My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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Courting Roxanne


Roxanne and Diana are so different that at times I wonder how they get along so well. Where Diana was all about the down time and enjoying nature, Roxanne was all about the party and just discovering new things and I loved it.


The most physical Roxanne and I would get would be hugging each other at the end of a date and they were dates but at the same time I still had to pay attention to my wife because I knew that if I couldn’t give them both what they needed then I shouldn’t embark on this course of action.


When we both felt sure that this was what we wanted we asked Diana to join us on some of these dates. During those dates and even now I was not physical with either of them. I didn’t kiss them, I didn’t hold their hand I did not hug them.


I was just cool because I knew that if I kissed Diana, Roxanne would be jealous because that was a part of our relationship which was still off limits and if I showed any affection towards Roxanne then Diana would have every right in being outraged with me because she was not my wife just my girlfriend and something’s are meant as I said before for the sanctity of marriage.


Diana, Roxanne and I went out as a unit, Diana and Roxanne would go out on their own, a few times we had her over and she would spend the entire day with me, Diana and Moses the whole point of this was to see if she could live with us and also to see if she and Diana could get along not as friends but as two women who share a husband as Sister Wives. (I did the same thing with Lina and Jennifer).


So when Roxanne and I felt we were ready to marry I had to get permission from the two people whose opinion mattered the most to us her mother and my wife.


The first person I approached was Diana because this was going to affect her, the most she’d go from being my only wife to being my first wife. So I sat her down and I told her that Roxanne and I both felt that we were ready to take our relationship to the next level but before we moved to that level I needed her permission.


Yes that’s right I sought my wife’s permission to marry my second wife and she said no. I was bowled over; I mean I’d thought that she was okay with the idea after all she was the one who’d convinced Roxanne to start courting me and she’d seemed cool with the idea every time we went out. So what happened?


I told her that I accepted her decision and I would tell Roxanne the next day that it was over, when she stopped me and gave me that look she’d given the very first day we met.


“You have my permission but when you ask her I want to be there, I don’t care if you have to propose twice but when you do it I want to be there because it’s important that she knows that she’s not just marrying you but she’s marrying me too.”


I told her that wasn’t something that was practiced in Christianity and she laughed and told me that I knew what she meant, which I did. I guess people forget this when you marry someone you marry their family and their problems as well.


So I had Diana’s permission and it was really important to me that we get her mother’s permission and when she said no I wasn’t at all surprised and I told Roxanne that we’d just have to wait until she came around but she insisted that we get married that her mother would accept us sooner rather than later and even though I was bit hesitant we got married and she was right in the end her mother did accept our marriage in fact she’s one of our biggest supporters.