My Belief by Joey Raymond - HTML preview

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Right Side

The companions of the right side are said to be the strongest and truest representations of the eternal harmony of Allah. Companions of the right not only understand and comprehend the cycles and way of life, but they also stand up for God at whatever cost. The companions of the right will not only stand up for God, but will stand up for others who are weaker and less gifted with knowledge. They will not kill innocent at will; they will not be condescending to people, nor will they injure wilfully or knowingly the status of a man, spiritually, emotionally, or physically.

These companions are promised flowing gifts of water and blessed people like themselves when their time is complete. The companions of the right are promised entry into a garden of paradise where no harm or affliction can be done to them. Those that have “true” faith, as all companions of the right do regardless of religion or creed, will know each other when they see each other. These companions may have never met, but there is a bond there that cannot be explained; it can be said that the common ground is God supreme. The companions of the right are called believers.

The companions of the right are not completely free of sin, for even the companions of the right falter in their steps (all man is born in sin). What makes these companions right, however, is the fact that 169

My BelIef

they will acknowledge their imperfections and strive to correct them and seek forgiveness from God/Allah. They will redeem themselves in the eyes of their creator Allah (God), and strive to rise even above the level they have already attained, not leaving behind anyone who wants to learn the ways.

The companions of the right are not only found among the people of Islam. For even the people of the book, Jews, Christians, and the Sabians (mythology) have right and left criteria. There is an unspoken unity among the people of the right (believers); that is an acknowledgment of the hereafter and the recompense of our lives and deeds after death. The fact that God supreme or Allah alone is the sole creator of the entire workings of the universe is common ground among the companions of the right who are believers.

Even though they will endure suffering and strife together, the companions of the right will always have each other for council. They will find shelter and refuge amongst each other, for even in the toughest times and conditions they will find light, unity, and salvation amongst each other. That strength and courage given to them is from the spirit of Allah and the strength of his messengers. The spirit of God fills the believers; this is the reason why the unbelievers cower before their glory.

For it is said in prophecy that the unity and strength of the right will overcome the left, that once the final day of judgment arrives, united will these people stand. Everyone of the world is born on the right; it is venturing to the left that places you on the left. The right requires courage, strength (inner), and guidance through Allah; most importantly is the ability to always tell the truth. Companions of the right will always speak truth, for if truth is spoken, lies cannot overrule truth and no one can be betrayed. It is not always that the right shall succeed at all times; however, it is the right that will succeed in the end.





surah 56:8–9 (al waqi ‘ah)6

say: It has Been revealed to Me that a CoMPany of JInns lIstened 6 Ibid.


Joe IsaaC gauthIer

(to the qur’an). they saId, “we have really heard reCItal! It gIves guIdanCe to the rIght, and we have BelIeved thereIn: we shall not JoIn (In worshIP) any (gods) wIth our lord.

surah 72: 1–27

But on thIs day, the BelIevers wIll laugh at the unBelIevers: on thrones (of dIgnIty) they wIll CoMMand (a sIght) (of all thIngs) wIll not the unBelIevers have Been PaId BaCk for what they dId?

surah 83: 34–36 ( al MutaffifiN)8

and they wItnessed that they were doIng agaInst the BelIevers.

and they Ill-treated theM for no other than that they BelIeved In allah, exalted In Power, worthy of all PraIse! hIM to whoM

Belongs the doMInIon of the heavens and the earth! and allah Is wItness to all thIngs.

surah 85: 8–9 (al buruJ)9