My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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Most people need this but for a man once more it’s different, it’s not self respect that he seeks but the respect of other’s. I think that this is a rather sad aspect of being a man.


Remember what Jessica said to me when I worried about her reputation, she said that the only opinion that mattered to her was that of her husband’s.


And I’ve lived my life by this philosophy since then, so often when we do things we do them because so and so is watching and that is no reason for doing anything. When I buy a car for my father am I buying that car for him or for the peeping Toms and Julies behind their curtains?


This is why I say that the only opinion that should matter to a man is the opinion of those who know him nobody else’s just those who know him.


So for a real man the only respect he should seek and crave is that of his wife, his children, his parents and his friends. If he doesn’t have this than he has no respect no matter how much other’s out there might respect him.