Message In The Mirror by Wade Welch - HTML preview

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The next morning as I was leaving town I again walked by that church. The pole sign out front had been changed. It said, "Prophets of the lord welcome. Please come in." Apparently the preacher had read at least one of my eBooks that day. I did not go in as there was no one there at that time. I hoped that one day I will revisit that church.


I made it back to Tyler again and stayed for a while, and then went to Waco. Although Waco is interesting, it didn't take long to know it was not for me. I felt sick at my stomach and dizzy the whole two weeks I was there, and once I left I was fine. I went back to Tyler again. I carry this feeling now that Waco has some secrets.


Since I started "walking the walk" in February 2013, I know that each town I stop in, I will reach at least one person to share my story and books. Sometimes I manage to make it 2 or 3, and once it was maybe 5...but in Tyler the number is in the dozens. This is now the third time I have come to Tyler. There are many dangerous people walking the streets in Tyler, and many churches all over town. The Smith County justice system is famous for corruption, but I keep coming back here due to the Gateway To Hope and the Tyler Salvation Army.


In Tyler I was hanging around the three churches near the library. I cleaned up the parking lot area that was on the farthest corner of the parking lot on the corner of Elm and Bois D'arc, and the Methodist church gave me permission to use their Dumpster as they liked my efforts. Then one morning it was obvious they did not want me around any more. Rather than tell me to move on, they called the police. I was arrested for five dollars worth of marijuana in my back pocket. This was no accident. It was just a part of my mission. The jail experience would be the most spiritual experience of this year, and I had been walking for almost seven months. This would be the motivation behind me writing another eBook, Message In The Mirror.


In the last few weeks I would spend some time with a local young black man n