My Belief by Joey Raymond - HTML preview

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Left Side

The companions of the left are the group of liars, cowards, and traitors. You do not have to be a “big” liar, coward, or traitor. There are many people who lie on a daily basis, who do not stand for what’s right, and who betray someone they care about; those are all qualities of the companions of the left. A small lie will lead to a big lie, leading someone to be betrayed, then making someone a traitor. You can quickly see where the path of the left leads, the never-ending circle of lies and deceit.

In a circle such as the one mentioned above, where will the companions of the left seek refuge? When the Day of Judgment comes, what will they say? They will not be able to hide, and they will not be able to speak without sounding stupid and ignorant. For it will be a lie over a lie; eventually there will be no unity in their speech. Their denial of God and the creation of things will be mundane and useless. They will have no answer to the truth except a lie….or no answer at all. The truth will explain all! For they do not believe in love and virtue.

7 Ibid.

8 Ibid.

9 Ibid.


My BelIef

When the Day of Judgment comes, there will be no one or thing to turn to. They will seek shelter and consultation amongst each other, but where will they be able to go. For example; they will only try to lie and deceive each other for survival. They will have no one to trust, and betrayal will be their only outcome; they will all be betrayers of each other and become traitors of themselves, each other, and most importantly Allah (God). “Their abode shall be in hell.” They will not be able to bear the weight of judgment. It is for this reason that the unbelievers want the world to disappear into nothingness and darkness.

We can use numbers to describe the surroundings of the world and the universe that surrounds us, but the wholeness of Allah (God) and the Spirit that surrounds everything can only be described by words.

for the desCrIPtIon of god Is endless; nothIng Is Created that doesn’t steM froM the PoInt of orIgIn.

The point of origin in this case is the Divine Spirit in everything, known as Allah/God.


16. My BelIef

In this chapter we incorporate the beliefs of all religious structures.

Since the monotheistic view is maintained through all paradigms, we find that this provides a unity throughout all religions. My Belief incorporates and stresses unity and the belief in one God as being the paramount and central concept. This God is energy supreme and creator of all things and is found in all things. Everything comes from and originates from this God, known also as the point of origin. My Belief takes the religious paradigms of all these religions and incorporates their domains within a larger whole to create a unifying theory uniting all domains.

This movement and school of thought propels quantum mechanics, which enables the moral fabric of society to function. Without morality or a state of governance the function of man and the universe would fall to chaos. Without a moral base, the fabric of society (morality) fails, and man becomes destructive, parasitic, and unproductive. This is comparable to the organs working against each other, as opposed to working with each other.

As illustrated, there are many different beliefs/religions in the world.

The text so far has attempted to show/portray a unity found in most all the religions; that is a monotheistic view of “one God.” The theme of the book has shown the evolution of religion coinciding with the evolution of man. As stated before, the prophets or messengers/angels sent down to guide man have continually changed over time. The constant, however, is the message that is brought to the people.

From tribalism to Islam we see the beginning of the life cycle described to us through metaphoric interpretation. Even the biblical sto-173

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ry told to us in Genesis is an oral tradition that has been handed down to us since the days of tribalism. My Belief has shown the evolution of the word since the beginning of man. Although Muhammad may be considered the “last true prophet” by many religious scholars, there are other prophets that have came after him. Some are as follows: Joan of Arc, Isaac Newton, Guru Nanak Der (founder of Sikhism), Jacob Hutter (Hutterites), Frisian Menno Simons (founder of the Mennonites), and Joseph Smith of the Mormons—we may view these people as mi-nor prophets or modern prophets as we do in My Belief, for they are similar in nature to that of St. Paul or Saul of Tarsus who founded the laws of many modern Christian churches. Although the laws of many of these men are no longer followed, we accept their scriptures and missions to have been inspired by God.

Now that we have touched on the religious views of every major religion in the world, we now approach the scientific paradigm called My Belief. My Belief includes the written word of these religions as written in the text. My Belief also takes a scientific approach in explaining the concepts of rebirth, salvation, and the Holy Spirit. These concepts can all be explained through scientific rationale; however, the written word is needed to understand it.

Much like the concepts found in religion of “light and darkness,” everything is essentially composed of that. Everything is made up of atoms, which are essentially light. Atoms absorb different wavelengths of light, thus enabling us to see the world we live in. This world of light is not simply a visible world, but is a physical world, showing us that this world of light is also a world of touch, taste, smell, and beyond that, spirit and matter.

There are phenomena smaller than the atom that are dictated by mathematical probability. These are things like electrons, quarks, bo-sons, and other forms of matter much smaller than these. Each one has an equal and opposite, such as: an up-quark has a down-quark, if one spins right the other spins left, etc. The soul or conscious of man is essentially the smallest piece of light or matter.

Since light moves in different wavelengths (the wavelengths are essentially different frequencies of light), we must accept that they have defined parameters according to the laws of physics. Einstein proved that light must continually travel forward. Since time is linear (meaning 174

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continually moving forward) this is the reason the universe is expanding and is always moving forward. This is also the reason we age and die; since light moves forward, so does time. Since we are pieces of light, we must adhere to the laws of the physical realm.

Modern day science has shown us that there are pieces of light called matter, such as “electrons” that are (smaller than atoms) that do not adhere to the laws of physics. The smallest piece of this light or subatomic particulate/matter is in fact the conscious or spirit/soul. This light or matter does not travel in wavelengths and do not adhere to the laws of physics.

This energy or matter is always moving around like the black-and-white fuzz found on a television showing static. Their movement is like a foam or static that is continuous. This matter is found in all parts of the universe; at a snap of the finger this matter can appear on earth or on the other side of the universe, defying essentially the laws of physics and the laws of time. This matter defies the laws of time because it moves faster than the speed of light.

What is faster—the speed of thought or the speed of light?

Since we believe the soul or conscious is the smallest piece of matter, we must assume that it is the fastest moving pieces of light, traveling faster than the speed of light. Einstein theorized that matter or objects that move faster than the speed of light will essentially go back in time. In essence since time is linear, you would essentially be where time is going (future) and where time has been (past).

If you go far enough Into the future, you wIll enCounter the end; If you go far enough Into the Past, you wIll enCounter the BegInnIng. thIs Means that the BegInnIng Is the end, and the end Is the BegInnIng, an alPha-oMega ConCePt.

In essence what My Belief is saying is that the conscious is the smallest piece of matter, and it is all that matters when you die. Since this matter defies physics and the laws of time, when you die, you essentially return to the beginning of the universe or the end, which is the same place and where the collective conscious of everything living is found (Holy Spirit). Essentially the Big Bang is the collective conscious of everything living, including the spirit or soul of animals and to a lesser 175

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degree plants and organisms. This energy is the founding creation of everything in the universe, and the universe responds to it.

All living things, from human beings to microbes have varying degrees of spirit or conscious. Inanimate objects, however, return to the earth and over time burn out in the universe as spent carbon atoms or theorized “dark matter.” Since all matter can never be destroyed, it is re-created in one form or another. There is a catch, however; if you do not believe that your energy or soul will go anywhere (belief in God or supreme energy) you will essentially be “deleted” or consumed by the blackness and nothingness. People who believe in God continue to live forever in the light or heaven.

Remember that even our souls or consciousnesses have an origination. We are created intelligent; therefore, we must accept that the energy that created us is intelligent also. Just because we group together as a collective conscious, does not mean there is no God. For when we are all together, we are God, and this energy we live in and are created from is also that same entity at the beginning of time. The importance of being a believer in My Belief is to live forever; an unbeliever will get exactly what he wants, which is blackness and nothingness.

Imagine what kind of energy a belief in nothing promotes and creates. Along with believing, you acknowledge a collective attachment with every living thing and an entity that is greater than any man or the universe in its entity; this is called GOD. In order to be purified and forgiven (guilt free), you must feel the pain of everything you have caused to the creations you encountered. Some people will go through this earth to truly feel forgiven and to have felt the pain they have caused.

There are many different ways to name where we go: heaven, point of origin, supreme energy, source, etc. There is essentially no hell; hell is the pain you will go through in order to purify your soul. You will feel a great sorrow and sadness that will make you suffer. Remember many people will go through this sorrow and pain on earth and will not suffer this in heaven. In varying degrees of heaven or conscious, the attainment of the final peace with your creator and the collective, you will then be whole.

You must approach God and the collective in blameless purity, which is the reason to be purified for the pain you have caused others.

My Belief also acknowledges the fact that we are reborn and have 176

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lived past lives. This is where the concept of speaking in tongues may have originated—to speak in tongues you have spoken before. When we are young we pretend to be animals, play house, pretend to wage war, cops and robbers, etc. This is essentially the evolution of man, to be like an animal and evolve into modern man. This why many boys pretend to be soldiers, as mankind’s history is filled with wars. Chances are if you are a male, you would have fought in a war of some sort before.

Remember that the human brain has evolved with the body and has grown over time. This is also the reason our brains absorb more of our conscious over time, becoming less animal and more human or like God.

Early man’s mind was at one point the size of the medulla only. This is a nut-sized part of the brain that controls autonomous responses of the cardiac, respiratory, and vomiting responses. This is run by the subconscious, and when man was animal our brain was the size of the medulla only. Over time our brains began to grow like cauliflower over the medulla; man began to absorb a conscious/spirit/soul and became alive.

Similar beings on earth began to be filled the spirit also and life as we know it began to emerge. Over time we will eventually become like our true selves in heaven.

We become less dependent on our emotions and primal instincts and more like our true selves, learning how to control our feelings and emotions, which are sometimes primal urges given to us from our animal bodies. Meditation is a concept to achieve a connection with ourselves at the point of origin, or heaven. Since time is linear, when we are dead we have gone back to the creator or point of origin (0, 0, 0) the supreme number.

To return to the earth, we must once again become living light on earth. To do this we must come back on earth in the future as time and light travel forward. A belief in God is the key to immortal life as we are forever. One day when the earth is perfect, we will attain our true conscious and remember all the lives that we have lived; this will help us understand and show us how we became the people we are today, and will become in the future.

My Belief incorporates the views of all major religions on earth and believes that the supreme energy or point of origin is an intellectual being that governs the world with a sense of karma. This concept of karma originated from Africa, which is where the beginnings of man are said to have originated.


My BelIef

The application of karma is ruled by the laws of love and virtue.

The definition of love or to be loving cannot be given, and can simply be summed up as one who lives with virtue. Virtue is love; virtue cannot be given one simple definition. Examples of virtues are loving, kindness, truthfulness, compassion, caring, knowledgeableness, honor, justice, justice, honor, friendship. Karma favors the most loving people, and love cannot be manipulated.

For the reason we live again is to love each other, else what would be the reason be for living.

Some may ask why innocent and loving people die. Like Jesus, we are put on earth as a sacrifice. The world is growing continually; so we must assume that each death somehow contributes to the wellness of the whole. The death of that person will cause a chain reaction that will somehow help more people to survive; in essence no life is in vain. This concept is called chaos theory. We all are connected to each other and the entity called God which governs the earth by a principle of karma based on love and virtue. This is the supreme law of every religion on earth.

In short, My Belief encompasses the belief that the earth was formed according to the metaphoric interpretation found in the Bible, which is a handed down oral tradition given to us from tribalism. The world began to shape according to atomic density that is visible in our physical world. The lightest atoms and gases are found in the strato-sphere, and the densest atoms are found in the center of the earth.

We believe that the densest natural elements found on earth are plutonium and uranium. Plutonium and uranium put under the pressure of the earth will cause an atomic nuclear reaction (fusion and fission); this reaction will cause the core to soften the mantle and the crust will begin to move, causing tectonic plate movement. This would cause the striated layers to fault, which is why various minerals are found in all layers of the crust, contrary to atomic density.

The planets are also layered according to atomic density, although they have different atoms and number of atoms that have formed according to atomic density. The basic structure of elements grouping on earth can be assumed to be maintained on every planet, creating gravity and the oval shape of all planets and suns. The sun is also grouped and layered according to atomic density; however, it compromised of most-178

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ly uranium and plutonium, which is why the sun emits such a powerful energy and is so dense. The weight of the sun compressing such a huge amount of uranium and plutonium would cause a nuclear reaction so powerful that the reaction would last for billions of years.

To prove that the center of each of planet and star is formed with

“reactides” (nuclear atoms): each planet and sun emits gamma radiation which is caused by a nuclear reaction. In fact the core of our earth reacts and emits the same frequencies of radiation as the sun.

The earth’s mantle and crust filters most of the radiation; the earth’s electromagnetic field filters the radiation from the sun and universe.

Over time the reaction and faulting of the earth will evaporate the water (H2O) encompassing the surface of the earth. The evaporating water would create a breathable atmosphere (oxygen), as the vapor would combine and cause a bonding with the existing oxygen and nitrogen in the air. This would cause a probable oxygen content of twenty-one percent; nitrogen and oxygen would already be present in the atmosphere and the evaporating water would cause a reaction with the air, bringing about a breathable habitat. Once the moisture content reached a certain index, precipitation (rain) would occur.

Eventually over time plants and amoeba-like cells would begin to form in the water/ocean. Adverse reactions with the sun and earth would cause these events. It is a proven scientific fact that underground volcanoes caused by faulting, and a rock formation called serpentine mixing with the super heated water, causes amino acids to form, which are the basic building blocks of life.

These reactions would eventually cause chromosomes and chroma-tin to form, which would give rise to RNA and DNA, giving rise to the formation of celled organisms (plant and animal cells). Eventually evolution will give rise to the first animals coming out of the sea, made after the earth and plants. Evolution would cause like cells to group, creating the physical beings that are on earth today. When thinking of the possibilities of the exact chemistry occurring on earth and the balance of the universe around us, it is improbable that life exists elsewhere. Much like it took hundreds of millions of cells to form you (eggs and sperm), only one of you exists. The galaxy is compromised of hundreds of millions of stars and planets, but the mathematical probability of complete universal symmetry is improbable once; to expect it 179

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to occur again is even less probable.

The first humans would later evolve and receive consciousness, which is considered the first rise of man being blessed with the Holy Spirit in the likeness of God. Man would no longer function with animalistic intentions and give rise to ingenuity, morality, and wonder.

Man would develop systems of morality in the likeness of our spirit and this would give rise to the first concepts of religion or spiritual belief which is the foundation of morality.

My Belief acknowledges the fact that a belief in the energy, spirit, or entity that created us and the universe we live in will bring us rest and salvation at the end of our lives. A belief in this makes you a believer and you are entitled to be reborn and live forever. A belief in nothing will propel a negative energy and will cause your ultimate deletion into blackness and nothingness, as you believe you will receive that upon death. This is the recompense of the unbelievers.

Much like the darkness of space, the blackness and nothingness that surrounds the light are trying to consume it. Much like a black hole in the middle of galaxies absorbing light, if you believe in nothing, your soul (conscious) will be consumed eventually by blackness and nothingness. People who believe in nothing and blackness worship what is solely the world of man. These “worldly,” or “earthly,” things hold power and wealth as supreme and are without a moral base as they do not believe in God. Since man is a creation, worshipping earthly things will in essence create an idol out of it.

The most powerful people on earth are generally the politicians of the world. They are the Caesar, or Caesars, of the people. Ancient Essenes used to represent a number in scripture on the walls to represent the mark of Caesar, which is 666. There is also speculation that the number was originally 616, a number used to represent Emperor Nero.

If one was heard talking ill of Caesar, one could be crucified and suffer the extreme punishment. Many times people marked themselves with the numbers “616” or “666” to represent the Caesar so that they weren’t suspected of thinking or talking poorly of the Caesar.

Since the head of state, or Caesar, is put on every coin and paper bill, we can therefore say that the mark of the beast is in every hand of man and in their heads. Those that are antichrists believe that they stand in the place of the Christ and are more supreme than God. Many 180

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times these people worship money solely (the mark of the beast) and have no moral values.







Revelation 13:17–18 (NKJV)

Remember that believing in money ruling the earth instead of love will result in an evil propulsion of negative energy. A belief in God, which is proven, dictates a moral base of good, love, and virtue that propels positive energy. This is why believing in a greater being or entity is so important; it propels hope, love, and joy, which is the supreme governance of faith.

Our lives, along with the guidance of law and virtue, will enable us to become the perfect beings we will eventually evolve into. Much like how we grow in a lifetime, multiple lifetimes enable us to grow as a soul.

Eventually the goal is through revelation of God and the messenger that humanity will save itself from disaster and unite as one people, resulting in a caring and compassionate international community. Then we can make way for the next era of space colonization and explora-tion, learning more about the universe we created.

Remember that it is proven that thought affects the molecular structure of water. Human organs are comprised of eighty percent water (brain 75 percent, heart 75 percent, lungs 86 percent, muscle 75 percent, liver 85 percent, blood 83 percent). This is how we sense “vibes” when someone loves or hates you. You can feel the emotion being put out by the people around you. When you have chills or shivers run down your spine, it is the change in the molecular structure of your cells. Since we are a collective, negative and positive energy is propelled through the whole. When the world becomes more negative than positive, then the earth will be on a course for destruction.

If the world is more positive and loving, then it will continue to evolve into a higher state of being and understanding—a state that is higher in morality and spiritual being, one where we are all accepting 181

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of each other. Religion and spirituality are intended to guide humanity positively, and the doctrine mentioned in this text demonstrates the unity of all religions under the rule of one true God and religion—that is LOVE.

To live and love is the reason for our existence on earth.



Atom: The basic unit of life. The arranging and weight of atoms have been developed and included in the periodic table of elements. This is the common and most accepted way to arrange the atoms. Many of us had to learn this system in high school.

Big Bang: The post result of the grouping of all energy in the universe.

We are caught in a perfect “convection” or “balance” of push and pull forces enabling the universe to produce life in our galaxy. These forces are comprehended by the smartest physicists on earth, and are explained by complex mathematical calculation. The result of the Big Bang is the universe we now live in.

Electron: The tiniest particle visible to man through the use of high-powered microscopes. Electrons are found circling around atoms and are placed in “shells,” meaning that only so many electrons are able to fit in one shell at one time. The atom (chlorine, oxygen, carbon etc.) is the dependent factor in how many electrons will be in each shell. For example, oxygen has four electrons in the first shell, eight in the second, four in the third, etc. This affects the way atoms attract and bond to each other, creating the “things” and objects in the world and universe. Electrons play a huge role in quantum theory as their position is unpredictable and not governed by Newtonian theory/law.

Macro: Large. The term macro in this text means the world that our five senses can pick up (sight, smell, touch, sound, taste).

Man: Meaning Homo sapiens. In the text I refer to “man” as meaning both male and female. While some people may find this offensive, I urge you to replace it with whatever word is proper to you. Please to not have a bias against this use of the term man.

Matter: The energy contained on all levels (both macro and micro) of life. This is ranging from entire galaxies to single atoms; all things are compromised of and contain matter. Atoms are matter. Since things are 183

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atoms; things are therefore matter.

Micro: Small or mini. The term micro in this text means anything visible through the aid of a microscope—the world of molecules, atoms, and electrons.

Molecule: An arranging/joining of atoms which stick together to form a structure. For example, the molecule H2O is the bonding of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Together these atoms form a molecule; many of these molecules placed together form the substance water. Molecules arranged together form the macrospective world we see with our senses.

Example: 2 (hydrogen) + 1 (oxygen) = H2O (water); 1 (carbon) + 2 (oxygen) = CO2 (carbon dioxide)

CO2 and H2O are called molecules because they are a group of atoms bonded together, forming a structure. These molecules form the world around us; no single atom can be considered a molecule.

Newtonian Theory: A paradigm that has been proven to explain our “macro” surroundings. Developed from Sir Isaac Newton’s school of thought, this is where the development of physics originated (the apple). This school of thought is proven through the physics that is applied in everyday life (the creation of buildings, planets rotation, gravity, etc.) and has been around for the last 400 years, continuing to evolve and expand, although almost all of the laws and theories remain the same.

Paradigm: A school of thought applied to the workings of everyday life, a collection of thoughts, beliefs, and laws governing and explaining how life functions. It is possible; however, to have a paradigm as a religion. Paradigms are generally “bulletproof” theories that make up the majority of mathematical law in the universe.

Point of Origin: The originating energy of the universe. The collective grouping of all the energy from every single atom in the universe combined and joined together before the initiation of the Big Bang. The origination of this energy is unknown, and its collective ordering still remains somewhat of a mystery.

Quantum Theory: A theory used to help/attempt to explain electron and other subatomic particle movement, and the link of consciousness to the environment that surrounds us. There are many sub-theories involved in quantum physics to help explain the “link” between consciousness and the 184

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reality that surrounds us (some mathematical formulas have been derived); however, for the purpose of definition they will be included in the broad definition of quantum theory. Quantum theory is used to attempt to explain electron movement; however, no math is able to explain electron movement; it can simply give a probability of where an electron will show up.

Religion: A collection of ideas, beliefs, laws, and values shared and accepted by a group of people. These beliefs, values, and laws are deemed to be the word/thought of God. Similar to a paradigm however, the primary difference between a paradigm and a religion is a belief in God. A scientist who believes in God explained through science would have science as a religion. Therefore, this would make science a religion, and not a paradigm.

Atheists for example, who say they believe i

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