Love Letters by Shirley Sehorn - HTML preview

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The Door of Brokenness

Saturday morning, 01/05/08
Dear LORD,
I dreamed of holes punched in dark paper, like the star maps we used to make as kids. What does it mean?

Dear S.,
I am poking holes in you so that My light shines through in a dark and dying world. Let Me shine through you to gather My people and lead them safely home. Love,

Sunday morning, 01/06/08 Dear LORD,
You have clothed me in a garment of praise reaching down to my feet. Love,

Dear S.,
You are, to Me, as Joshua the priest:
Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and was standing before the Angel. Then He answered and spoke to those who stood before Him, saying, “Take away the filthy garments from him.” And to him He said, “See, I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes.” (Zechariah 3: 3-4)
Tuesday morning, 01/08/08

Dear S.
Read in My Word about the woman who was forgiven much, and loved much. Write it on your heart. It will be My message to you whenever you are tempted by shame. “There was a certain creditor who had two debtors. One owed five hundred dinarii, and the other fifty. And when they had nothing with which to repay, he freely forgave them both. Tell Me, therefore, which of them will love him more?” Simon answered and said, “I suppose the one whom He forgave more.” And He said to him, “You have rightly judged.” ... Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much.But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.” (Luke 7: 41-43, 47) Love,

Tuesday morning 01/15/08 Dear LORD,
I am not grateful enough for You.

Dear S.,
Read the Scripture:
Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. (Psalm 126: 5) Love,

Wednesday morning, 01/16/08
Dear S.,
Prayer is the ancient communication system that supersedes all others. It is faster and more efficient than the fastest system that will ever be invented. Prayer is independent of space and time. Prayer relies on Me. Think about it.

Dear LORD,


By Your grace, my tears are transformed into prayers and my joy into gratitude.

Monday morning, 01/21/08
Dear S.,
Take the path of your longing. Do not turn right or left. I am drawing you. Follow only Me.

Dear LORD,
All my life I have felt the longing in my soul for You; But for so many years, I didnt know You.
Everything around me spoke the empty promises of romance, and I believed them.
I took so many side roads that led nowhere.
I ignored the “no trespassing” signs,
searching but not finding, until found by You.
I come to You broken,
weighed down by the faces of those I have harmed. They are legion.

Last weeks memory verse:
Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. (Matthew 5: 23-24) Before I come to Your altar to offer myself to You,
I must go to those who have something against me
and be reconciled. How?

Dear S.,
One by one, I will show you. I will speak through you. This is not about shame. This is about My light, shining through the holes of your brokenness. I am with you. I will guide you.

Sunday morning, 02/03/08 Dear LORD,
I dreamed of a clear glass bowl with calendar numbers in it. What does it mean? Dear S.,
Its a forecast. Outside there are storms, forming tantrums and divisions. Stay inside with Me where the hairs of your head are numbered. You will see, but it will not come near you.
A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
Only with your eyes you shall look,
And see the reward of the wicked.
(Psalm 91: 7-8)

that evening
Dear LORD,
I place my mother in Your hands and ask You for a miracle. Only You can change her heart and draw her to Yourself. You gave me the words, and I shared the Gospel with her again today. I took her through the “Romans road”, and she understood it, but she still finds You to be unimportant and unnecessary in her life. She didnt want to hear it anymore. Please LORD, dont let her slip from Your hand. If she will not hear it from me, please send someone she will listen to. Father, forgive her. She doesnt know what she is doing. You got through to a rebellious sinner like me, so I know You can get through to my mother. Whatever it takes, LORD, please bring her safely home. Love,

Wednesday morning 02/06/08
Dear LORD,
Hide me in Jesus. I love living in the shadow of Your hand, so I can see Your glory pass before me and gaze upon Your back. I will abide in You. I will follow You. You can do this in me.

Saturday afternoon, 02/09/08
Dear LORD,
Thank You for speaking through me to minister to B.. As I was helping him with a nosebleed, he said, “I just put on a clean shirt.” I looked down at my own grubby clothes, laughed, and said “Well now you look just like the rest of us.” He looked shocked for a second and then started to laugh when he realized I was talking about my grimy shirt. He had been feeling different from everyone else because of his burn scars. He realized that the rest of us werent looking at him that way. It was such a blessing to see him start to open up after that. How tender are Your mercies. They really are new every morning. Wednesday morning, 02/13/08

Dear S.,
I made you in My image. You were not made to be alone. Abide in Me. I do not want to be alone either.

Dear LORD,
Just as I breathe the air, You breathe Your Holy Spirit into me. You in me, and me in You. As You are in the Father, so shall we be eternally.

Monday morning, 02/18/08
Dear LORD,
When all else fails, You remain. You do keep Your promises... every one. And though it seems impossible to me, my mother will see the light of Your face someday, because You have promised. So I thank You now, by faith, before she receives You. My Savior and my LORD, I love You!

Dear S.,
You shall see your desire on your enemies. Love,

later that morning
Dear LORD,
You reminded me of this scripture today:
My eye also has seen my desire on my enemies;
My ear hears my desire on the wicked
Who rise up against me.
(Psalm 92: 11)
Now I understand what You have been telling me. You desire mercy, not sacrifice. Your desires have become my desires because You have changed my heart. My desire now is that my enemies become Your friends. I can pray for my enemies now, and You will hear. Thank You for Your mercy.
Tuesday morning, 02/19/08

Dear LORD,
You showed me an 8. Why?

Dear S.,
To make an8, start with S, and close the gate. Thats what you teach your students, and thats what I am teaching you. You make the S. It is the sacrifice of self. Thats your part. I am the gate. The enemy of your soul no longer has access to you. 8 is a closed figure. When you lay it down in death, it becomes ∞, infinity, eternity; forever in Me. Love,

Thursday morning, 02/21/08
Dear S.,
I answer all of your prayers the moment you speak them, and I am working them out in time on the earth. Some are retroactive. Some are yet to come.

Dear LORD,
What if I pray wrong? Love

Dear S.,
You have prayed that I would not let you pray wrong. I answer all of your prayers. Love,

Dear LORD,
I release each prayer to You with trust. Dear LORD,
You love me more than I love myself. Love,

very early Wednesday morning, 02/27/08 Dear S.,
Before the breaking, there is not enough. Just as the loaves had to be blessed and broken, I am blessing you and breaking you to multiply you many fold. Feed My sheep. Love,

Dear LORD,
When I tried to get out of bed this morning, I realized that my body was hurt. (The chain fell off and brakes failed on my bicycle yesterday. I must have hurt myself jumping off.) Is this the breaking You told me about earlier? My neck and shoulder are so sore, that I dont know how I can do my job today. But I trust You. I know that You will do a great work with what I have, so I give it all to You.
With great love,

Dear LORD,
My regular Bible reading today was Mark, chapter 6. It described how the disciples were
already hungry and at the point of exhaustion when Jesus asked them to give up all of
their food to distribute it to the crowd. They obeyed Him, giving to others before they
knew that there would be any left over for themselves. When they finished distributing,
they ended up with much more than what they had started with.

that night
Dear LORD,
Thank You for giving me the strength I needed for my job, today, and for the strength to go to church tonight. Thank You for providing relief from my pain by the hand of B., the man whom You helped to see himself rightly on the Mexico mission trip. He put pressure on the painful place in my back, and I can turn my head again. Your perfect alignment of circumstances never ceases to amaze me. Great is Your faithfulness. Everything comes full circle. I stand on Your promise to save my family. I will continue to pray, in faith, for my moms salvation because You are faithful.
Dear S.,
Each wave, each trial, is to humble you; to teach you to depend on Me. Dive down into the wave and I will lift you up on the other side. I Am your God.

Dear LORD,
I love You. Thank You for making me Your child. Love,

Monday morning, 03/03/08
Dear S.,
Locate your breath just outside of yourself. Inhale Me instead of you. When your mind wanders, let it go. Return to Me in the next breath. Take only one breath each time. Then let each one go. Burn away your rebellion with passion for Me.

Dear LORD God,
You allow pain in my life, as You did with Your own Son Jesus. You will bring good from it, as You did with Jesus.
My pain will become Your victory, as it did with Jesus. This is the resurrection in me, as I follow Jesus,
the Firstborn among many brethren.

Dear S.,
I have already provided the bread and the fish. Give them back to Me, and I will provide the increase.

Tuesday morning, 03/04/08 Dear LORD,
You are never silent. You speak deeper than words.