My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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A Man Accepts His Responsibilities


Now we get back to the family, a family man is nothing if not burdened down by responsibilities and how he deals with those responsibilities defines the kind of man that he is.


I myself am faced with being a husband, lover and friend to my wives. A father, disciplinarian, councilor, cheerleader and friend to my children, an advisor, shoulder to cry on, a cheerleader, a wing man and a drinking buddy to my friends and I love it because it fulfills my basic purpose or the reason for my being here to be needed.


I always teach my kids that if you do something than you need to stand up for it whether it was right or wrong if you did the deed than you need to face the consequences.


I’m reminded of the time I confronted Jennifer’s ex with regards to him beating her up and threatening to take her children away from her. On that day I wanted to break one of my own rule’s and exact vengeance upon him but I didn’t and I told him a few home truths at the end of it all he backed off.


When we parted he knew that the only way he would be allowed anywhere knew my children and that’s what I told him on that day that from that day until the day he could prove that he was able to handle the responsibility of being a father then his children ceased to be his and were mine. Only after he’d proven himself worthy of the title father would he be allowed near my children.


Next we look at blending a family.