My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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A Man Needs To Be Needed


A man needs to be needed pure and simple. As humans we need something to believe in and we need to have a reason for being. This need exists far greater in a man than in a woman because it doesn’t matter how much women’s liberation has done boys are still taught that they need to be providers, they need to be strong and if they fail to do so then they are ridiculed sometimes even in their own homes.


Take me for example before I got married I thought I had fulfilled that need because I had a job (provider), I believed in myself and the power of me (reason for being) and I was engaged (protection and someone to provide for) but she left and I was left wondering and questioning who I am and that all changed when I met Diana because on that day I knew what my purpose was it was to be whatever she needed me to be.


Not all of us are meant for marriage example priests but even then you know what you’re purpose for being is to serve the Lord.


Back to me when my wives need me to play babysitter than that’s what I am, if they want a cook here I am and the same with my kids if they need a shoulder to cry on here’s daddy, if they need a playmate pick me.


Because I know by fulfilling those needs I fulfill my need of being needed and that for me is the only thing that matters.


You can have all the money in the world but if you aren’t fulfilling your basic purpose on this earth which is to be needed than you are just an empty shell.


A lot of my single friends don’t understand this when I say it so I always say that as a man you need to imagine yourself as a rudderless ship and until you find your anchor you will continue to wander about aimlessly without a place to settle, for me that anchor is my family and I would move mountains if they were in the way of my family being happy.


For other’s it’s their faith some have said that it’s their job and I say nonsense, it’s like those couples I told you about who work their butts off all in the name of their kids but their never see those kids.


The same with them their work sixty hours a week for what, a flashy new car, fancy clothes and accessories? If you have nobody to provide for then who are you working so hard for because when you die you can’t take it with you or can you?


If you are working for a purpose then it just fills you up with pride because you know that you are fulfilling your most basic reason for living to be needed.