My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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In this chapter we cover marriage based on what I’ve experienced, observed and learned.


In this chapter you will also hear from my wife’s all their opinions will be written in italic the only difference will be the color that their thoughts are written in.


Diana my rock, she is red because even to this day she still makes my heart stop with just a smile. 


Roxanne she is green because my marriage to her signaled the start of a new life a new way of thinking and living.


Caroline is yellow because she is like the sun, warm, vibrant and you can’t help but gravitate towards her.


Jennifer is white because for me and my wives she represents purity and what it truly means to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.


The chapters or section in this part of the book will be based on questions I’ve received as well as comments and observations.