Love Letters by Shirley Sehorn - HTML preview

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Saturday morning , 03/31/07 Dear LORD,
I cant stand the separation anymore. What does it take to abide in You?

Dear S.,
Love as I have loved you. Start with your husband.
Let Me love him through you.
Come and eat at the banqueting table. Your food will be the same as Mine. My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. (John 4: 34) Love,

Dear LORD,
I accept Your invitation, my LORD and my God. Love,

Tuesday morning, 04/03/07
Dear LORD,
You showed me a vision of heaven for my husband. His brothers had come to see him. They were young and yet their hair was silvery. They talked with each other and laughed. My husband and I watched them through a window in a door. Their past was changed. They had a little sister. They were kids again, visiting Dads house. They were jumping off of a rocky outcropping into water on their bikes, but completely safe. It was a freeze frame snapshot of fun. The land was lush and beautiful.

Saturday morning, 04/14/07
Dear S.,
Its hard to believe what you havent experienced; but if you believe, you will experience. If you do not believe, you will not experience.
Sunday morning, 04/22/07

Dear S.,
I charge you to pray for the spirit of David to come upon My Church; that she might be unified under the rule of Christ, her Anointed King. Pray for unity of the Body of Christ. It starts with marriages. It was by infidelity that Davids kingdom was torn apart, and it was by loyalty that Davids kingdom was rebuilt. Let it be so with My Church. Love,

Thursday morning, 04/26/07
Dear LORD,
You showed me the ancient sacrifices, the code of Moses, and the written word. You showed me the man who left, whose friends called him back into fellowship. What do You want me to do?

Dear S.,
Prayer calls back the prodigal.
Pray without ceasing.
Do not disobey Me in this.
My Church must be a house of prayer. It is the war club in your hand.
Pray in the spirit of David.
My kingdom come.
My unified kingdom come.
Unite My people in prayer.
I am coming soon.
Call Me back to you.

Dear LORD,


Ignite a heart of prayer in me that I may obey You in this.

Tuesday morning, 05/15/07
Dear LORD,
Thank You for my back problems that made it impossible for me work, much less to be in Mexico on the mission trip on Friday, May 4, 2007. As a result, I was home that day, when my sisters doctor called to tell me that he had found extensive cancer during surgery, and had to remove it. Thank You for the fact that I was already packed for the Mexico trip, so I could leave home soon after I got the call. Thank You for making it possible for me to stay alert during the 1½ hour drive to the hospital, even though I was on muscle relaxants and pain pills. Thank You for being able to be the one to break the news to my sister when she woke up. Thank You for the availability of an extra bed in her room, so that I could spend every minute of the next five days with her in the hospital. Thank You that my doctor had already put me off work because of my back problem. Thank You for the cancer that helped my sister realize her need for a Savior. Thank You for speaking through me to my sister, in a way that made sense to her. Thank You for Your amazing presence in her hospital room. Thank You for the opportunity to give my sister comfort in such a way that she could sense Your love coming through me. Over a year ago (01/21/06), I asked You if I should keep trying to witness to my sister, or if she was a lost cause. You said that You dont believe in lost causes, and to invite my sister to come to the water. I have prayed for the opportunity to do so, and You have answered my prayer. You are faithful. Your arm is not too short to save.
Thank You LORD!

Saturday morning, 05/26/07
Dear LORD,
In the silent place between heartbeats, I wait for You. You are my LORD and my God. And I know that someday, You Yourself will meet me here face to face, after the last note has sounded and stilled. And I will join in the symphony of praise. I will sing of Your grace forever. Thank You for loving me.

Thursday morning, 05/31/07
Dear LORD,
In a dream, you showed me plants in need of water. The plants were in drawers, in a room with mirrors and sinks. It was a restroom. There were prayers written on the insides of some of the drawers. You spoke through me, and said to pull out the drawers and water the plants. You also said to write our prayers on the drawers that had no prayers written on them. The restroom was in a large building where an event was taking place. A large number of people were going to be fed. It was spiritual. Tell me more. Dear S.,
Im calling my people to communicate with Me, and to water what has already been planted. Water what I have planted, with your prayers. This is only a small thing compared with the great work I am preparing to do. Obey Me in this. Shout it! Please find Me tonight. My timing is perfect. Believe in Me. Believe Me.

Sunday morning, 06/10/07 Dear LORD,
In a dream about a prison,
The power grid went out. The doors locked down.
but by Your grace we were set free.
The one who sabotaged the power grid is still in the prison, with all who were caught after the power went out.
Outside of the prison, multicolored birds flew
bringing the news to all who had eyes to see.
Thank You Jesus for Your grace.

Thursday night, 06/21/07


Dear LORD,

Thank You for Alzheimers disease. My father forgot he was an agnostic, a nd was only able to remember the distant past, when he still believed.
He went to the hospital for the last time on June 15, 2007. Thank You for Your perfect timing. I got the call at the end of the last day of my job before summer vacation, so I could drive to the hospital and stay with him that night and the next day.
Thank You for speaking through me, reciting the twenty third Psalm in the King James version, which he had taught to me when I was four years old. Thank You for preserving this memory for him, so that You could tap into his faith again and draw him to Yourself. Thank You for guiding me to read the verses in Johns Gospel to him: “I am the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep.” and “My sheep know my voice ...” Thank You for saying through me, “Daddy, the twenty third Psalm is all about Jesus. He is the Shepherd.” Thank You for the light of understanding that sprang into my fathers eyes when he said “Yes!”
Thank You for the chaplain who shared the gospel with my father again the next day, when my father could still understand and respond.
Thank You for my mother and sister being able to be there when he died. Thank You for my mother saying, “Ive never seen someone die before. What happens?”
Thank You for giving me the words to explain the Gospel in a way that got in past the atheistic defenses that my mother had built up over the years.
Thank You for reassuring me that the message had gotten through. The sign painted on the rear window of the car in the parking lot was obvious enough even for me.
This was the generational cleansing that You promised last year. (10/04/06). You said, “Together, we will take the stain of sin away. This is how you are to honor your father and mother.” Thank You! You are faithful. How could I ever doubt You? Love,

Tuesday morning, 06/26/07 Dear LORD,
What a relief it is to wake up and know that You are here. What a relief to take a breath and feel Your heart beating in me. What a relief to find all is as its supposed to be,
and to know that I will always be in the pocket of Your hand. I love You Jesus!

Dear S.,
Do you love Me? Feed My sheep. Love,

Wednesday morning, 06/27/07 Dear LORD,
At the beginning of the day, I see all the impossibilities. Then I pray, begin the day,
and watch You work the whole thing out
I trust You Jesus.

Friday morning, 06/29/07
Dear LORD,
Thank You for the retired pastor who spoke at the memorial service and told the truth of the Gospel in a way that made sense to my fathers sister and to other family members and friends. Thank You for the man at the mortuary who made an audio tape of the message, so I will be able to play it again for my mom and sister. Thank You for Christian caregivers, who share the Gospel with my mother regularly.
Monday morning, 07/16/07

Dear S.,
Those parts of you that are not infused with My Spirit have to go. Cut the dead wood out of your life.

Wednesday morning, 07/18/07 Dear LORD,
Help me to follow hard after You, and not lean on my own understanding. Love,

Friday morning, 07/20/07
Dear LORD,
In my dreams, You had me marching around strongholds of paper. You were bringing them down, and putting them into cloth bags. What were they?

Dear S.,
They were the strongholds of pride and self-reliance. They are nothing but paper. Love,

What about the cloth bags? S.

This is your ministry. You will help others, by your example, to allow Me to pull down these strongholds in their lives as well.
Saturday morning, 07/21/07

Dear LORD,
You are whats right in me.

Dear S.,
“You are My battle-ax and weapons of war.” (Jeremiah 51: 20a) against the unseen forces that separate My people from Me. Rise up in My hand.

Sunday morning, 07/22/07
Dear LORD,
I have been doing the talking, and I want to hear from You now. Love,

Dear S.,
I just want to be with you. Love,

Monday morning, 07/23/07
Dear S.,
Dont forget that it was only when the Israelites were in an impossible situation that they were able to comprehend the parting of the Red Sea. I will put you in impossible situations, so that you will be able to comprehend My miracles. I am with you. Love,

Dear LORD,
Yes and Amen! I wait in joyful expectation for the impossible situations You speak of. I know that You are with me through it all. Help me LORD, when my faith wavers. Be strong in me, because I am weak. I just want to be with You.
Thursday morning, 07/26/07

Dear LORD,
Accounting has stressed me all of my life, but You said to “count it all joy”. I will have to give an account, but in You, my joy will be complete. “The joy of the LORD is my strength.” I will rejoice!
Thank You for prayer this morning. You really do pray through me, yet I know that You honor even the little twisted prayers that wrench out of my body. You hear every prayer, even when they are not pretty. I love You Jesus! You are the alpha and omega of me. Love,

Monday morning, 07/30/07
Dear LORD,
“Whoever denies the name of Jesus has not been saved. When I have said, “God as you understand God” in twelve step circles, I have denied Your name to those who most need to hear it.
Im sorry.

Tuesday morning, 07/31/07 Dear LORD,
Rekindle in me, my first love for You.

Dear S.,
As you serve Me today by reaching out to your brothers and sisters who are still lost, My love will ignite and flow through you.

Friday morning, 08/03/07 Dear LORD,
You are my beginning and end.
You are all Ive ever wanted in a friend.
Consecrate my heart and make me new.
Bind me close forever to You.

Tuesday morning, 08/21/07 Dear LORD,
My thoughts betray me, and war against my soul. I need You even more than I know.
With tears of frustration, I confess my great need for You. Love,

Dear S.,
Turn to Me now. You have not fallen out of My grasp. “Is My arm too short to save?” “Is My love like that of a man?” “Though a mother may forget her nursing child, I will not forget you.” Draw near to Me, and I will draw near to you. I have laid down My life for you. I will not let you go.

Thursday morning, 08/23/07
Dear LORD,
I look at people who serve You so selflessly ... G. and M., and I dont see how I could ever become like that.
But then I see how You are forming me,
and I know that it was You who made them holy;
and it is You who can make me holy too.
By Your stripes I am healed.
Thank You Jesus!

Saturday morning, 08/25/07
Dear LORD,
Help meto overcome spiritual pride. I am powerless over it seeping into my life. Its so destructive.

Dear S.,
Pray for each one that they may receive as you have. Love,

Dear LORD,
Help me to pray. Break my competitive spirit. Fill me with Your Spirit of cooperation. Change my desires as I pray.
Monday morning, 08/27/07

Dear LORD,
You showed me 3 pairs of things. What are they? Love,

Dear S.
They are 3 relationships. The first is My relationship to Adam. I am the Righteous Judge, and he has brought judgment on himself. Stand in My shoes for a moment. Feel My desperate love for him, the firstborn of all My lost children. The second is My relationship to Jesus, My only begotten Son. I am the Righteous Judge, and He is to be judged in Adams place. Stand in My shoes again. Feel the devastation. Feel My intense love as I turn My face away. The third is My relationship to you, restored through His blood. I am the Righteous Judge, and I can set you free because Jesus took your place. Stand once again in My shoes. Feel the victory. Feel the unity of restoration. Feel the love of your Father.

Monday afternoon, 09/03/07 Dear S.,
Know the cost of rebellion. Know the power of obedience. Love,

Thursday morning, 09/06/07 Dear LORD,
What is Your language that I may pray rightly?

Dear S.,
It is the language of love. Love,

Dear God,


Teach me to love. Give me opportunities today to speak the language of love.

Saturday afternoon, 09/08/07 Dear LORD,
Thank You again for Alzheimers Disease. It is now at work in my mother. Thank You for the old memories that are finally surfacing,
as the more recent memories fade.
Thank You for the time I get to spend with her.
Thank You for the hymn “Holy Holy Holy”, which she still remembers, singing: “God in three persons, blessed trinity”
Love, S.

Sunday morning, 09/09/07 Dear LORD,
You showed me Your perfect order: a – z
One– infinity
in all my dreams,
and I will follow close after You. Love,

Dear LORD, I dreamed about following You LORD.
You showed me where to begin in everything, and I began each thing as You showed me. It was right. It was sure,
solid as a rock.
Lead me today.
I need You to lead me like that.
I need to follow You like that in all things.
Monday morning, 09/10/07 Tuesday morning, 09/11/07

Dear LORD,
I dreamed that You took me for a walk through the junkyard of my life, and described Your plans for building mansions there.
We walked through blighted gardens, past smashed fountains choked with weeds. The air smelled of stagnation and death,
yet You stood among the broken stones and spoke of building mansions. LORD, I just realized that today is September eleventh.
Six years ago, the World Trade Center was leveled by terrorists.
Why are You showing me this today?

Dear S.,
“To give them beauty for ashes,
The oil of joy for mourning,
The garment of praisefor the spirit of heaviness;” (
Isaiah 61: 3a) “And they shall rebuild the old ruins,
They shall raise up the former desolations,
And they shall repair the ruined cities,
The desolations ofmany generations.”
(Isaiah 61: 4) Love,

Dear LORD,
I understand now.
You are“trading”
our junkyards for Your mansions. Thank You Jesus!

Dear S.,
I am building My kingdom from the ruins of the world. I am the Master Builder who builds My Fathers house with living stones. In My Fathers house are many mansions. Love,

Dear LORD,
Breathe on these, my dry bones. Rebuild them according to Your plan. I am Yours.
Sunday night, 09/16/07

Dear LORD,
Thank You for bringing the generational cleansing You promised. You are faithful. Your arm is not too short to save.
Thank You for You.

Monday morning, 09/17/07
Dear LORD,
I dreamed that You came to a church in human form. I had brought my mom to meet You, but she couldnt see You. We were standing up worshiping, and You quietly walked down the side aisle and went back outside. As You passed us, I thanked You for coming. My mom still couldnt see You. How can I show You to her?

Dear S.,
You cant. Only I can do that. Love,