My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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3. Do You Have A Favorite 


Some people just won’t accept this as an answer and they always persist with this one question and the answer is yes. I do have a favorite and it’s all of them.


I’ll admit that it’s not like that all the time for example if it is mine and Diana’s anniversary then she is my favorite and for that week leading up to our special day she will be the focus of my attention. Now don’t get me wrong I won’t neglect my other wives I just won’t be as attentive as I normally am on that day because it’s her time.


The same for my other wives if it’s Jennifer’s birthday from midnight to midnight she is the center of my world and the other wives know this so on those days we try to keep the drama at a minimum.


The best way I can think of to describe this is that whoever I’m with at the time is my favorite.


Well unless it’s happening to you it is pretty hard not to feel jealous because on that day if it’s a birthday then if he was with you the night before he leaves your house at eleven o’clock and until the next day it’s almost as if you don’t exist to him. You there but you’re not there and his there but his not there. That’s the best way for me to describe it.


Diana’s description makes our husband seem like such an a-hole and the first time I experienced this I thought he was that too. Back then it was just me and Diana and it was exactly a week before their anniversary when he walked into my room, back then we lived in a four bedroom house and Diana and I had our own room, so he walks in and he tells me that for the next week all his attention will be focused on Diana and then he says that she is to have all my nights as well. I was angry and confused because I didn’t understand why she was getting this special treatment. Was it because she was the first or because she gave him a son and was pregnant with our second child while I still had to produce?


And when he heard this he looked at me like a kid who’d just been told that Santa doesn’t exist and he said it was because it was her anniversary. But I still didn’t understand it I mean the green eyed monster was working overtime on me, so he had to sit me down and explain to me that he was doing it this way because throughout the entire year Diana had to share him and his attention was always split between us but in that week leading up to their anniversary she deserved to have his attention focused solely on her and if I didn’t agree with him than I should let him know and he’ll try his best to find another way to make her feel special.


Well after he left I had some tough thinking to do, I realized that I was just being petty let me explain, Diana and John’s anniversary is three months before mine and my birthday which is in January is seven months ahead of Diana’s, and on my birthday he’d done exactly what he was planning to do with me but on a smaller scale.


He was spending the night with Diana when at exactly midnight he crawled into my bed, kissed me good morning and said happy birthday and for the rest of the day his attention was focused entirely on me and it was great, so how could I deny Diana that?


I love my family, I love my sister wives but when you get him all to yourself the last thing you want is somebody else intruding on that time. So when I heard of this practice I was happy because growing up I saw how my mother’s struggled to stand out in front of my father. Birthdays, anniversaries and even date nights were considered family time and the only time they got to spend alone with him was in the bedroom so I’m glad that John does this because three times a year you get him all to yourself and you don’t have to worry about hurting someone else’s feelings.      


Well I have to agree with Diana, it’s like he gets tunnel vision which is one of the reasons why I love him but you can’t help but feel jealous , it’s unfortunately one of those pesky emotions we get. It’s a very tricky situation it’s great when it’s you but when it’s not you it really hurts. And I have to give credit where it’s due the hurt is not because of what his doing but because of our own insecurities. When he is around all of us even if it’s your day he won’t show you any preferential treatment in front of us.