Love Letters by Shirley Sehorn - HTML preview

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Wednesday morning, 09/19/07
Dear LORD,
I dreamed there were scars on myfingers, and when I pressed them against peoples open wounds, their wounds healed. What does this mean?

Dear S.,
In My hands, your scars can become agents of healing in the lives of your brothers and sisters. Give Me your scars now, and I will transform them. “Behold, I am making all things new”

Dear LORD,
I never realized how beautiful scars are. They are the history of Your healing touch. Thank You, my Savior and my God!
You have made me to be like the mountain flowers. It is only when fire has scarred their seeds that they bloom and cover the hillsides with Your glorious colors. May the fragrance of this, Your work in me, be a pleasing fragrance of praise to You. Love,

that evening
Dear LORD,
Pastor G.s sermon this evening was over Leviticus, chapters 12 and 13. It was all about sores and scars and stuff. Thanks LORD, for the preparation ahead of time. Thank You for loving me enough to tell me things twice so that I will understand.

Thursday morning, 09/20/07
Dear LORD,
Its 1:45 in the morning, and I am praying to You for my sister. Thank You for being there for her and for me.

Saturday morning, 09/22/07
Dear S.,
When was the last moment you were jittery? Ill bet it was the very moment that you decided you needed to run your own life.

Tuesday morning, 09/24/07 Dear LORD,
I am assailed by doubts.

Dear S.,
Take the actions of faith and your doubts will fly away. Love,

Thursday morning, 09/26/07
Dear S.
When you forgot to put the tops on and put the containers away, the food spoiled. So it is with My word. You can fill people with My word, but if you dont seal them unto Me and disciple them, they will not be saved. Without My Spirit, the word will stagnate in them. They need the atmosphere of My Spirit. Cover the seed in prayer so that the enemy can not steal it. Sometimes you will water the seed with your tears. Bind the word to their hearts with the actions of love. Each one is like a golden staple.

Sunday morning, 09/29/07
I dreamed that there were tools left out, not cleaned or put away. What does it mean? Love,

Dear S.,
They are spiritual tools. They are to be treated with reverence. They have been defiled and have become like common things. Now My hand has touched them, and set them apart once again for Me. Do not defile what is Mine. You are one of My tools. Monday morning, 09/30/07

Dear LORD,
During prayer I fell asleep and dreamed that my students werent paying attention. I keep dreaming about my students misbehavior and worrying about it.

Dear S.,
You were falling asleep in class, during prayer. Please pay attention and I will take care of the rest. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:30)

Wednesday morning, 10/02/07
Dear LORD,
“No one can enter a strong mans house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man.” (Mark 3:27a)
This scripture keeps coming to mind. What does it mean?
What are You telling me with these words?

Dear S.,
Your prayers are being answered.
I am creating in you an inner purity that can not be defiled. My Holy Spirit fills your house and guards your heart. Love,

Dear God,
Thank You LORD! Love,

Saturday morning, 10/05/07
Dear S.,
Prayer warriors get combat pay. My Presence, the gift of the Holy Spirit goes with them.

Friday morning, 10/26/07
Dear LORD,
The fires are all around us. The smoke is so bad that they cancelled school yesterday and today. The 15 and the 5 freeways have been shut down. I have been praying for people who are evacuated from their homes. LORD, I know that You work all things to good. Show me what You want me to do today.

Scheduled Bible reading for today:
Who is the wise man who may understand this? And who is he to whom the mouth of the LORD has spoken that he may declare it? Why does the land perish and burn up like a wilderness, so that no one can pass through?
And the LORD said, “Because they have forsaken My law which I set before them, and have not obeyed My voice, nor walked according to it,
but they have walked according to the dictates of their own hearts, and after the Baals, which their fathers taught them.”
(Jeremiah 9: 12-13)

Sunday morning, 10/28/07
Dear S.,
The fall leaves will ever remind you of the fires, and of the people who perished and caused others to perish because they clung too closely to their possessions. Do not be like them. Cling to Me.

that night
Dear LORD,
Thank You for speaking through me to my mom today. I never would have brought up the subject of abortion with her, because she has always been so resistant in the past, but You are truly amazing. You put the words into my mouth, equating abortion to the ancient pagan practice of sacrificing the children, conceived by ritual temple prostitution, to Molech. Please protect me now from the spiritual backlash upon my physical body. Love,
Tuesday morning, 10/30/07

Dear LORD,
Help me to close the doors in me that satan still has access to. There is much spiritual attack this week against carrying Your message of salvation. Tomorrow night is the Harvest Festival outreach at the park, and this weekend is the Mexico mission. Love,

Dear S.,
The door of shame is wide open. Close it now. To speak the truth and to honor Me, you can not leave yourself open by accepting praise from men. It is not enough to clothe you. Come to Me, and I will give you new garments. I have closed the door. Do not re open it. Love,

Thursday morning, 11/01/07
Dear LORD,
I offer this day to You, and present myself as a living sacrifice for Your glory. Consecrate this day and live through me, that all may sing Your praise. Hallelujah!

Friday morning, 11/02/07
Dear S.,
If My disciples and those who saw Me after the resurrection had not witnessed of Me, I would have died in vain. When I ask you to share the Gospel, I am asking you to make My death count. Thats how important your part is. Do not refuse Me this. I need you to allow Me to reach the lost through you. The road is dark. The times are treacherous; but plant the seeds, and I will multiply them.

Sunday night, 11/04/07
Dear LORD,
Thank You for the amazing harvest of souls this weekend. There were so many people that the line for food went around the block, and we went through all our medical supplies! You are so faithful! I love you LORD!

Wednesday, very early in the morning, 11/14/07
Dear LORD,
Yesterday I got criticized by a parent for being a boring teacher. They are thinking of taking their child out of my class. It keeps cycling through my head and I cant sleep. I feel afraid and angry and Idont want to be that way. Help me LORD! I cant shake this. Love,

a short time later:
Dear LORD,
Thank You for putting me to sleep, and for giving me the words to the hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” as I woke up singing:
“Great is Thy faithfulness. Great is Thy faithfulness. Morning by morning New mercies I see. All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, LORD unto me.”

Scheduled Bible reading for today:
Through the Lords mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3: 22-23)

Dear LORD,
Those are the scriptures on which that hymn is based. You are so faithful! Love,

that evening
Dear LORD,
Thank You for Pastor G.s sermon on performing. Thats exactly the pitfall I fell into! LORD, I know that there is a blessing in all this, and I call it forth in Pastor G.s life, in mine, and in anyone else who is struggling in this area. May You bring us through this time of chastening into a closer walk with You.
Thursday morning, 11/15/07

Dear S.,
When you wash the wounds of My wounded people with the water of the Word; when you put yourself on hold and wait with Me in the garden of Gethsemane; when you do not love praise from men, but esteem My will above all else; that is what I desire for you to do unto Me.

Dear LORD,
By Your grace, I will do this. Love,

Saturday night, 11/17/07
Dear LORD,
Youre too much! They were singing the hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” at church tonight. They havent sung that one in years! Then Pastor G.s sermon was all about faith, and how it is built through trials. You are so amazing! You are just over-the-top LORD! Love,

Tuesday morning, 11/20/07
Dear LORD,
Thank You for downloading the “shoppers” tract to me, so I can get it printed up to pass out at stores the morning after Thanksgiving. I pray ahead of time, please LORD, prepare souls to receive You!
Wednesday evening 11/21/07

Dear LORD,
I miss You LORD. How long do I have to live, separated from You, in this decaying body?

Thursday (Thanksgiving) morning 11/22/07 Dear S.,
Until the fulfillment of your years is complete.

Dear LORD,
Thank You for being patient with me. Forgive me for being impatient with You. I know that You are not slow in keeping Your promises,
but that You desire that none would be lost.
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3: 9)
Please help me to share the Gospel with my mother and sister today. Strengthen my body to Your purposes, so that I can follow You.