My Belief by Joey Raymond - HTML preview

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Battle of Uhud

(3 AH), approximately 625 AD

The believers (Muslims) were battling the nonbelievers (Meccans).

The Muslims were winning the first part of the battle when they began to pillage and reap their earnings, but while pillaging they were later ambushed by the unbelievers. Because of their love for greed, the Muslims were defeated in an ambush by the Meccans. Muhammad later lectured his army of believers and demanded repentance for their sin against God. Their earthly desires overpowered their love for God and their mission that was to secure the city and protect the believers and citizens.

Although the Meccans technically won the battle at Uhud, the Muslims were still able to fend off the attack. Muhammad later investigated the occurrences of the heavy casualties. He discovered that the greed within his group nearly cost him and the entire Muslim movement the battle at Uhud. Realizing that heavy casualties would hurt the movement badly, a quick treaty was made. This is a prime example of karma in Qur’an.

Battle of Badr (

2 AH), approximately 624 AD

A great battle was fought between the believers and the nonbelievers at Uhud. The believers were outnumbered by a great multitude in numbers, but with the perseverance and through the grace and strength of Allah, the believers gained a huge and decisive victory.


My BelIef

This battle helps illustrate the karma of God when the Muslim armies banded together to defeat the nonbelievers. Because the armies focused on the mission at hand and not solely on pillaging riches, the believers had karma on their side. This battle is famous among Muslims because the final defeat of the Meccans was at hand and the rise of a new power of believers established themselves as a dominant force in the Persian lands.

Islam in its truest sense is one of the most peaceful religions in the world; however the misinterpretation of Islamic extremists and the West taking advantage of the people in these regions has caused these extremist Jihads to take control of some regions. For many decades, the Middle East, for example, has been exploited by Russian and American troops. This created chaos ensures cheap prospective oil markets to meet the needs of the industrialized world. Many of these battles are also strategic battles to stop or prevent “enemies” from obtaining this cheap oil.

Some teachings in Islam may seem outdated and obsolete; however, these laws were very practical to the people of the time. These teachings still promote and establish a peaceful life with God and the ability to be at peace with the Creator of the universe, Lord of the worlds, ALLAH.

o ProPhet, when the BelIevIng woMen CoMe to you PledgIng to you that they wIll not assoCIate anythIng wIth allah, nor wIll they steal, nor wIll they CoMMIt unlawful sexual InterCourse, nor wIll they kIll theIr ChIldren, nor wIll they BrIng forth a slander they have Invented Between theIr arMs and legs, nor wIll they dIsoBey you In what Is rIght—then aCCePt theIr Pledge and ask forgIveness for theM of allah. Indeed, allah Is forgIvIng and MerCIful.

surah: 60:12 (al-MuMtahaNah)

This Surah states that women shall not kill their children, referring to times that were so hard back then, and people went so astray from morality that they killed their children on a semi-regular basis. Also in 60:12:9 and 60:12:10, there is mention of not committing fornication or adultery. Meaning that fornication is not sex in general, but a different word to describe adultery or sex without love, as in using sex for power and dominance, which is a form of harlotry.


Joe IsaaC gauthIer

o you who have BelIeved, Be suPPorters of allah, as when Jesus, the son of Mary, saId to the dIsCIPles, “who are My suPPorters for allah?” the dIsCIPles saId, “we are suPPorters of allah.” and a faCtIon of the ChIldren of Israel BelIeved and a faCtIon dIsBelIeved.

so we suPPorted those who BelIeved agaInst theIr eneMy, and they BeCaMe doMInant.

surah 61:14 (as-saf)2

This Surah states that Moses and Jesus were sent down to the people and eventually their missions were completed—Moses through the liberation of the Jewish people and through the revelation and exodus out of Egypt; and Jesus through the defeat of the Roman Empire through Christianity, although the Roman Catholic Church then took dominance over Caesar in the 300–400 ADs. The point is that all the messengers or angels faced similar trials and tribulations before their goals were attained. All messengers face some sort of reward, both materially and most importantly spiritually, that aides them in their quest and journey.

Surah 61 emphasizes the importance of adherence to the messengers and their message as it is the divine inspiration of God. History shows how the messengers that have been sent, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, etc., faced trial and glory in their quests in attaining salvation and the way of life for the people. Society is based on the word of these messengers which forms the fundamental law and philosophy that are key in describing the greatness of Allah and the morality and salvation given to men.

Surah 65 deals with the concept of divorce. Although divorce is per-mitted by Allah, it is greatly frowned upon. The Qur’an speaks of not abandoning your wife if divorce is necessary; never once does it endorse abusing your spouse. It speaks of each man only giving what they can with what they have. If you give in good charity, reward will be sure to find you. You can strive and strive and never find spiritual harmony until you can appreciate the joy of making someone else happy. Surah 65 outlines the rights of women in the Qur’an, saying they are to be treated with dignity and respect instead of scorn and hate. Many people believe that the Qur’an does not support the rights of women; however, the prophet adored his wives and treated them as equals to an extent with himself.

the ProPhet frowned and turned away, BeCause there CaMe to hIM

2 Ibid.


My BelIef

the BlInd Man, [InterruPtIng]. But what would Make you PerCeIve,

[o MuhaMMad], that PerhaPs he MIght Be PurIfIed.

surah 80:1–2 (àbasa)3

This Surah tells of a blind man asking to find and learn the Qur’an.

Muhammad became impatient with the man and brushed him off. Later the old man shared a revelation with him and the prophet held him in high regard. This event later inspired Qur’anic scripture to be written about unity, and for the message to be preached to all regardless of social standing.

This Surah also demonstrates the human aspect of the messengers and the mercy of Allah. For although the prophet made an error, the result was peace and progression in spreading the word of Allah. Since the prophet strove in the way and forgot not the mercy of the Lord, he was blessed in being able to initiate the blind man into the brotherhood and unity established under the word of the Qur’an.

whIle the hereafter Is Better and More endurIng. Indeed, thIs Is In the forMer sCrIPtures, the sCrIPtures of aBrahaM and Moses.

surah 87: 17–19 (al-’àla)4

Surah 87 gives mention to acknowledging Jewish scripture, such as the covenant with Abraham and the scriptures of Moses. There should be no division among the Jewish and Muslim people. They share the same message of unity to one God, as well as the same religious origin. Both acknowledge the concept of one God, and both have ancestry linked and rooted back to Abraham. Abraham is the patriarch of the Islamic family also; Muslims have direct lineage with Ishmael, the brother of Isaac who has direct lineage to the Jewish people. Isaac later declared his bloodline as Israel.

By tIMe , verIly Man Is In loss, exCePt suCh as have faIth and do rIghteous deeds, and JoIn together In the Mutual teaChIng of truth and PatIenCe and ConstanCy.

surah 103: 1-3 (al-àsr)5

This speaks of the importance of believers caring and understanding each other, displaying love and virtue toward each other. For with-3 Ibid.

4 Ibid.

5 Ibid.


Joe IsaaC gauthIer

out the love and virtue of the believers, the hearts of the unbelievers and the immorality they spread will grow across the land. Before the prophet was sent to the Arab people they were in a great loss and moral corruption with each other. The prophet helps illustrate and guide humanity along with the Arab people to the path of belief and salvation, stressing the importance of the belief in God and the belief in morality and virtue.

Companions of the Right and Left

Many similes between the right and left side are made in the Qur’an; this refers to those who are believers and those who are nonbelievers.

This analogy is a way of metaphorically interpreting the right and left sides of God. This concept is also found in Taoism as the dragon sits on the left and the tiger sits on the right. In many religions this is a way of explaining the different mentalities of people displaying different virtues, either positive or negative.