My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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2. Aren’t You Just As Selfish As Your Father?


The answer is yes, I am selfish look it’s like that Percy Sledge song “If Loving You is Wrong (I Don’t want to be Right)”, it’s the same thing with my wives if loving them is wrong then I don’t want to be right.


If loving them and wanting them to be part of my life is selfish than yes I’m selfish and proud of it too. See the thing people don’t get is that this is not some polygamist sect with me declaring myself as a “Prophet” who speaks to God and acts out on His instructions.


This is a marriage which happens to consist of one husband and multiple wives. In this marriage no one was assigned to me or forced to be with me. In this marriage all the women made the choice to either stay with me (Diana) or to join my family (Roxanne, Lina and Jennifer).


My wives are strong, smart, funny and beautiful. They had their pick of men out there and they chose me.


I’ll repeat it, they chose me. It was a decision made wholly and solely by them. I didn’t force them into it. If they had chosen to reject my offer to be part of this lifestyle I am confident they would have found somebody else to call husband and to bless with children. But they chose me.


Now back to the question, as I’ve said yes I’m selfish but unlike my father I don’t claim to love my wives equally because that’s almost impossible as humans it’s in our nature to gravitate towards something or someone at a particular time for a particular reason and they know this instead I always say I love my wives and I love them for different reasons.