My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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6. The Schedule


The schedule is something that all Sister Wives are familiar with because it tells you when you get to spend time with him and for how long.


Lina is the only one of us who came from a polygamous marriage and she said that normally the schedule is designed by the first wife and the other wives provide input.


In our home we all meet on Sunday to plan the schedule’s we’ll need for the week ahead and to be honest they aren’t really that many we have of course John’s schedule, then there’s the cooking schedule were we agree upon the dinner menu and who’ll prepare the desserts on which days and the Dining Hall’s cleaning schedule.


We each prepare our own breakfast and lunch except for Sunday’s when we have all three meals in the hall.


With regards to the schedule it’s really important to get along with your Sister Wives because you never know when you’ll need to trade with them.


For example when Roxanne was trying for a baby she asked me to give up some of my days because they were trying to fall pregnant and because we get along I said yes.


The only say he has over the schedule is when he wants to plan a vacation or an anniversary surprise.


The only other thing is that he needs to be kept aware of any changes in the schedule otherwise he throws a hissy fit.