.
You tore one face off, and assumed another.
Then you tore that face off, and assumed the third.
Do not tear this one off.
“Come now, and let us reason together.
Though your sins are like scarlet,

They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool.”
(Isaiah 1: 18)
Pray for your husband, as you pray for yourself, for you are one flesh. Obey Me in this.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Matthew 5: 8) I want to be seen by you.

Dear LORD,
I want to see You. Purify me. Love,

Monday morning, 01/15/07 Dear S.,
Your illusion of inadequacy is offensive in My sight. Rebuke this evil spirit, and draw near to Me,
for I desire to be all things to you.
I give you life abundantly.
There is nothing I cant do.
Believe in Me.