My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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Courting Diana


If you remember I told you that Diana and I had our first date really at the church. During that time we promised each other that we would not see anyone else.


This is what a lot of people do when they start going out with someone they still have an eye open for the next best thing. It’s almost like hedging a bet, I hope I’m using it correctly, you have a bet but just incase it doesn’t work out you have a spare.


Tell me how on this green earth do you expect it to work.


If you are interested in someone then give them your full attention your relationship might work it might not work but if you aren’t focused on them then it will never work.


Every failed or wrong relationship is just a stepping stone on your way to the right one.


So Diana and I started courting and we’d see each other almost on a daily basis, sometimes we’d go to the movies, other times we’d go out to eat, other times we’d just take a walk or picnic in the park but my favorite was when we sat in her parent’s lounge and just talked.


During this period Diana and I were never alone together except for maybe in the movie theaters and even then nothing happened past us holding hands.


Diana and I shared our first kiss on the day of our engagement party and it was uncomfortable for both of us because our parents were watching us.


The first time we had intercourse was on our wedding night. Because that is what sex was meant for a sacred meeting of two bodies who’ve been joined together in holy matrimony.


With Roxanne it was different as I had to be a lot more careful because I was a married man and I had to be careful not to hurt Diana so my actions had to be more deliberate more thought out.


Which is why when Roxanne and I started courting Diana was aware of it, she knew where we’d be and how long we were going to be and I made sure that if I told her that I’d be home at ten, I’d be home then even if it meant cutting my time with Roxanne short.


I did this because I was trying to prove to my wife that I was trustworthy and that I would not do anything with Roxanne that would jeopardize what we had.