My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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Rules when Courting


1. Always be honest with each other, there is no such thing as a little white lie. A lie is a lie is a lie period.


2. Don’t keep secrets, I do not believe in them. A secret is supposed to be something that is not known by other’s something private but the thing I’ve found with secrets is that someone else always knows so how is it a secret? For me a secret based on what it is, is sometimes no better than a lie. 


3. Don’t have sex before you marry. People have asked me if my wives were virgins when I married them and I always they were to me. Remember what I said sex is a part of any marriage but it’s just that a part.


4. Be faithful. You can’t keep your eye on two pots in two different rooms at the same time. Somehow one of them will get burnt and if not both of them and you at the same time.


5. Don’t live together before you get married. Some people say that you need to live together before you marry so you can learn about your partner’s bad habits before you take that leap and I say rubbish. If you don’t know your partner by the time you get married you never will and besides can you ever truly know a person?


6. Try never to be alone together, that way you can never be tempted into committing a sin.


7. Learn to forgive each other. This is the time when you learn about each other including all the faults and if you can’t forgive the small things while you’re still dating how will you forgive the big things when you’re married


8. A Wedding is just that a day in which you celebrate the coming together of two families, a marriage is a lifetime commitment which should be celebrated each day.


9. Before you marry ask yourself what you are looking forward to the most, your wedding day or your married life and if the answer is your wedding day than you are not marrying the right person.

10. Keep in contact, if you can’t see each other then call but make it a point that you connect at least once in the day.


11. Don’t say it unless you mean it.


12. Keep your promises this is the time that you learn to trust each other don’t mess it up by not keeping your word.