My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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9. Finance


I’d rather be rich in spirit and possess nothing. Than poor in spirit and have all the riches of the world at my disposal.


God will provide that was what my dad always said when we were running low on cash and we needed shoes or school books or we just wanted a toy so we could be like other children.


And while they were not always new what we needed and I stress the word because it is so important, I’ll repeat what we needed He always provided. See there is a huge difference between a need and a want and what we needed He always provided.


That’s why in our house we don’t pay too much attention to our financial situation. The land we live on is ours, the business is doing well, three of my four wives work and most importantly should I die I have taken out life policies which will pay out to them.


So yes we don’t pay too much attention to our bank balance. When Diana and I got married we opened a joint account and both our salaries were deposited into it. From that money we paid for the cars, the house, water and lights, we brought food and clothing, we had entertainment money, we saved what we could and I was responsible for dividing up the rest amongst us.


It’s the same with all my wives we have a singular bank account where money is deposited and from the that money we pay our bills, save and enjoy ourselves and as head of the household I am responsible for the management of the account no transaction can pass through this account without my direct knowledge and consent.


My wives trust me with their hard earned and because of that trust I will never ever misspend even a cent.


When we buy things for the houses we decide as a unit and then when we have free time I’ll take each of them shopping for what they wanted.


In this house there is no mine everything is ours.

For me combining my account with John’s wasn’t that big an issue my mom was a stay at home wife and mother and we lived on my father’s salary every month he’d hand her two envelopes with money in it and she’d use the one envelope to buy household items and the other to treat herself. So for me having my husband give me money to spend on myself is nothing strange or new. 


For me it was odd, something new and I was a hesitant (she screamed and shouted bloody murder) but then I relented but for the first six months I would be checking up on him like a hawk because when our dad left he took all the money we had. He insisted that my mother not work so she was completely dependent on him and when he left she had to pretty much start over. But I’m grateful because it taught us that trials and tribulations are just a stumbling block on the way to happiness. 


I don’t go out and work so generally when money was being discussed I’d stay out of this until one day Diana caught on to this and she confronted me on the issue when I told her why I remained silent she scolded me and told me that we were a family and family’s share and then she pointed out that I did more than my fair share of work because, I cleaned, cooked and generally spent more time with the kids then they did and that was more of a job than anything they had to do and I’d never felt prouder. 


When I joined the family I thought they were really lucky, my ex would take all of my money and I would have to beg him for money to buy household items and the worst thing for me at the time was that he didn’t work and that really bugged me, so when I shared all this with John he was very understanding and he said that if I didn’t feel comfortable than I didn’t have to and that reassured me and I trusted him with my money just like I’d trusted him with my heart and my children.