My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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Bride Price


The only reason I’m adding this is because during my research for the book I found some countries where before you marry you are expected to pay a bride price, plus I have a friend who originated from those parts and we’ve often gotten into heated debates over this issue.


Should a bride price be paid, yes but only if that is the culture of the land although the Bible does teach us to leave our old life’s behind when we take the Lord’s faith as our own but since we find it hard to do so let’s work on the assumption that as a prospective suitor you have to pay a bride price.


How much is too much?




Let’s explore this if I have three thousand available and my future wife’s bride price is ten thousand what must I do obtain a loan and start my new life with her in debt?


When he first told me about this custom I was taken back because to me it almost seemed as if that the men were almost buying their wives from their families but he explained to me that wasn’t the case.


In white culture it was often the woman who was sent to her husband’s house with a dowry because a girl child is a burden to her parents who have to ensure that she remains untarnished in the eyes of the world. A girl child cannot carry on the family name and not a lot was expected of her except to bear children which was why parents had to pay the man’s family. To show their gratitude to them for taking the child off their hands.


But in his culture the man pays a price to show the girls family that he appreciates the good job they’ve done with her.


Which is a real good thing because it helps you to appreciate what you have but for me if the price is set too high it dampens the marriage because until that debt is paid she is not really his is she?

And in the meantime they still have to start a life together and that is not cheap especially in this day and age.


How much is too much?