My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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So many of us do this we settle for less than what we deserve, you settle for a job, you settle for a car and you even settle for a wife or husband.




I’ll always be grateful to my first fiancee because she saw what I knew but refused to aknowledge that by getting married we would be settling for each other. Sure we loved each other but like Jessica said what we felt for each other was nothing more than a puddle left behind by the rain and what I feel for my wives is like all the ocean’s on this planet combined times a million.


People settle for many reasons, I can’t think of all them so here are a few:


a. You’ve been together for a long time and it’s expected.


b. You doubt yourself, take my wife Jennifer for example after she got divorced her self-esteem had taken a beating and she’d told herself that she’d never find love but she has. Jessica when she and I broke up she thought that she was never go to meet the right man for her and then she meets Tim. God will always give you what you need all you need do is ask.


c. You had a child with them and you think it’s the righ thing. If you marry for anything but love you cheat yourself of the joy that other’s experience and you cheat your child as well. (You’re not just parents).


d. You don’t think you’ll ever meet the one. God happens while you’re busy making plans. God’s time is His own. This just means that it will happen all you have to do is be patient and believe.