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Seventh Day

and on the seventh day god ended hIs work whICh he had done, and he rested on the seventh day froM all hIs work whICh he had done.

then god Blessed the seventh day and sanCtIfIed It, BeCause In It he rested froM all hIs work whICh god had Created and Made.

GeNesis 2:3 (NKJV)

This seventh day suggests that after the heavens (space), earth, and all life on earth were created and finished evolving, that our lord and creator God RESTED. When all life on our planet is finished, and the sun burns out and the balance of our galaxy is lost, our planets will col-lide and be smashed into pieces and will eventually drift over time (billions of years) into different galaxies and parts of the universe. All the energy (atomic and subatomic) will collectively accumulate and return to its original form. The energy will group in space, grouping together as one, with all the energies of the atoms present at this location for one moment in time.


My BelIef

This point in time can be called the point of origin and is the beginning and origination of all things conscious and not conscious. Essentially it is the pre-Big Bang or God. Infinite energy, knowledge and power are present in this stage or cycle. In essence the beginning and the end is the same thing and the same point in time. It is thought and consciousness in its purest form, giving our souls a place to heal, charge, and absorb the life that has been lived or lives that have been lived.

This collective grouping of all energies and life will be to some a heaven, and to others a hell; based on the life you have lived (good out-weighs the evil; or vice-versa). This grouping at the point of origin will be the one moment in time in which the universe is at rest, giving God rest. This will be the one point in time in which all living organisms containing a level of conscious are given the gift of God’s knowledge.

For one single point in time all living things will have peace, not worry-ing about eating, breathing, dying, or just surviving.

Living beings, especially human beings, will have only time to reflect on the life or lives they have lived and enjoy the feelings of life that they were granted. Now, someone who has done only evil and destructive acts will have only the negative or evil deeds to reflect on during their time there, making this peaceful bliss resemble an eternal hell or prison cell.

eaCh soul wIll Be Judged aCCordIng to theIr own aCts and lIfe; JudgMent wIll Be on thy own self.

This once again will be the pre-Big Bang and the origination of all life in the universe (life meaning: all atoms and energies ever created); eventually this cycle will re-initiate and start again, as it is an, never-ending cycle that is governed solely by God. This brings me to my fa-vorite saying for the end of days:

If god rests on the seventh day, what do you thInk you wIll Be doIng?

If at one point in time God is whole and at rest, then one of the creations can only pray and hope to experience the same form of bliss, mercy, and rest. This therefore concludes the seventh day, as it is simply stated that existence will be at rest. The seventh day will mark the end and beginning of time, a place called heaven, where everything and ev-48

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eryone is at peace, bliss, and rest.

and on the seventh day god ended hIs work whICh he had done, and he rested on the seventh day froM all hIs work whICh he had done.

then god Blessed the seventh day and sanCtIfIed It, BeCause In It he rested froM all hIs work whICh god had Created and Made.

GeNesis 2:2–3 (NKJV)


6. adaM and eve

It is said in the scriptures that Adam had a direct relationship with the Lord God. Adam was God’s first son. Adam was warned what would happen if the forbidden fruit was eaten; he would then possess the knowledge of good and evil, life and death.. Since the soul or spirit of Adam would be older than any other soul or spirit in the world, he would therefore possess more knowledge of God than any other human being or soul/spirit. This would make Adam’s soul or spirit Malak el’

YAHWEH (meaning messenger of God) the divine messenger of man, the son of man, the angel of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, etc. All humans stem from this father, and the law and the word has been recorded by his ancestry, which in essence is the blood of the world.

Through root blood lineage, Greek, Roman, African, or Egyptian, Adam and Eve can identify their roots as being millions of years old.

Although in actuality the creation story of Adam and Eve is probably only thousands of years old and was passed down as oral tradition over the years. Lineage and human migration patterns will indicate this occurrence and provide proof to their age and origin. The earliest humans may be seen to be millions of years old; however, according to chronological evidence of oral traditional history, and actual history of man, the evidence suggests that millions of years ago Adam and Eve evolved into the amazing species we are now; that is Homo sapiens, or man.

The story of Adam and Eve presents a interesting and metaphorical story about the beginnings of man. This is a common ground between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These three religions all have the same creation story. In Judaism and Christianity it is believed that the serpent tempted and tricked Eve with the forbidden fruit, which 50

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later became traditionally known as the apple. This apple represents the knowledge of good and evil.

Since Adam and Eve were born into a garden of felicity, the knowledge of evil would not be known, as all trees bearing fruit and animals to feed were given to Adam and Eve at will. The story continues on with Adam apparently feeling lonely in the Garden of Eden as no animals that were put on earth are comparable to him, meaning that Adam was longing for other human companionship. This would prove that God is not man, as Adam longed for physical human companionship, not only spiritual companionship given from God. God apparently put Adam into a deep sleep and removed a rib from his body, causing a woman to arise from the rib.

This conflicts with many of the creation days that God made. For example God created a double of everything (meaning male and female). He created a double of every animal, tree, fruit, and herb. This concept would suggest that the same would occur for human beings, creating a double in the likeness of each other. Moses may have been trying to explain metamorphosis through metaphoric interpretation.

Explaining how cells divided and multiplied during the time of Moses would be extremely complicated to primitive people, especially 3,300

years ago.

A way of explaining how seed divided from seed and became in the likeness of each other would be similar to Eve coming out from Adam’s ribs. Until Adam became the conscious being known as man, he could be seen to be in a deep sleep. Much like the serpent; the rib may be a misinterpreted form of metaphorical interpretation and could have been translated into the scripture we know today. Before Adam became conscious, he was in a deep sleep, being one of the first organisms in the world. He multiplied and divided, and Eve was the next being that divided from him, essentially coming from his rib.

An example I like to use the most is the concept of multiplication.

As he was the first animal entity on earth, Eve could have simply have replicated or “multiplied” from him, giving rise to the first living organisms. Since Eve would literally grow for Adam, we can see how Moses would say or compare that to her growing from his rib. Since human conscience would not exist at this time, these entities could be seen as being in a deep sleep, as their conscious would still be in heaven.


My BelIef

In ancient scripture and when the scripture was first created, a serpent may not have even been involved in the story. The serpent could have been meant to be feared in a different way or context. The greatest hunter in the jungles of ancient times was in fact the serpent; in some countries the term “man-eater” is still used and the snake is still highly feared. Remember that the serpent could out climb, out swim, and some cases outrun many primitive people.

There is no evidence of the rib creation story in ancient mythology or tribal creation stories. However, these ancient writings also mention how man was made of clay; God then breathed the breath of life into man. Genesis speaks of man being created out of dust, which is a comparable metaphor. The fact that the serpent represents evil is completely sensible, as well as the fact that God made it slither on its stomach as penance. It is a proven fact that snakes did have legs (rear of tail) at the bottom of the tips of their tails, therefore suggesting that at one time they did in fact walk.

and the lord god forMed Man of the dust of the ground, and Breathed Into hIs nostrIls the Breath of lIfe; and Man BeCaMe a lIvIng BeIng.

GeNesis 2:7(NKJV)

The above examples help illustrate how metaphorical interpretation can be misunderstood. There are not many more logical conclusions that could be made for how the female of our species could have been thought of as coming from a man’s rib. Although many hard-line religious people will deem that it is the word of God, and that is that. Although to some that may be true, it is not really a valid way of looking at God and the Bible. For example, the Bible is written in metaphors and allegories, and when looking for or seeking God it is important to be in touch with that “divine” concept. How else would you be able to find the spiritual guidance of God? Can anyone describe life in one word?

To interpret something completely literally, especially something as beautiful and mystical as religion, it is important to use metaphors and logical reasoning. It is depending on this fact whether or not you are able to accept God’s message. For example you must have an open mind to accept the truth; then and only then will you understand mercy. Mercy is the key of life, for without mercy there is no regard for life (on all 52

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levels). To not appreciate life is to not understand it fully, appreciate all forms and aspects, including the acceptance of all people. With this in mind, one is well on their way to finding the message of God, and or spiritual guidance.

To interpret religions literally has been the cause of many wars and malicious acts. Religions have been written and commanded to help shape the people of that time, and help guide them toward a better life, bringing them to a better understanding of their Creator. It is the goal of all religions to find God and help others find God in whatever way is true to them. Because people are so different and have so many different personalities and emotions, this is why every culture and people has had different messengers or prophets sent down to guide and shape their societies.

It is not clear whether or not the serpent is a metaphor explaining the evil nature of man. Evil here is not necessarily the wilful act of doing wrong, but instead the knowledge or self-realization of the surroundings and recognizing the cycles of life, death, and birth. Once they (Adam and Eve) noticed these cycles they would have knowledge of all things; death, birth, and life would then find a place in their lives, and the history of man would begin. The apple or “forbidden fruit” concept is an excellent metaphor to describe the knowledge of the history of man. For what is more scary, horrifying, and beautiful than the history of man? Essentially the forbidden fruit would be comparable to a loss of innocence.

Why is the mention of the serpent in all this? Since tribal man was beginning to form organized societies, snakes in the wilderness would be cause for great fear among the people. Look at the African tribes in the jungle. Man eaters are the name of snakes that can consume a man whole. In the eyes of the first man, what would be more terrifying than a snake that can consume humans whole? Even lions fear a snake this large; it can move faster, climb faster, and swim faster than anything in the jungle.

Although there are many animals that could kill man in ancient times, such as the lion, tiger, elephant, etc., none of these animals could consume a man whole. Imagine hunting with your brethren in the forests, or women tending to their children playing in the fields, and then witnessing one of your loved ones being consumed whole before or af-53

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ter they have been crushed. The snake is a cruel, cunning, and slow kill-er. There has been long-felt mysticism about snakes in various cultures around the world; this mysticism must have an originating premise.

To witness a large snake consuming a person would probably take from fifteen minutes to one hour, depending on the size of the snake.

This would be agonizing and horrible to witness in the wild; there are not very many people even today who are not afraid of man-eating snakes. Snakes strike quickly, can hardly be seen, and are merciless in their kill. Is this not a good description of an “evil” animal? Would this not be a suitable metaphoric way to put a face to the thoughts of evil we all possess? There is not a single person alive that has not had a bad thought; and if you claim that you haven’t then I will be so abrupt as to call you a liar! I suggest you re-examine yourself and consider what you think on a daily basis; because in essence…we are all similar, or alike.

of every tree of the garden you May freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evIl you shall not eat, for In the day that you eat of It you shall surely dIe.

GeNesis 2:16–17 (NKJV)

Let me pose this question: Before man had a conscious, would he possess knowledge of good, evil, and death?

The apple has been traditionally accepted as the forbidden fruit.

However, this is not the case; the Bible does not specify that it was indeed an apple. God only decreed that you shall not eat of the fruit that is forbidden. There is no reference to that fruit being an apple; this would lead me to believe that the apple story was created somewhere down the line through oral tradition. This illustrates my theory of the telephone game that would cause eventual addition or subtraction of the original story.

There is also the belief that consciousness affects reality; if Adam and Eve had no knowledge of death, then they would not die. It is only after this initiation of taking the apple or forbidden fruit that they then possessed the knowledge of death. They gained the knowledge of God, that being of good and evil. They begin to view and understand the cycles of life, death, labor, grief, and strife all becoming a part of their lives.

It is suggested that the serpent did not slither on its belly prior to this event. For after God saw what happened, he cursed both Adam and Eve 54

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and decreed that the serpent shall slither on its belly the rest of its days.

BeCause you have done thIs, you are Cursed More than all Cattle, and More than every Beast of the fIeld; on your Belly you shall go, and you shall eat dust all the days of your lIfe, and I wIll Put enMIty Between you and the woMan, and Between your seed and her seed; he shall BruIse your head, and you shall BruIse hIs heel.

GENESIS 3:14–15 (NKJV)

Adam will have to reap and sow the land, and Eve will experience the pain of childbirth and be a servant to Adam the rest of her days (eternity).

to the woMan he saId,

I wIll greatly MultIPly your sorrow and your ConCePtIon; In PaIn you shall BrIng forth ChIldren; your desIre shall Be for your husBand, and he shall rule over you.


then he saId to adaM;

Cursed Is the ground for your sake; In toIl you shall eat of It all the days of your lIfe. Both thorns and thIstles It shall BrIng forth for you. and you shall eat the herB of the fIeld, In the sweat of your faCe you shall eat Bread, for out of It you were taken; for dust you are, and to dust you shall return.


As a penance; Adam and Eve lost their unique innocence and became familiar with all aspects of life (meaning life and death). This seems like a very intricate way of explaining how life is; for all our lives can be summed up in that following fashion. Life is struggle, sacrifice, and love; it is that love for each other that propels the world and keeps it turning.



God knows we will return to him or it; it is that “fatherly” knowledge that embraces the people of the world. Like giving birth to a child, 55

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knowing it will eventually die in the world you brought it in…does that make you evil? Or does it make you a little more knowing? Knowing your child can experience the beautiful parts of life and learn and grow as a soul should on earth. Also since the snake is an excellent example of evolution (the tail end of a snake has little feet), it can be seen how Moses would use the snake as an example of how God could change and alter creatures at will. Perhaps if man were evil they would evolve and lose their legs also?

Remember that Moses preached the book of Genesis; and when he refers to man being made in our image, he is referring to Adam and Eve looking like or resembling himself and the other people of his time. He is trying to use explanations and examples for the people of his time, making references to days, night, light, good, and evil. Many metaphoric similes are used in preaching and teaching; this is seen even today with ministers, priests, rabbis and spiritual teachers all over.

It would be easy to see how the oral teachings of Moses could have eventually been miswritten and misunderstood over time. I’m not saying that the words of the Bible are incorrect; I’m simply saying they are accurate records...not precise (exact).