Love Letters by Shirley Sehorn - HTML preview

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Saturday morning, 06/17/06 Dear LORD,
I want to be closer to You.
What is still blocking You?

Dearest little one,
If you want to know Me, be still…
And in the stillness, understand:
When you die, you will be completely still,
and you will know Me completely.
Die to self now, a little at a time
and I will be able to come closer to you, a little at a time. Be still, like a deer in the headlights of My love for you. Be still and know. Know without doubt.
Know Me. Know My holiness.
Be still and know Me.

You are the beginning and the end. You are death and life to me. I love You,

Monday morning, 06/19/06 Dear Jesus,
I can see You on the cross, and I want to take You down from there. Love,

Dear S.
I can see you from the cross, and I want to take you up here with Me. Love,
I dont want to just admire You from afar,
like some predator would,
looking to rob You of Your glory.
Transform me LORD, into something that I cant even imagine, so I can follow You.

Wednesday evening, 06/21/06
Dear LORD,
Help me to “not accept praise from men” because it is not the place where I will find peace. If I am not affected by praise, I will not be affected by criticism. Your opinion of me, Your love, is all that matters. You “know what is in” me, yet You love me. Thats how You are.

Thursday morning, 06/22/06 Dear S.,
Our Father owns the cattle on 1,000 hills.
That was His herd of bison that you saw in your dream. The abundant harvest of tomatoes was His also.
The huge bucket of watermelon was His.
When you put yourself into what is His,
you can only defile it.
Let Me pour My Holy Spirit through you to wash you clean. Then you will be able to handle the fruit without defiling it. You will be able to handle the cattle without stampeding them. Love,

Please pour Your Holy Spirit through me and wash me clean. Show me what I am doing that is blocking the channel of Your sanctifying grace.
What am I still holding onto, LORD?
Whatever it is, I want it removed
so that Your living water can flow through me.
Dear S.,
Your lying has to go. It separates you from Me. “All liars will have their part in the lake of fire.” Stop! When you find yourself beginning to lie, listen to your conscience. Stop right away, and confess the lie that has already escaped your lips. Do not continue in the lie. If you do, you will be turning your back on Me. You will be the false witness who condemns Me and crucifies Me again and again. This is serious, S.. It has to stop. The enemy is the father of lies, and your lying gives him a hold on you. Turn from your sin. I want to forgive you and draw you to Myself.
your Savior

Dear LORD,
Help me! Sharpen my conscience, LORD. Awaken it to warn me. Please help me to turn away from lying. I cant do it alone. Keep me mindful of my tongue. I repent of lying. I dont want to do it anymore. Help me to confess and forsake it. Shake me with a holy fear when I start to lie. Give me boldness to confess it on the spot. I have been stealing Your glory by lying. I have exaggerated my goodness and puffed myself up by lying. Break me LORD. Please help me. I am so lost in this. It is death to me.

Tuesday morning, 06/27/06
Dear S.,
“Thy kingdom come” will happen when you die to self and let Me live in you. Then “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” will happen. When you pray for this, and submit to Me, I will answer every prayer.
I love you.
God, your Father, who is in heaven, whose Name is holy

(On Wednesday, 6/28/06, our 14th wedding anniversary, I slept in the same room, in the same bed, as my husband for the first time in over a year, and it was safe.)

Thursday morning, 06/29/06 Dear LORD,
Thank you Jesus for answering even the most impossible prayers.

Thursday morning, 06/29/06 Dear LORD,
Break me upon the altar of Your holiness that I may be made new. Love,

Dear S.,
I sent your husband to you so that you both could be broken upon My altar and made new, one flesh, dedicated as “Holy to the LORD”. Do not refuse My gift, provided for your redemption.

Dear LORD,
Please forgive me for not receiving my husband as a gift from You. Help me to become a good wife for him.

Tuesday morning, 07/04/06 Dear S.,
3 2 1... 0... (a circle with no end).
The gifts I give to you will count down one by one until eternity. 3 2 1 ... forever.

Dear LORD,
Thank You for the “free” flag tract you downloaded to me.
Today is the 4th of July, the 230thyear anniversary of my countrys declaration of freedom... freedom of religion... freedom of speech... freedom to spread Your Gospel, Jesus. It is also the 12 year anniversary of the day that I gave my will and my life to You, and was born again. You gave me freedom from addiction to lust... freedom from the bondage of sin and death....freedom to enter into Your presence, and live with You forever. I am so grateful for this!
Dear LORD,
Thank You for leading me to apply to the School of Ministry, and for funding it by giving me the idea of forgoing hair care expense in order to pay for tuition. Thank You for Pastor R.s willingness to count my evangelism as service in a church ministry. Thank You for my husband being okay with it. LORD, You have a way of working out Your will that takes my breath away! You really do want to be closer to me, and I want to be closer to You. This is true happiness.

Monday morning, 07/10/06
Dear Jesus,
I am bankrupt, but You have provided me with a savings account. I read the statements again and again, written by the hands of Your faithful accountants, copied, preserved, and translated through the ages to be laid at my feet. How grateful I am for Your Word that assures me of the Fathers love for me. At what price was this life insurance policy bought? May my heart never forget Your sacrifice for me. Thank You Jesus. Your Name is my pass code.
With reverence,

(On 07/12/06, I bought 1,000 copies of the flag tract. I miscalculated the price, and realized my mistake when the work was completed, and the bill was $478.10. I was afraid my husband would be very angry, but I told him about it right away. He did not get at all angry with me.) Thank You LORD!
Friday morning, 07/14/06

Dear LORD,
I stand before You in awe.
I see Your creation
and am amazed by its Creator.
Then I look within myself
and see the wreckage I have made
of what You gave me.
I can not help but cry out to You for mercy.
Dear LORD,
by Your unfailing love,
help me to place my life in Your hands.
Please make me new again;
and show me, once more,
how to begin.
my Savior ...
my Friend ...

Saturday morning, 07/15/06
Dear S.,
I am the anvil upon which Christians are forged. Their addictions, dependencies and sins hammer them, conforming them to My image.


50 raffle at the Founders Day dinner. This provided $307.00, which we had not expected. It completely covered the excess cost of the tracts.)


You are amazing LORD!


Monday morning, 07/17/06

Dear LORD,
I lay myself on Your altar,
the anvil of my salvation,
and ask You to make me new.
Forge me into a woman
after Your own heart,
and use me to adorn Your bride.

Tuesday morning, 07/18/06 Dear S.,
Tell My children;
“Be careful what you worship.
If its not God, it will consume you.
Be careful who you follow.
If its not Jesus, it will lead you nowhere.
Be careful what you believe.
If its not the Holy Spirit, it will lie to you.
Be careful what you hope for.
If its not salvation, it will destroy you.
Choose life.”

Thursday morning, 07/20/06 Dear S.,
Read My stripes.
Each one is a love letter to you.

Saturday evening, 07/22/06 LORD,
Awaken in me the sorrow
that can only be comforted by You.
Fuel in me
the unquenchable obsession
to know You.
Hold me closer.
Take me deeper.

Thursday afternoon, 07/27/06 Dear LORD,
I am in the no mans land of Your grace.
Fill my empty, open soul.
Reclaim, restore. equip me to speak Your Word. Live in me as it was in the beginning.
You are my purpose.

Sunday morning, 07/30/06 Dear LORD,
Keep me safe from pride today.