My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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10. Sex


Yes sex is a part of marriage but it’s just that a part of it. Note how I said that it’s a part of marriage.


In this day and age sex for people is just that sex instead of being what it was meant to be the coming together of a man and women who have been joined together in matrimony.


Do I believe that you should have sex before marriage, hell no, someone who truly loves you and wants only the best for you then they are willing to wait on you, to accept you for who you are and if they ask you to change something about yourself it’s not because it benefits them but because by doing so you become a better person.


People use sex to justify a lot of things and I always say if you have to justify it then you know you’re doing wrong pure and simple.


When I was single and going through my self-help phase I had a friend who at any given time would have five or more girls just waiting on him to call and when he did call it was to obtain sex. He kept them all in line by promising the world and delivering absolutely nothing.


When I got engaged I asked him if he wasn’t ready to settle down yet and his exact words to me where, “why I can get everything I need without having the stress of trying to be faithful.”


Now back to the issue and its importance in marriage.


Sex is a big part of marriage because it is another way for a married couple to connect and when things don’t go right in this department it does start affecting the rest of your marriage.


Some people have suggested that my taking of multiple wives addresses this issue and I say that it’s complete rubbish.


If you have more than one wife you have to treat all of them equally so I can’t have sexual relations with one and ignore the other because we have issues.


Remember what I said about marriage: like with any job where you want to succeed marriage takes a lot of hard work.


So if things aren’t going well in the bedroom than you need to work at it talk to each other don’t be shy. Tell your husband or wife what is you need, what it is you want and how you think this can be achieved but remember that you are talking to a person and not some sex toy which lives just to fulfill your needs so be mindful of each other.


If you are afraid to deal with this yourself than don’t be afraid to ask for help.


3. You never know who or what the Lord will use to deliver a message